The contract signing process went very smoothly.

After understanding the strength of the Eternal Order Scales Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time receiving compensation from the Chamber of Commerce-the guarantee of rebuilding Jadewood City-it is a great waste to use the power expired. Mentality, Green put the seal of the Ramsey Alliance on the contract.

A few days later, this temporary alliance vanished. Ramsey’s various human city-states have returned to their old ways, and have become the same as each other to contain and compete, and from time to time they will launch local wars.

It’s just that the contract has continued to be recognized.

Some cities in the south have no enemy-occupied areas. They will not pay substantial losses. There is no need to offend the powerful Eternal Order Scales Chamber of Commerce. The largest enemy-occupied area in the north is Soft Maple City, which has already been turned into ruins. Even their mayor has been slain by the dwarf god priest for some unknown reason (becoming a fallen fisherman).

Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce’s move to take over land in the occupied areas is not at all subject to official obstacles. Only a few wealthy merchants and landlords who originally lived in Soft Maple City felt that their interests had been violated and wanted to regain all their rights and interests in that piece of land.

Of course, they are not so arrogant that they dare to challenge the Eternal Order’s Scales Chamber of Commerce. These people carried a lot of “jeweled coins” when they flee, and they wanted to use these coins to redeem all the land they had originally.

It’s just that the Everlasting Order of the Lins Chamber of Commerce rejected their trade demands. Those “jewel coins” made of glass have no purchasing power at all. That was just a scam invented by the dwarfs of Midget Island to control the Ramsey financial system.

Some wealthy businessmen fly into a rage out of humiliation and use their “jewel coins” to gather some mercenaries in the south. They naively believed that the occupied area controlled by the Chamber of Commerce was too large, and it was impossible to notice that they secretly occupied a small piece of land.

However, these people only need to put ideas into action. Then they, along with the mercenaries they hired, will eventually appear in the labor camp dedicated to cleaning up the ruins of Soft Maple City. After they die, their souls will be cast into soul prisms.

Thanks to the extremely high work efficiency of the labor camp and the joint efforts of the camel man and the polar bear man elemental shaman, the ruins of Soft Maple City were cleaned up in less than half a year. Three years later, a brand new trading city appeared in Ramsay.

This city is named “Junlin City”, it is like a giant beast entrenched in the northernmost part of the Ramsey mainland. The interior of the city is planned as neat and tidy, with only two urban areas, the industrial zone and the port trade zone.

It only belongs to the Scales Chamber of Commerce of Eternal Order. All the ethnic groups working and doing business in this city live outside the city in a better environment. A few years ago, Green led the Ramsey Alliance army to deploy a razor formation against the “returning” monster army on the hills above the upwind hill. Now several towns and villages have been built to house residents of different races.

Two parallel railroad tracks connect these towns and villages. There are several steam barges every day in the early morning and evening to transport the residents to and from work, or go to Junlin City for transactions.

Ordinary persons only need to purchase a monthly pass, and they can commute by this kind of transportation freely within a month. The cost of purchasing such a monthly card can be easily earned as long as one day of working in the city.

In addition to King’s Landing, during the rampage of the emperor’s monster army, Ramsey’s east and west coastlines also had a large number of scattered and small occupied areas. Yongxu Zhilin Merchant will receive these “enclaves” one by one, and build a unified seaport as a link.

The larger “enclaves” were quickly upgraded to towns, and the Chamber of Commerce funded the establishment of a highway system for them. If gangsters dared to rob on these highways, those people would be arrested soon. Although the cleanup of the ruins of the Ruan Maple City has been completed, a large number of oarsmen are also required to work on the oars of the Chamber of Commerce. Those gangsters will contribute all of themselves to the order of the scale of the eternal order.

The smaller “enclaves” were originally coastal fishing villages, and the Chamber of Commerce did not make much change when planning. If residents who originally fled back to the fishing village, as long as they are willing to pay the corresponding fishery tax, the Chamber of Commerce allows them to return to their homes to survive. In fact, compared with the lords who originally ruled those fishing villages, the tax levied by the Chamber of Commerce is only about half. Moreover, since the Yongxu Zhilin Chamber of Commerce has a big business and a large number of refrigerated transport ships, fishermen are allowed to use their catches to pay taxes.

Be aware that this was completely impossible before. Because there is no refrigerated transport ship, the catch can only be circulated in a small area, so it cannot sell at any price. Now the income of those fishermen is quite high, but the taxes that need to be paid have decreased a lot. Gone are the days when you had no food to eat, and you have money to spend from house to house.

Many small chambers of commerce in nearby city-states have even extended their trade to these places. Although they can only receive vouchers from the scale of Eternal Order when they sell their goods, those vouchers can accumulate, but they can Cities and some large towns to buy more things. Transport those commodities to other city-states, and you will be able to make huge profits in one trip!

For the behavior of those small chambers of commerce, Yongxue Zhilin Chamber of Commerce not at all imposes restrictions, and even consciously contributes to the flames. Its purpose is to promote the full circulation of commodities and vouchers on the plane of Ramsey .

It’s like doing dialysis. Those small chambers of commerce are like a series of blood vessels, the blood originally circulating in them is the currency controlled by the gnomes. And now, the circulating objects in these blood vessels are gradually being replaced by vouchers from the Eternal Order Scales Chamber of Commerce.

The wealth is moving, and some businessmen will choose to take risks in the face of huge interests. Of course, they dare not start in the towns and cities tightly controlled by the Eternal Preface Scale Chamber of Commerce. Those people focus on the small “enclave” fishing villages.

Some large chambers of commerce have begun to infiltrate those fishing villages. They want to buy and sell strongly by supporting strong agents in the local area, so as to gather more vouchers, and then monopolize certain specific vouchers through these vouchers. Products to obtain huge profits.

There are some more ambitious, or bolder guys who are actually playing the idea of ​​vouchers. They even invited many alchemists in an attempt to crack the anti-counterfeiting system of vouchers in order to make a large number of such vouchers for profit.

It’s just that, after all, this is a world with spells, and those vouchers themselves are a contract. Every voucher issued in Ramsay is a contract written by Contract Monamon using innate ability. Whenever there is a little violation of trading principles, these vouchers will be automatically destroyed and a curse will be imposed on those who violate the rules.

These curses will not cause any harm to those people. The only effect is that they are very difficult to avoid, and as long as a special lens is used, anyone can easily see that person’s head reveals itself. “Unbeliever” tag.

They will be tracked and arrested by the Eternal Order Scales Chamber of Commerce. If they dare to escape, they will also be subject to, but not limited to, fines, physical destruction, and souls being cast into soul prisms. Punishment.

In short, any individual or group that wants to disrupt the new order built by the Scale of Eternal Order will be severely punished. No matter what kind of power that person has in Ramsay human beings, Scale of Eternal Order will not tolerate it.

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