The oversized giant Demon Ox turned into a group of hungry wild beasts, and died silently on the battlefield of Acid Mist Canyon.

At this moment, Buffett finally understood why his mount did not respond to his call.

Bonotaus is dead.

With the sound of howling, his muscular body suddenly collapsed. One by one, the opening holes began to appear on the body of this powerful Tanari demon.

Kill… or say, the guys who swallowed the flesh and blood of the giant Demon Ox, like moths emerging from their cocoons, burrowed out of their bodies.

They were soaked with filthy demon blood; they showed their fangs and teeth, as if they were telling what they had just eaten.

What makes Buffett the most unacceptable is that these ferocious wild beasts, although they bear a dragon-like head, their body seems more like a jackal-that is what he hates most For thousands of years, he even slaughtered countless wolves tribes-wolves-like creatures, which always reminded him of his old rivals, that Yenogu, who was against Buffett.

“Are these guys connected with that jackal, or is this game simply a scam by Sdim…”

The devil is never the most vicious Thinking about others, the demon spirit lord is one of the well-known figures. As soon as he saw the canthus with a jackal-like body, Buffett started crazy brain repair.

He even began to suspect that the “virtual game god” Sdim invited him to come, he was an important part of another scam, and he was now in the old rivals hub.

Of course, what does this have to do with Ques not at all.

This magical beast, Jai Xuan, can actually be regarded as a creature he created indirectly, a powerful monster born from the remains of the Leviathan spawn killed by the worm demon.

A few months ago, after Ques fought with Hemtar, the worm tyrant who descended on the ashes world, he threw it into Bottomless Abyss to hunt down demons.

At that time, because of this behavior, Ques also received a gift of the will of the abyss, and received a treasure enough to make the demon lord level big demons covet.

A few days ago, when he returned to the plane of Acid Mist Canyon, he actually felt a familiar call in the dark.

Furthermore, compared to the one that was invested in Bottomless Abyss before, this magical beast has already multiplied into a race.

They wandered in Bottomless Abyss in groups, hunting down the Tanari demons all day long, and using them as their food.

Because of taking root in the abyss, the current Jairian has evolved into an “Abyss Species” creature.

Jai Xuan’s ability to conceal all or part of his body into Star Realm has also changed accordingly, becoming in the plane covered by the strength of Chaos, jumping at will without Subject to any constraints.

In this way, even though Stim blocked the acid mist canyon plane and used it as his play place temporarily, he could not prevent Ques from entering summon.

However, the ability of Ques to be able to summon gaze does not mean that he can make him work for himself for no reason.

In fact, in addition to the original giant beast, because it is considered to be the indirect creation of the young blue dragon, it will spontaneously respect its creator, the other giant beasts can only be at the most in their ancestor’s Under the order, he restrained himself from attacking Ques.

To make them obedient, they must be given certain benefits.

The so-called “gratitude for a meal must be repaid, and grievances must be repaid” is precisely the nature of this race, and Ques naturally knows it.

When he saw the badly wounded Bonotaus, the young Blue Dragon had a plan in his heart, and he began to call Jai Xuan to come “to the banquet.”

The “appetizer” of the banquet is naturally the giant Demon Ox.

After eating this Tanari, the Jairians immediately responded more eagerly to Ques’ orders. After all, they did benefit a lot by eating powerful demons.

Extend the hand points, point to Buffett who is glaring at him, Ques orders Jie canthus: “That is your feast.”

Those who heard this, Not only did they not resist, many of them also salivated-the more powerful the demons, the more they were appetite. Even if the opponent is the demon lord, the Jairans will not shrink back. This is an instinct when facing food.

Without further words, Ques gave the goal, and the Jairans rushed to Buffett frantically.

Just now from the damage caused by the blood armor mad demon’s “rotten maggot explosion”… and shock (the latter is more than the former), came back to his senses, the beast lord, once again fell into Great panic.

He couldn’t figure out why a monster of the abyss species was able to ignore the breath of a demon lord and impudently shine sharp and sharp teeth at it.

“You jackals who only deserve to eat carrion,” Buffett’s eyes flashed dangerous rays of light, “Really damn the race!”


Always pay attention to the game you set up, observe the progress of the game participants for the “ultimate overlord”, and watch the nine-headed demon dragon Dalamar and Ox Head Man King Buffett He couldn’t help feeling a little speechless at this time.

The two of them are obviously “closed beta users”, even if the game is really online, Sidi Mu will take care of them.

Not only has relatively superior developmental conditions been arranged for it, but also unlike the commanders of the Baator camp, they have to be harshly exploited at all times, and they are always in a dilemma that Gold Coin cannot make ends meet. .

But now, these two “closed beta users” were forced by the same game participant on the same day: one has been completely cancelled the game account; the other is also being forced to disconnect the edge of.

If it is for his own best interests, Stim needs to try to ensure that Buffett can become the ultimate winner of this game.

After all, he has made the Netherworld River vow before that he will bestow the priesthood related to the “maze” to the lord of the beast after the game is over.

When the time comes, the rewards of the game and this vow that needs to be fulfilled can be conflated, and you can pass the game if you get confused.

Who can imagine, now Ques, a game participant with innate talent, suddenly appeared, and his behavior-whether it is a massive use of the game Gold Coin or the establishment of a prosperity town to help it explode The liver, in fact, coincides with the core of the “virtual game” clergy in essence.

Not only couldn’t Stim feel bad about it, he even considered whether to give him some “small gifts” after the game was over.

However, if he doesn’t take action against Ques now, he will probably “bleed” once after the game is over.

The god of dignified “virtual games” has been dragged into a dilemma by the game he set up.

“Sure enough, the mud can’t help the wall.”

Looking at Buffett’s current situation, Stern thought helplessly.

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