Mathematics 鐚沧兂涓巑athematics 鐚沧兂涔嬮棿锛屾垨璁 瓨鍦ㄥ 瓨鍦ㄥ chain 殑鍖哄垎锛屼絾寰堥毦鐢ㄤ竴涓︻ chain shoulder 殑鍖哄垎锛屼絾寰堥毦鐢ㄤ竴涓︻ ‘瀹氭爣鍑嗭纴铡Dreaded, sorrowful, fearful

姣旷珶涓 涓牴 涓牴 chain chain 夎璇佹槑鏄惁涓 夎璇佹槑鏄惁涓 夎璇佹槑鏄惁涓 夎璇佹槑鏄惁涓 夎璇佹槑鏄惁涓 夎璇佹槑鏄惁涓 纻 纻 纻

鏄竴涓﹄ 鏄竴涓﹄ 阃 阃 阃

涓嶈 闱炶缁檓 athematics 鐚沧兂涓巑athematics 鐚沧兂涔嬮棿鍒掑垎绛夌骇镄勮瘽锛屼篃涓嶆槸涓嶅彲浠ャ€

濡傛灉鎶涘紑鏀挎 濡傛灉鎶涘紑鏀挎 佹柊闂 佹柊闂 佹柊闂 佹柊闂 佹柊闂 佹柊闂 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 潪瀛粖 粖 mathematics 鐣屸 濈殑瀛 濈殑瀛 湳浠 湳浠 硷纴闾 硷纴闾 硷纴闾 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

绗竴姊锛屾棤鐤戞槸GFB Riemann鈥檚Conjecture 銆丯P瀹屽叏闂銆佹潹-绫冲皵鏂锣冨満瀛桦湪镐у拰璐ㄩ噺闂撮殧 涔嬬 涔嬬 闅鹃锛屽嵆 闅鹃锛屽嵆 闅鹃锛屽嵆 闅鹃锛屽嵆 闅鹃锛屽嵆 闅鹃锛屽嵆 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 璋撶殑 the the the the the the the the the the the the鍒嗛棶棰樼瓑绛夈€

杩欎簺鐚沧兂涓€镞”璇佹槑锛屾帹锷ㄧ殑涓崭粎浠呮槸mathematics 鐣岀殑鍙戝睍锛屽鍏跺畠subject 棰嗗烟涔熷皢浜х敓鍙婂叾娣辫 镄勫 镄勫 鍝嶃

绗簩姊锛岃嚜鐒舵槸鐭ュ悕搴 “渶楂樼殑杩戜唬涓夊ぇmathematics peak reaction planner岃 椹ぇ瀹氱悊銆 椹ぇ瀹氱悊銆 叾涓袱涓 缁忚 缁忚 喅锛屽墿涓嬬殑涓 喅锛屽墿涓嬬殑涓 喅锛屽墿涓嬬殑涓 涓︷檲 涓︷檲 乵 乵 乵 乵 乵 乵 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴 淴鈥濄€effect chain 楀叞鍏圭翰棰嗕腑镄勯儴鍒嗛棶棰桦拰宁屽皵浼壒1闂腑镄勯儴鍒嗛棶棰桡纴钖屾牱鍙互鎺掑湪姝ゅ垪銆

绗笁姊锛岃 涓 涓 灞傜骇镄勭寽鎯 灞傜骇镄勭寽鎯 灞傜骇镄勭寽鎯 拰绗簩姊涔嬮棿镄勫尯鍒嗗叾瀹炲苟涓嶆槑鏄撅纴 拰绗簩姊涔嬮棿镄勫尯鍒嗗叾瀹炲苟涓嶆槑鏄撅纴 拰绗簩姊涔嬮棿镄勫尯鍒嗗叾瀹炲苟涓嶆槑鏄撅纴 拰绗簩姊涔嬮棿镄勫尯鍒嗗叾瀹炲苟涓嶆槑鏄撅纴 拰绗簩姊涔嬮棿镄勫尯鍒嗗叾瀹炲苟涓嶆槑鏄撅纴 拰绗簩姊涔嬮棿镄勫尯鍒嗗叾瀹炲苟涓嶆槑鏄撅纴富瑙笂镒忚锛屽彲鑳 笂镒忚锛屽彲鑳 瀛 瀛 瀛 湪杈冨ぇ镄勫垎姝 湪杈冨ぇ镄勫垎姝 彇鍏跺吀鍨嬬殑璇濓纴 彇鍏跺吀鍨嬬殑璇濓纴 彇鍏跺吀鍨嬬殑璇濓纴 彇鍏跺吀鍨嬬殑璇濓纴 呭 呭 呭 呭 姣 姣 姣 姣 姣鍒椼€

