Not only the Bottomless Abyss, but the Netherworld River flows through all planes of the Lower Realm, at most the difference between the tributary and the main road.

The same is true for the Twelve Planes of Trees, and this tributary is located near the City of Entropy, where the Doom Guardian boats are also anchored.

If you were standing next to the Ferry Boat, after Shay started the soul engine, the ship looked like it had moved into the Netherworld River.

But the actual situation is not the case, although it seems to be on the tributary of the Netherworld River next to the City of Entropy, rippling slowly and disorderly.

Ques, who is staying on this ferry boat, has the most say in this. When the soul engine starts, he feels carefully throughout the process:

It’s like being squeezed into a bottle. Like the oak plug inside, the cylindrical ferry boat followed the soul chain and entered the tributary of the Netherworld River.

It’s just that this tributary is not the other tributary—not the one next to the city of entropy—the coordinates of its space have crossed the plane.

“Is that so?” The young blue dragon immediately noticed something, “You can’t let this opportunity pass, you have to experiment.”

Resoluteness and action have always been Ques’s. Two advantages. Speaking of experimenting, he will put it into practice immediately.

The ferry boat floats on the Netherworld River. Although it looks wobbly, it is not in danger of overturning due to the internal damper.

Opening the top watertight door, Ques got out, stood on the deck of the ferry boat, and then paced to the side of the ship.

“You can’t jump directly. Netherworld River is said to have the function of washing memory. Soaking the whole body in it may cause danger.”

After thinking about the countermeasures, he supported it with one hand. The ship’s gunwale stepped out, but not at all jumped.

Due to the construction method and the choice of materials, there are many irregularities on the side of the ferry boat.

With the help of these raised places, Ques climbed down with his hands and feet together, moving a little bit near the water line.

The reason why spell, force field abilities, or psychic abilities are not used is because the following experiments may impact consciousness.

In case when the time comes suddenly black, it may fall into the Netherworld River, so Ques will choose to climb a little bit.

Because they are flying creatures, giant dragons are a bit similar to birds. Even if they fall asleep, they will firmly grasp where they are resting.

In this way, even if Ques loses consciousness, as long as he finds a foothold in advance, he does not need to worry about accidentally falling into the Netherworld River.

So, when climbing near the water line of the Ferry Boat, the first thing he did was to find a bulge that he could stand on.

After that, Ques bends down to extend the hand arm, plunges his palm into the scarlet’s Netherworld River, and feels it quietly.

After touching the water of the Netherworld River, the first thing he felt was the mental fluctuation of disordered and in a mess, but this consciousness was not considered active.

Ques was not surprised by this, because it is very consistent with an ancient secret in its race inheritance.

That is the secret story about the birth of the “Heart Demon” race.

According to legend, in the ancient times, a certain Tieflin Empire was converted to a kind god, so it gradually left the Baator camp.

But how can the demons of the Batzu clan tolerate this betrayal? They sent Legion to bloodbath the Tiflin Empire.

The devil is notoriously ruthless and has no mercy for his heirs. After slaughtering the population of the Tiflin Empire, the precious souls were turned into soul prisms. Tieflin’s brain was also poached by the demons.

They were piled up on the 8th floor of Baator Nine Hells, Carnia, and the demons merged them together to create the “primary brain”.

This powerful spell creation combines the brains of thousands of Tifflins, so it has extraordinary computing power.

The lord of the 8th floor regards it as his own help, and often seeks advice from the “primordial brain” before making evil decisions.

Perhaps it was the residual pain, or it was immersed in the conspiracy atmosphere of Baator’s Nine Prisons, which secretly planned revenge.

Undoubtedly, the target of “Original Brain”‘s revenge is the Batzu demons, but its plan was finally revealed.

Because it concerns the entire race of the devil, not only the 8th floor lord Mephisto, but even the existence in the depths of Nessus is out of anger. Several devil grand princes rarely unite and use the powerful plastic energy spell spell to completely destroy the “primordial brain”.

What exactly is the plastic energy spell they use, it has not been verified. But the consequence of the spell of the plastic energy system-due to the withdrawal of a lot of energy and breaking the balance of the plane, Kania will become the frozen country like this now-permanently changing the climate of the entire layer of Baator Nine Prisons , Enough to prove how terrifying the formidable power of the spell can be.

Under such a spell, the “primordial brain” naturally has no reason to survive. It’s just that after its collapse, although all the brain tissue was collected by the demons and burned into ashes, there was a slight omission when dealing with the ashes.

Some lazy-but in fact it is very likely to be hinted by the remaining consciousness of the “primordial brain” in the ashes-the bottom devil, when sending the ashes to the Land of Sealing at the bottom of Carnia, In order to save trouble, dump it directly into the Netherworld River.

So, the surviving brain cells escaped to heaven along the river that runs through the entire lower boundary. Although due to the spell of the devil, they cannot be aggregated into a huge “original brain” again, but gathering in a small area can still be achieved.

In the end, these brain cells that escaped in the ashes evolved into the “brain pool”-the birthplace of Heart Demon. (When the demons realized this flaw, the Heart Demon race had developed a huge empire in Star Realm. The Batzu devil took a lot of effort to let the Gith learn to use psionic energy, and then overthrew the Heart Demon empire. The rule.)

So today, affected by the ashes of the “primitive brain”, the Netherworld River still exudes strange spiritual energy fluctuations.

Knowing the reason, Ques will naturally not be too surprised. However, he also tried to shield all the psychic powers gathered. Because what he was looking for seemed very obscure, interfered with psychic powers, and there was no way to feel it exactly.

“Almost,” the young blue dragon fiddled with it twice, ripples on the Netherworld River, “There is always a very familiar feeling, but with physical barriers, I feel some seeming right but actually isn’t .”

Thinking of this, Ques decided to test it again. So, he secretly mobilized the Sun Crystal within the body, the energy contained in it gradually overflowed the body, especially the arm with a high concentration of energy, gradually turning into a pure energy body.

“It should be possible.”

Ques immersed the entire arm of the energy in the Netherworld River.

PS. The following words are not counted.

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