The mayor of Cuimu City rode out of the city’s iron gate. The horse under his crotch looks like a thoroughbred, it saves the tall, strong, energetic, smooth and red body like a painter’s perfect interpretation of a BMW horse.

The mayor’s luxurious attire, red and yellow brocade robe, white ribbon, badges carved out of various gems dotted on the velvet jacket waistcoat. It’s like a moving treasure house, no matter where you stay, it will be eye-catching.

He seems to be only in his thirties, with a cold face and a kind of crafty in his eyes that only old people have. His hair is darker than night, and he wears a trimmed tricorn hat with white ostrich feathers. Wherever he goes, everyone will automatically make way for him.

To match his image, the mayor also followed two riders. They were wrapped in black clothed black trousers and black leather armor. The horses sitting down and the horse saddle bridles were also black. One of them was holding a black spear in his hand, and the spear head was made of black steel. A person from the two outsiders carried a big horn on his back, and was undoubtedly painted with black paint.

Riding horses along the stone pavement in front of the gate, the mayor of Cuimu City walked in front of a group of envoys in blue armor. They first saluted slightly nodded, and then said to each other: “Welcome Lanfeng Everyone from the city, come, excuse me for not going out to meet you, and invite Haihan.”

“Also please move to Yingpan at the foot of the mountain. Red pine, black willow, Lanfeng, Cuimu Si The city union ceremony is about to be held.” The leader of the envoy took a step forward, bowed deeply, and told the mayor of Cuimu City.

When the opponent nodded agreed, he walked to the mayor of Cuimu City according to the etiquette of the alliance, grabbed the horse’s bridle, and personally led the horse forward. The two Dark Knights followed closely from behind, staggering less than half a horse from the mayor. Then, followed by the personal soldiers of the mayor of Cuimu, they are all elite soldiers selected from the guards.

The road down the mountain is paved with stone slabs, and every few hundred yards there is an outpost of Cuimu City. When the team passed by, the sentinel immediately stood up straight, raised his chest and raised his head to send a blessing to the mayor, which was full of style. In the continuous sound of prayers, this team dragged its tail, Shi Shiran walked down the mountain at a moderate pace.

A camp has been erected in the empty field under the mountain, and the flags of the three cities of Red Pine, Black Willow and Lanfeng have been hung on the flagpole in front of the camp. When the mayor of Cuimu came to the front, the green pennant that symbolized Cuimu began to rise slowly. When his team stepped into the gate of the camp, the flags of the four cities had been raised and fluttered in the wind.

“Mayor Green!”

Waiting for the other three mayors in the middle of the camp, seeing the mayor of Cuimu City arrive, they greeted him from a distance. Although these few of them don’t often meet each other frequently, they are not unfamiliar with each other because of the intersection of interests in urban trade. This time I came here, at the invitation of Green, to discuss the affairs of Huimeng and rush to help Ruanfengcheng.

“Let the three gentlemen wait for a long time. Don’t be surprised, please do Haihan.” City Mayor Cuimu dismounted, walked to the other three mayors, and greeted them.

“Where, where, please come in quickly to discuss the affairs of Huimeng.”

“Yes, yes, now the news from Soft Maple City, let The business is seriously damaged and must be dealt with quickly.”

“It is extremely, it is extremely…”

When these great characters were still polite, there was something out of date. The cough suddenly sounded, and forcibly interrupted their words, “If you are still so dily-dallying, the soft maple city is really precarious. Your lips are dead and your teeth are cold, sirs.”

“They are who Why are there several half-giants in the camp?” Mayor Green looked at the big man who had just spoken, his face was obviously a little ugly.

As the ruler of a mountain city, the Lin Family clan has been enemies for generations against the hill giants who tried to looting the city of Jadewood. It is their responsibility to hunt down giants on the hills. If the heir of the family wants to become the mayor, then this Green must complete a hunt alone before his eighteen-year-old barge, and bring back a complete scalp of the hill giant as a saddle pad.

The current mayor of Cuimu City, this Green has naturally hunted and killed ceremony. Moreover, due to the hatred of generations, the Greens also reported hostility towards other types of giants that were distant relatives to the hill giants, or creatures with giant bloodlines. They don’t like everything related to giants. So when he saw Goliath, he thought he was some kind of half giant.

“Pay attention to your mouth, boy,” a Goliath with gray skin and dark or light markings walked out from his partner. His neck, shoulders, and arms are covered with cobblestone-like lumps, as if he was born with a layer of armor made of skeletons and thick skins, “We are not dirty half-giants, we are the sons of the mountains-Song Leah!”


Green looked towards other mayors. Because he didn’t know anything about this race, when the other party denied that he had a giant bloodline, he didn’t even notice the disrespect between his words.

“They are not giants.” Without waiting for the mayors to speak, a tent in the camp was opened. A man dressed in a priest’s costume walked out of it, “They can The trusted son of the mountains is also a representative sent by our ally, the Everlasting Scales Chamber of Commerce, to guide us to “cut the road” to the soft maple city.”

, It is the prayer priest who highlights the temple of Hironis.

He was just having talks with the clergy supported by other cities, among which is included, the God of Power, God of Power, God of Forge, God of Forge, Mountain and Protect The priest and Paladin of the god Floatb, but also some other kind or neutral clergy.

He has confirmed that the emperor has indeed awakened. The Ramsay people must now unite again to resist the ambition and anger of the ancient slave master. It was the Goliath warriors of the Scales of the Eternal Order to protect him through the blockade of the monsters and to participate in this alliance. The Paladins that were originally protruding from the promontory were all left behind in Soft Maple City.

“Mayor Green,” saw the praying pastor walk out of the camp, and crushed the largest red pine city mayor among the several mayors. I have guessed that the other party has convinced the various churches to unite Come together, “This is the prayer priest of the Temple of Hyronis. He can confirm the authenticity of the emperor’s awakening. The Soft Maple City is indeed at stake. And the crisis it faces, if we don’t help, it is likely to be very soon. It will spread to our own city. The four cities must now be twisted into a rope to form a coalition to quickly assist the soft maple city. Otherwise, when that city falls, we will face several times more enemies than we currently have.”

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