“Scarred…oh no, Warden Fezak,” a Wasang jailer officer, watching the orc walking in front of him, swallowed involuntarily.

He just behaved very stupidly, he actually called out the nickname for the warden from behind his colleagues. Fortunately, Fezzak seemed to care nothing about it.

“How many people died?”

“The three were all administrators hired from Naoejin. They are good at punishing and managing slaves, so…”

“…so one person wiped his throat one by one like a chicken,” Feizak glanced at him coldly, “I can’t even make two calls.”

The jailer chief wanted to say, “Did they have their throat wiped, how can they scream?” However, he wisely closed his mouth and stopped defending the dead men.

Taking a deep breath of the bloody air in this jailer’s lounge, Feizak’s nose wrinkled, and the fangs protruding from his lips moved twice. “Send these people away. When you get to the mortuary, you will deliver it yourself.”

After that, he ignored the horrified jailer officer, turned his head and walked out of the dungeon. When he returned to the ground, Feizak scratched the scar on his neck. “Scarred… It’s a pretty good nickname. It’s much more than’Broken Bear Head’ and so on.”

Self-entertaining reverie for a moment, until the predetermined moment, he rode his dire wolf companion and galloped out of the prison gate. Pretending to be extremely urgent, he rushed all the way to the Public Security Administration of Junlin City as fast as lightning.

In addition to the warden of King’s Landing Prison, this orc also served as the captain of the Second Action Team of the Public Security Administration. In fact, compared to the former, he actually prefers the latter, which can move his muscles and bones from time to time.

“My lord,” Fezak walked into the highest-level office of the General Administration, and respectfully greeted the desert elf who was busy with the case: “The bait has been scattered, do we send some people to follow it? Now, you can do better when you close the net.”

“Don’t follow,” Blatche stood up. The desert elf was taller and stronger than the orc. He rubbed the spell booster covering his mouth and nose, and said in a dull accent: “We are going to organize a city-wide raid.”

“But…” Fezak thought To question. But maybe it was something that came to mind, or maybe it was simply out of awe of the adult in front of him, he immediately changed his words, “…Do you need to notify the first and third action teams? After all, Junlin City is still very big.”

Blatch is nodded.

He ignored the orcs who hurriedly left to convey his orders, but looked towards the information board hanging on the wall. All areas of Junlin City are drawn on sheets of papyrus and glued on it by stitching. In some places, because there are schematic diagrams of underground or internal space, several floors have been ordered.

If Feizak had just seen this map, then he would have discovered that his route from the prison to the Public Security Administration had already been marked. The orange-yellow line runs through thirteen blocks along the way. Except for a few industrial areas in the interior of Junlin City, it can basically be said to radiate to all important places in the port trade area.

“They must have received the wind,” Blatche thought secretly. When formulating this plan before, he and Namen considered all possible accidents. Now, Namen has neither traveled to the predetermined location to connect with the “comrades”, nor has he conducted any spell transmissions with him. Then it is only possible that the dwarf investigator and the electric monk took them away.

Yes, it was “them”-including the leopard man. This is one of the unexpected situations: the appetite of the dwarf investigator and the electric monk is much bigger than expected, and they want to get the newly resurrected robber also. This also shows that what this group of people is plotting may be higher than what the desert elves expected.

“If you want to make a major event, you will definitely be more careful than usual,” Brachi thought. He had already made up his mind and wanted to make a big show for those guys. “It is necessary to make an extremely vigilant posture in order to strengthen their confidence and feel that they have really obtained an invaluable treasure, so as to continue to show their feet in front of Namen.”

Looking at the information board in front of you. On the map, Blatche inserted himself into the role of the opponent in order to think about the plan to be implemented next.

At the same time, he is also weighing each step of the plan:

Do not allow opponents to destroy the industrial area, which is the important production of the Eternal Order Scale Chamber of Commerce in Ramsey World Base;

Nor allow it to overly damage the seaport trade area, which is an important place for the import and export of the Yongxu Zhilin Chamber of Commerce;

They must be “deceived” to some It has destructive value, but does not harm the core interests of the target;

It is best to let those city-states or chambers of commerce that have colluded with Gnomish Island and operate in Junlin City for them. Paying for not relying on the evil deeds of allies…

Finally, before the captains of the three action teams gathered in his office, Blatche thought of a suitable location. Even if the robbery fights there like a happy one, the scale of Yong Xu will not feel heartache for the loss that occurs there.

“It’s you,” the desert elf said softly. As he hooked his finger, the vibration caused by the voice accurately hit a stack of papyrus on the information sticker, and then Stripped off from it, “Tradewind Chamber of Commerce.”

This is a Ramsey local chamber of commerce with a great influence in the Junlin City Harbour Trade Zone, but according to reliable reports, this chamber of commerce was actually the first It was the agent of Pygmy Island. It was not until the emperor started the all-out war and a large number of aquatic monsters destroyed their bases on overseas islands that the Chamber of Commerce moved to Xihai Town on the mainland of Ramsay.

Because of the generous hospitality, all members of the family behind this chamber of commerce have converted to the “Lord of the Sea Breeze” Nod, respected by Xihai Town, and have completely integrated into that town.

However, since then, the Chamber of Commerce family has gradually removed its disguise, exposing the nature of its pursuit of interests. Relying on their strong military force and the capital they brought when they fled, they controlled Xihai Town with no difficulty. Within a few years, all the original residents of Xihai Town became employees of the Tradewind Chamber of Commerce, turned their backs on the subject, and lived a life of living in the Chamber of Commerce.

After the emperor was defeated, Xihai Town was the first batch of areas for business cooperation with the “enclave” controlled by the Yongxu Zhilin Chamber of Commerce. The Tradewind Chamber of Commerce has reaped great returns and successfully moved into the harbor area of ​​Junlin City five years ago.

The chamber of commerce has a cooperative relationship with some Wasang merchants who immigrated to King’s Landing. They jointly sailed to the sea to hunt the giant whales in the Ramsey ocean, and through the whale bones obtained from those giant beasts, Profit from raw materials such as baleen and blubber.

This business behavior makes some immigrants of the island world-walrus and polar bear people feel very disgusted. They are aggressively hunting giant whales for more than the amount of food required for the purpose of obtaining craft materials. , Often protests.

To be honest, this does not conform to the customs of the desert elves. The act of slaughtering whales and discarding their flesh and blood at will is an extreme disrespect for food in the eyes of the desert elves. Among the desert elven tribes, those who dare to do so are usually starved to death.

Moreover, the raw materials they obtained are mainly sold to Wasang in Gnomish Island and Ash World.

Yongxu Zhilin Chamber of Commerce has developed a very developed system for the collection and development and utilization of black oil, and there is no need for whale blubber as raw material or fuel. As for fish bones and whale baleen products, there are so many alternative products in Imprint City that they simply cannot sell for a price.

So, Blatche was ready to take the Tradewind Chamber of Commerce early. After all, instead of allowing them to waste resources meaninglessly, it is better to dismember them and annex them to provide some assistance to the development of the Everlasting Scales Chamber of Commerce.

Now he finally has a chance to kill two birds with one stone.

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