Two flowers bloom, one for each.

Just when Ques routinely “six fingers” without any psychological burden, the high level of Entropy City were all trembling with fear.

The reason why they were so frightened was because the head of the group Pant was angry at this time, which was very terrifying and terrifying.

In some planes, words such as “mother worm” and “Mu Yecha” may be used to describe more fierce female creatures.

Compared with Pant, the real “Mu Yecha” or “Mu Yecha” is very gentle, because she is a soul demon.

Only when she is standing, she is more than twenty feet tall, and she weighs more than many giant dragons even if they are grown up.

On the shoulders of his fleshy body like a Roshan, there is a head resembling a wild boar, and there are colorful lights flashing around his body.

At this time, Pant was already out of anger, and her curse resounded through the sky, covering every corner of the city of entropy.

Today is her birthday. For the cause of the decline of all things, she only has this day each year for her indulgence.

But this time, her happy time was so short, it didn’t even last until the early morning of 2nd day.

Suddenly bad news-something happened in the shipyard, forcibly broke the beautiful atmosphere today.

“That mad sheep idiot dared to do damage in the workshop that made the’soul engine’. Who gave him such courage!”

Following Pant’s roar, The colorful lights of his body all around kept shining, and the fear of Spiritual Qi went wild.

Suffocated by its power, many high-level deteriorating people shrank all over, not wanting to stay with this female soul judge for a long time.

It’s just that the large group leader didn’t speak, and they didn’t dare to leave without permission, they could only silently endure the continuous pressure on the spirit.

“Go and capture all those guys, I will peel them myself, fry their cream and drink!”

I heard the command from the boss , The leaders of these deteriorating people are all such as the amnesty, not even think, they immediately went to execute.

How great is it to do it directly? When did the members of the Doomsday Guardian be afraid of bleeding, it is much better than the two battles here.

Furthermore, the city of entropy of the Twelve Trees is their home ground for many years, and the strongest dragons can’t overpower their local tyrants.

Unfortunately, this is just wishful thinking.

Suppressing the local tyrant can only show that the dragon is not strong enough. It cannot be said that the giant dragon is not strong enough-there is always a stronger dragon that can cross the river.

Of course, they will have to wait until the arrogant soldiers are beaten up so that they cry and cry. Then they will recognize what the real Raptors are.

Fortunately, they will not wait too long.


Following the order from the head of Pant, the entire city of entropy boiled up, and several military camps stationed in the city started violent troops at the same time.

Those deteriorating bosses used fists or spells, and it didn’t take long to wake up the drunk subordinates during the festival.

Without wasting any time, I immediately urged them to the shipyard and conveyed the “teachings” of the leader to everyone.

“I would rather kill by mistake. If the half-goat pharmacist is released, everyone is ready to meet the final decline in advance.”

So, in the Twelve Trees In the beautiful dawn of the plane that is different from other planes of Bottomless Abyss, black clouds suddenly rise.

In order to save one’s own little life-although everything will eventually die, it is better to let others practice it first-these deteriorating people flock to the shipyard in the city center. They have already settled and paid attention to the fact that none of the workers inside are ready to leave today.

Oh, there is only one exception. The guy who presided over the “engine research and development workshop” found out and handed it over to the head of the team.

After all, the City of Entropy is just a fortress, even though it is indeed larger than the capitals of certain material planes, but at the marching speed of the Deteriorating Legion, it only takes a tenth Within an hourglass, the entire shipyard was completely enclosed.

There are many deteriorating people who can fly, such as Fro or Owl, and they have even discovered the goal of this trip-through a crystal dome on the top of the shipyard, they see Also set their sights on the three fellows of the deteriorating Legion.

The crazy half-goat man, the unfamiliar human adventurer, and the seemingly powerful half-creature of the construction, they are occupying the research room of the craftsman, and the owner there is nowhere to be seen.

“Legion on the ground enters through various gates, searches each workshop one by one, and lets the workers enter the final decline in advance!”

“If you have the ability to fly, don’t attack the crystal. The domes all landed on the top of the shipyard and attacked from the vents!”

Because they know something about restricting clansman, or the “anti-chaos barrier” that protects him, the leader of the worse Asking the subordinates to attack the crystal dome, they all know that it is a high-end product that the large group commander has spent a lot of money to get, and ordinary attacks can’t break it.

Furthermore, breaking the crystal dome rashly may cause the death of the curious engineer. Now Pant is in a state of anger, no one wants to touch this mold.

So, the deteriorating people flying in the sky like a dense swarm of flies landed one after another, trying to detour from the ventilation duct to launch an offensive.

Many guys with noisy nature, regardless of whether Ques and the others in the “anti-chaos barrier” can hear or not, they cursed loudly and made death threats at the same time.

Ques of course will not be moved by it, but Puwu and Shay who are standing next to him are very worried, for fear of falling into the hands of the deteriorating.

“What skills do you have, you’d better use them immediately,” the half-goat man said, half-worried and half-feared: “Trust me, you will never hope…”

“… …Reassured,” Ques interrupted his words, and then reassured: “It’s just fighting to shake people. We are not without help.”

As if to respond to his words, in those Among the deteriorating team, a Cambion demon suddenly turned back.

Just a short time, there were many corpses smashed to death around him, and the offensive on the ground battlefield was suffocated.

The leaders of the aggravators discovered the situation, and they had no time to figure out why someone suddenly turned back, so they had to dispatch a few mad warriors to suppress the riots and eliminate the culprits who caused the riots.

And that messed up Cambion demon, when facing the mad war demon rushing towards him, he was surprisingly calm.

He swung the knife directly backhand, slashing his throat with the blade, ending his life, and at the same time completing the final step of blood sacrifice.

All the deteriorating people who died tragically, and the last demon of Cambion who committed suicide, their remaining bodies exploded instantly in place.

With the series of sounds of “peng”, “peng”, and “peng”, a disturbing and obscure atmosphere suddenly appeared in the deteriorating Legion.

The other incarnation of Wuan Prince-the incarnation of the acid mist canyon plane has not been evacuated-with his own “razor” team, across the Otherworld Gate opened by blood sacrifice, descended on the tenth The city of entropy of two trees.

In Bottomless Abyss, the demon lord is a more “deserved” local tyrant compared to the guards of the doomsday.

PS. The following words are not counted.

A discussion group for the works of “The Scales of Eternal Order” has been established 618382262, welcome everyone to come and discuss! At present, I have drawn a cartoon outline (partial), introduction of easter eggs, historical knowledge related to the content, and the author’s daily life in the group. Book friends who want to see more behind-the-scenes creations, hurry up and join!

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