The mayor of Soft Maple City smiled, not smiling. “You mean it’s at the Maple Leaf Gate?” He asked in a low voice.

The mercenary group bowed graciously, “Yes, my lord. We shot his horse and he stopped.”

“Then, you are almost there. I was sent here directly,” the mayor looked down towards Weiser, blinked, showing a smile that could be described as crafty, “Is there anything else to say? For example, about your horse pack What’s wrong.”

There are rumors that once the mayor’s office building, an entire wing room was filled with clerks, busy with proofreading and updating. The intelligence sent by the detective agency carefully organized by the mayor was stacked as high as a hill.

Wither does not doubt this statement at all, and he has more discoveries: Just now, he glanced at the balcony in the direction of the reception room, rushed over, trying to break free The cage-and then the arrow of the crossbow “sou”.

The arrow hit his leg, and now the hero of the soft maple city was trembling with pain.

The mayor used the hand with the gem ring to support his multi-layered chin, and he stared at the prisoner with his beads-like, small and round eyes.

“Listen to the kid,” he said: “Tear up previous contracts, usurp the leadership of legal guilds, use large amounts of gem coins of unknown origin-I have enough reason to suspect that these are fake coins- —By the way, the dead horse is also counted on your head.

Well, that’s about it, Wither.

If I were a judge, then I You will be sentenced to hanging. Or you will say that I am not a judge, but I want to tell you that the judge was appointed by me.”

This is too much.

“I bought the horse a fair deal!”

“But you are using counterfeit money, which is technical theft! I even question you as the thief! Professional ability.”

“But those gem coins are solid opal green, and those who accept them have no doubts.”

“opal green,” City Holding a long jewel coin, playing it between each finger with a flexibility that is inconsistent with its stubby fingers, “Interesting, it seems that you have made a good friend and know some new things. I am. I thought that a guy like you has only used soft maple brown gemstones in your life. But, did you know? Opal green gemstones are dwarf agents, and they only give discounts to the Chamber of Commerce every year, which is a large amount A special currency that will only be used in transactions.”

Wither’s mouth grew wide, but after thinking about it, he stopped it well, so he closed his mouth firmly again.

“You deserve it. Your greatest sin is to betray the master of your city in a despicable manner, unwilling to show him the precious virtue of honesty. You are morally corrupt, you are shameless, You can’t see the reality. You understand? Idiot.”

The mayor waved his hand, and the two mercenaries standing behind Wither immediately drew his knives. He suddenly felt something cold Something touched his neck. “Of course,” the mayor continued: “I can also show favor.”

“You said.” Wither quickly replied.

The mayor waved again, and the mercenaries all left the room, leaving only Wither and him. “Come here, idiot,” the mayor said to Wither, not caring about the injury on his leg and the possibility of the thief’s violent injury.

“Would you like some rock candy jellyfish? Do you want to eat it?”

I glanced at a bowl of frozen meat on the agate table in front of the mayor, “Uh… “Wither or, “No need.”

“So now, I hope you hear everything I say,” the mayor said gently, “otherwise you will die. It must be one This is a very interesting way to die, and I promise you won’t be killed right away. Please don’t shake it like this, it makes me dizzy.”

“I try my best.”

” Very good, as the third thieves in the past, the second thieves under old Charlene, now the first thieves, Mr. Wither, you must have some interpersonal relationships that a decent person like me does not have…

For example, with the rebels outside the city, the pirates on the sea, and so on. What is the origin of the new guy who came to Soft Maple City? Why would he help you deal with Charlene, and he Why do you have so many opal emerald coins in your hand?

One question, one answer. Now…Please show your honesty.”

Wither nodded, It’s just that he didn’t answer the first and third questions, but started from the second question: “Charlen is not a human being, he is a monster, he is an arakkoa that lurks in the city of Soft Maple as an undercover agent.

In short, that Charlene is a running dog under the command of the emperor, his wife, and the Ten Tribulations. And that Mr. Ques, who came to Soft Maple City, his origin is not quite clear to me, but he claims It’s the Chief-In-Charge of the Chamber of Commerce called “The Scales of Eternal Order”.

At the same time, this Chamber of Commerce is also an organization that has been passed down from ancient times. Their mission is to hunt down unnatural monsters. Make sure that the emperor, the lady and the ten tribulations will not return in a swirl of dust.

As for why he has that many opal emerald coins in his hand, according to his statement, the sea Many of the chambers of commerce have also been infiltrated by monsters.

In the process of hunting those monsters, they destroyed a lot of merchant ships. Those opal emerald coins were derived from those merchant ships. The property seized on the ship.

Also, the reason why I bought a horse is actually because of the suggestion of Mr. Ques. I wanted to take Charlen’s body out of the city and burn it quickly. In order to prevent more people from discovering the fact that he is a monster.

Doing that is to prevent the residents of Soft Maple City from being alarmed, and at the same time not to beat the grass to scare the snake, which is convenient for Ques Sir, they follow the vine to find more monsters.

My lord, I am sure, sure, and must be doing good deeds—whether to you or myself—but the first time in my life to do good deeds, I was turned into a bad person by no means. You judge, am I a little wronged? “

Listening to Wither’s answer, the mayor slowly sighed in relief. He stuffed his fat body into the high-back chair again.

In fact, this answer It made him very satisfied.

The spy report that he had an interest in cooperation with Charlene was killed by Weiser, he was a little suspicious at first, and at the same time felt sorry for some unfinished contracts. Only when the investigation was deepened and he discovered that Charlen’s body was not a human, but a monster, the mayor could no longer sit still.

The reason why he has today’s status, It is not to say how good his administrative management skills are and how well he manages the city of Soft Maple. His power is based entirely on his own reputation and the support of the Temple of Hyronis.

If someone finds out, he might have colluded with a monster, even if he didn’t know Charlene was a monster, then everything he has now will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Moreover, the mysterious businessman who helped Wither wipe out Charlene turned out to be large opals and emeralds, which made him feel a little uneasy.

He was worried, that Will the person be a certain agent of the dwarf. And did the dwarf find their administrative negligence, and then send someone to solve the problem, and accidentally found a monster.

That’s why he sent mercenaries, took Weser back, interrogated him personally, and got the first-hand answer.

“Very good, very good. According to your statement, their group is a group of pirates,” the mayor crafty blinked at Wither, and then asked: “You know, Soft Maple City has only one truth in dealing with pirates. Only the pirates who survived under the gallows are qualified to defend themselves. Then please tell me where that Mr. Ques is now. “

Hearing him say this, Wither’s face changed suddenly, “Am I an idiot?” You fat pig is the real idiot! “

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