And to prove this level of problems, not far from Field’s Medal, at least can also be nominated … of course, the premise is below 40.

簬绗洓姊锛孼 簬绗洓姊锛孼 鈥檚 鈥檚 鈥檚 ject ject ject ject 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙涓︻寽鎯 涓︻寽鎯 涓︻寽鎯 殑鈥滃 殑鈥滃

绗簲姊灏 洿澶 洿澶 洿澶 洿澶 洿澶 锛屼竴浜涙棤浜 锛屼竴浜涙棤浜 锛屼竴浜涙棤浜 锛屼竴浜涙棤浜 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 涓悕涓嶈缁忎紶镄刴 the athematics殑鐚沧兂锛屼竴鍒囧涓崭笂绗洓姊镄勭寽鎯 纴閮 纴閮

If you follow this grading method, Polignac conjecture can be counted as the third step, and Twin Prime Number Conjecture is the “K=1 special form” of Polignac conjecture, but considering the academic value is higher than the “Mersenne prime numbers distribution” ( Zhou’s Conjecture )”, so between the third step and the fourth step, and infinitely close to the third step side!

Regardless of the end result, with this outstanding contribution, the nomination of 18 Field’s Medal, Lu Zhou is definitely stable. His biggest competitor, probably the 13 Lamanu Golden Award winner, “Schweitzer” Peter Schultz, is said to be challenging the famous weight-monodromy conjecture, the progress is unknown.

褰撶劧浜嗭纴瀵筸athematics 鐚沧兂镄勯捇镰旓纴涓嶈 鏄悊璁簃 鏄悊璁簃 athematics 镰 ┒涓殑涓 閮ㄥ垎锛岃 閮ㄥ垎锛岃 閮ㄥ垎锛岃 屽苟闱炲叏閮ㄣ 緢澶 緢澶氢汉涓 杈埚瓙涔熸 璇佹槑杩囦粈涔堥 澶 澶 殑 殑 殑 the the the the the the the 笉濡ㄧ浠栧鏁 笉濡ㄧ浠栧鏁 ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma尞銆

姣斿濂犲畾浜嗙幇浠d唬鏁板嚑浣曞鍩虹銆佸苟褰诲簳鏀銆佸苟褰诲簳鏀彉浜嗘硾鍑彉浜嗘硾鍑垎鏋愯闂╯ubject 闱(4)矊镄凙lexander Grothendieck key乵ister 锛屽崟鏄 涓ゆ牱璐 尞锛屾亹镐曚 尞锛屾亹镐曚 尞锛屾亹镐曚 尞锛屾亹镐曚 尞锛屾亹镐曚 浣曚竴涓猰 浣曚竴涓猰 浣曚竴涓猰 浣曚竴涓猰 浣曚竴涓猰 the the the the the the the灏憁athematics 鐚沧兂锛屼 沧鍨嬬悊璁 沧鍨嬬悊璁 沧鍨嬬悊璁 濊 濊 濊 屾彁鍑 屾彁鍑 屾彁鍑 屾彁鍑 屾彁鍑 屾彁鍑

鏀€锏籱athematics 镄勯珮宄 纴杩樻湁寰堥昵镄勮矾瑕佽 纴杩樻湁寰堥昵镄勮矾瑕佽 銆

Twin Prime Number Conjecture 镄勮 鐝犲 氩 氩 氩 氩 氩 氩 氩

Lu Zhou 娣卞埢鍦 竻妤 竻妤 纴镊 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 绌 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗 屽皵浼壒绗琗

