Towing the city tore the central front of the demon Legion into a deep gap, Batzu’s warriors attacked from the two wings together. Those high-ranking worm demons occasionally counterattack, but the demons can respond with ease.

Until the acid mist Giant Insect suddenly appeared, these huge worms lay on the road of New Prosperity Town, like a continuous mountain range, very insurmountable.

The Baator Legion stationed in Tow City, naturally would not allow it to attack the fortress. Those 3,200 Hellscreams all aimed at the newly-appearing Acid Mist Giant Insect, using artillery fire continuously. “Baptism” touched their bodies, beating them to pieces.

However, these huge worms are like earthworms. No matter how many pieces are divided, each piece can always grow into a smaller spawn. Not only that, these guys have no fear, even if they are ravaged by artillery fire, they will continue to attack Tug City. This increased the pressure on Legion, the demon in coordination, and the Batzu fighters began to suffer a lot of losses.

“The Creation of Purgatory!”

Faced with an acid mist Giant Insect spawn that rushed towards him, the Captain of the Barb demon raised the edged knife and pointed it at the other side. The head of the circular sawtooth pierced violently. At the same time, he also used the innate talent of the Barb Demon to add the “Purgatory Creation” ability to the weapon.

The nerve center was pierced by the edged knife, and a large amount of body fluid began to spray out from the triangular wound. This jellyfish tried to seal the wound with strong muscles, but it didn’t work. As the body fluids passed by, it could only wither to the ground.

“Fire technique!”

The Barb Demon Captain took out a badge-this is after mastering the Miser Energy Core, Ques unified all Small Captains for the Devil Legion Equipped with the spell creation-activated the etched spell, the summon fired out a big torch, and burned the body to death.

It seems that this action is clean and tidy, but in fact, this is the experience he summed up after paying several lives.

When facing the spawn of Acid Mist Giant Insect, many low-level demons often cause insufficient damage at one time, so they are resisted by the opponent with strong regenerative ability, and then they are sharp. In the bite of his teeth, he was infected with poison and died tragically.

What’s more deadly is that some “bulk” spawns are larger, because they also have complete worm and demon bodies, so they can also use certain types of you can’t guard against it. spell ability. Such as teleportation, impaired abilities, gasification forms, etc., if used properly, it will really make the warriors of the devil Legion completely unprepared.

“You can’t let those guys recombine monsters.” Gazing at the real-time battle on the crystal screen, Ques made up his mind. He raised his hand and clicked twice before issuing the latest instructions, “Put all The Golem Legion, the target is the place where the monsters merge.”

Then the humanoid blue dragon stood up, took the dragon head Warhammer placed on hand, and strode out the door.

And Shay, who received his order, immediately became too busy. In this war, the remnant of the master craftsman played a huge role. If it were not for him to operate it himself, the core engine of Towing City would not be able to run as high load as it is now.

With the information sent by the casters, Shay used the dynamic coordinate system he established to accurately anchor the location of each ceremony, and then accurately calculated the golem place The required angle, steam pressure, and other factor values.

Under his precise control, the golems encapsulated in the crates, without exception, all hit the target location, giving the worms and demons an unexpected “great gift” “.

In order to ensure foolproofness, in addition to the clockwork golems used as the commander of the battlefield, each target location is equipped with several iron golems for attack and defense.

When these iron-cast robots stand, they are four times the height of an ordinary person. They act with the tendency of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Just walking will make a big earthquake tremble. Each iron golem is wrapped in heavy cast iron armor, holding a giant sword and a shield in each hand. Since the outer shell has been etched into the array in advance, these strong structures are always surrounded by raging flames .

If they are trapped, in addition to using physical means, these iron golems will also use breath attacks. Its within the body is filled with “Dead Cloud Technique” gas liquefied by high pressure, and only by opening the valve on the body surface will escape into the surrounding air.

With these war weapons that are good at attacking and defending, coupled with the command of clockwork golems, as well as those fierce and unafraid of death, flesh and blood golems who dare to launch suicide attacks at any time, The worm demons swallowed each other and merged into the acid mist Giant Insect. The failure rate increased rapidly, greatly reducing the offensive pressure on the city.

Many worm demons have chosen to retreat. Originally, under the arrangement of the disaster group, they wanted to retreat first to establish the Defensive Array’s rear array, but they were shocked from behind.

“Get out of the way, don’t block the uncle from walking!”

“Walking? I’m afraid it’s not running away.”

Luo Mo quarreled. Fly into a rage out of humiliation, the fascinating demon flying into a rage out of humiliation fiercely smashed Flo into a rage out of humiliation. Naturally, Fromo was not to be outdone, the nails on his claws suddenly turned over and flew towards the miracle.

At the same time, each fingernail grew to more than a foot, piercing the opponent’s body like a sharp spike. Fromo rubbed his fingers, and new nails had grown from his fingertips, and the wounds on the body of the miracle began to rot and purify quickly.

Miyoumo yelled in pain, and a raging fire ignited in his eyes, and he angrily said incantion. The Fromo, who was still triumphant, melted and peeled off like a candle, and scattered all over the floor along with the filthy feathers.

“sou” ……

In the haha-sized fascination, an arrow that has fallen into the majority suddenly appeared on its majestic latissimus dorsi, his laughter wildly It stopped abruptly, and then fell to the ground on his back.

“Don’t waste the venom of the Demon Hunter Spider!”

A guy who was wrapped in a phantom cloak whispered at his companions around him, they all wore the same clothes , In the eyes of those worm demons, they are like their own kind.

“The fascination demon keeps the true knowledge technique,” the guy who is obviously playing the hidden bow, just explained one sentence, and then stopped saying more.

But this explanation obviously worked. The guy who seemed to be the captain didn’t continue to scold him. He just made a gesture and asked all the squad members to quickly follow up and get mixed in with the routing worm demon. , Stealth towards the enemy’s large rear.

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