Keton finally accepted Namon’s gift.

Those fallen wizards were all stored in their execution room by the chain demon commander who tried to evolve into the evil hidden demon.

After stepping back, two former colleagues started a long negotiation meeting in the audience room of Chain Demon Fortress.

“It’s really simple.”

Standing on the smooth floor with white iron, watching Keaton, each minding their own business hanging on chains from the ceiling, Namen sighed insincerely.

The latter just turned over and made a “crash-bang” chain crashing sound, but didn’t even want to add a chair to the guests.

This is also one of Batzu’s old routines. When negotiating, they will always spare no effort to use some small means to build some psychological pressure for the opponent.

“Why did you come to Xuesuocheng? If you only came to give me gifts, then I am sorry, my time…”

“…Whose time It’s not precious,” Namen choked, “But you are indeed busier than other demons. After all, you are busy studying and upgrading the Evil Hidden Demon while also dealing with the coming’Worm Tide’. Time is indeed very long. It’s hard to have enough.”

“Can your words be understood as a threat.”

Although it is a questioning sentence, it expresses affirmation. The face of the chain demon commander is covered by chains , People can’t see his expression.

“It’s almost one of Batzu’s instincts to speculate on the motivation of words,” Namen stretched out an index finger and shook it slightly, “but all students who can successfully graduate from the terrifying Academy of Nessus , We have long abandoned this rough instinct. We have all been specially trained to analyze the motivation behind the motivation.”

Seeing the other party’s silence, Namen shrugged helplessly, “threatening It’s mostly for the sake of profit. Please forgive me. What kind of oil do you think I can squeeze from you? Is it the execution chamber of Bloodslock City or the treasure cave of Minauros?”

” Wake up, authoritarian, team leader, pioneer jazz, uncle Bian… everything you have is not worth mentioning to me.”

“If you want to do it by harming you To grab benefits, I could have written your ambitions on a written report. Although there will probably not be any substantial rewards, at least you can be honored. If you add up, you may get the opportunity to advance.”

Using verbal skills, Namen ridiculed Keaton before continuing to talk.

“Speaking of which is very simple to find your purpose, but it is somewhat difficult to operate-I am here to provide you with a suggestion.”

Speaking of which, Namen Raising his hand, a faint fluorescence leaped from his fingertips, drawing a map in the air like a paintbrush.

The Sin Karma City, which had been swallowed by the Towing City, was relabeled. From a straight-line perspective, it was not too far from the Bloodsock City.

“Our two territories are closely related to each other.”

Namen made a gesture. Several devil fortresses appeared on the fluorescent map, but they were all marked with a fork. Sign.

“These are the fortresses destroyed by the tide of worms. Take a closer look and you will find that if you connect them to the city…” Paused, giving Keaton a moment to think about it, Namen continued to explain: “…Our two fortresses are also within the range of being attacked.”

“But your sin industry city is closer to those destroyed fortresses, so why not go back and organize defenses quickly “

Seizing the opportunity to gain the advantage of discourse, Chain Demon Commander Keaton immediately retorted.

The activation chains on his body popped out, and the destroyed fortresses were strung together on the map in turn, and then a knot was tied at the location of Namen’s Sin City.

“The wave of worms is closer to you,” Shrugged Namen said helplessly: “In fact, my sin city has been completely destroyed. It is already in Acid Mist Canyon. The plane is erased.”

I saw an array depicting lies in the room, but the chain demon commander did not receive a prompt at all—Namen did not lie, he just stated part of the facts— Sin City has been digested by the city’s gut, and his general flag has also been collected by Ques. Compared to this contract demon commander who has been judged dead by Stim, Tide of Worms is indeed closer to Keaton.

“Damn, you escaped, wait… You want me to be your shield!”

Thinking of this, Keaton immediately flew into a rage, “This cunning The contract demon, I want to kill you, this is my fortress!”

“I advise you to think twice,” Namen didn’t panic, “First of all, I can escape the pursuit of the worm Legion. Do you think that with your fort defense, you can definitely trap and kill me? Secondly, even if you kill me and take the flag, then the next target of the worm tide must be you. If I die, you will be attacked. On the contrary, If I live, if I see that your Bloodstain City cannot resist the attack of Legion the Worm, I will definitely choose to flee again. Then the Worm Legion will follow me and leave, and your Bloodstain City may also be saved.”

Seeing Keaton sliding down the chain to the ground, Namen knew that his strategy had taken effect: “This is a choice that both sides suffer. We can’t get any benefits from it. Of course, your loss. It will definitely be more than me.”

Speaking, Namen patted his loincloth, meaning that he only has these belongings-barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes.

But if Keaton believes him, he will really be hell, “Listen to you, I have other options, such as accepting your suggestion?”

“No Wrong, if you don’t try that suggestion, you will definitely suffer a great loss, but if you try the suggestion, not only can you at least have some stop loss effects, but it may also allow you to survive the tide of worms and even become the ultimate overlord. Throne.”

“What’s the suggestion?”-The fish has bitten the hook, and Namen secretly said in one’s heart, but there are still no waves on the surface.

“If you want to evolve into the Evil Hidden Demon, you must have a certain understanding of those ancient Baator species of Chain Demon, but I don’t know if you know the existence of Chain Demon creatures that are more advanced than Evil Demon, such as : The Queen of the End, the Seeker of the Skin, the One Who Accumulates the Skull, the Death of the Pale…”

“You are talking about the’noise lord’, which is similar to the nine Baator-level Batzu. The highest-ranking’chain bearer’!”

Perhaps because he was too excited, Keaton made the sound of iron chains rubbing like an ordinary chain demon when he said this.

“As an excellent clerical worker, I used to read a lot of books in the great library of the Academy, which is indeed an unforgettable experience, in the deepest part of Baator’s nine prisons. Hundreds of years.”

“I know a way that allows ordinary chain demons to have a certain chance to directly evolve into the most advanced “noise master”, and this method does have a successful precedent. The City Lord of Hit City, the Duke of Chain Demon’Screaming Voice’ successfully completed the evolution, but he finally defected from the nine prisons and went to the shadow world to hide until now.”

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