浠栫殑蹇冧腑铏 劧婵 锷纴婵 锷纴婵 锷ㄥ湴蹇冭剰蹇璺 锷ㄥ湴蹇冭剰蹇璺 嚭鑳 嚭鑳 嚭鑳 嚭鑳 锛屽嵈骞 锛屽嵈骞 锛屽嵈骞 锛屽嵈骞 锛屽嵈骞 病

瀵筗orld 浜呜В镄勮秺澶 纴鑴戣 岃寰椾笢瑗胯秺澶 岃寰椾笢瑗胯秺澶 纴渚胯秺鏄兘镒熻鍒 纴渚胯秺鏄兘镒熻鍒 纴渚胯秺鏄兘镒熻鍒 嚜宸 嚜宸 嚜宸

鍏跺疄Lu Zhou 涔熶笉鏄緢娓呮锛屾镞 鍒 鍒 嚜宸卞 嚜宸卞 笉杩囷纴涓岖 笉杩囷纴涓岖 笉杩囷纴涓岖 笉杩囷纴涓岖浠栬嚜宸 槸濡 槸濡 槸濡 綍鎯 綍鎯 綍鎯 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣

镓 € 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変

鏄ㄥぉ镄勬姤 娄 娄 fine 涓婏纴 chain yoyo man 锛屽綋镌 鍏ㄥ満 鍏ㄥ満 € € € € € € € 夋姤 夋姤 夋姤 夋姤 夋姤哄 鎺変 涓 涓猈 涓猈 or涓猈 绾х殑mathematics 鐚沧兂鈥[


鏅冧 鏅冩槒鏄忔 鏅冩槒鏄忔 娌夌殑鑴戣锛屼粠搴娄笂鐖 娌夌殑鑴戣锛屼粠搴娄笂鐖 娌夌殑鑴戣锛屼粠搴娄笂鐖 娌夌殑鑴戣锛屼粠搴娄笂鐖 璧

鎺ㄥ紑娲楁 闂 闂 殑闂纴鍧愬湪娴 殑闂纴鍧愬湪娴 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 Chain Lu Zhou 锛岀珯鍦ㄩ暅瀛愰 鍓岖 收 收 收



Hey, how to eat this is not fat physique, it is really nerve-racking.

闀滃瓙镦у浜嗭纴Lu Zhou 璧 埌绐楁埛杈 埌绐楁埛杈 笂锛屾媺寮 浜呜涔呮湭寮 浜呜涔呮湭寮 浜呜涔呮湭寮 浜呜涔呮湭寮 镄勭獥 € € € €


杩椤ぇ姒傛槸浠栨潵鍖楃 镄勮 镄勮 鍑犲ぉ 鍑犲ぉ 岋纴镌 岋纴镌 岋纴镌 缑 缑 鑸掓湇镄勪竴娆 鑸掓湇镄勪竴娆 € € €

However, looking at the sky outside the window seems to have changed nothing.

If you don’t feel that your mental state is good, you can’t doubt that you have slept before…

Lu Zhou’s face suddenly changed.

Wait, what time is it?

I saw the time on my mobile phone, it’s already half past three!

Thinking of another closing ceremony waiting for himself, Lu Zhou did not say that he ran to the porch to put on his shoes and rushed out the door.

I got off the elevator and walked through the hall. I didn’t see anyone except the hotel’s waiter.

There was an ominous premonition in my heart. Lu Zhou, who ran to the door, accidentally bumped into a white little brother who looked down at the phone. I didn’t have time to explain it. When I threw the sentence “sorry”, he immediately asked: “Now is the first day of the academic conference?”

The little brother said with dissatisfaction: “The sixth day, man, walk carefully!”

so close!

Lu Zhou relaxed.

It seems that this closing ceremony has not been missed.

But think about it too, even if he bursts into the liver for a few nights, it is impossible to sleep for two days and two nights.

Just then, the white little brother stared at Lu Zhou for a long time, suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes widened: “Wait, you… could it be a halogen elbow?”

Lying in the trough?

Lu Zhou almost sprayed him.

MMP! Still want to give me the halogen!


Looking at the phone, it may be confirmed from Twitter, the white little brother suddenly shines, pulling Lu Zhou to let go.

“hehe, listen, you let my graduation thesis scrapped, guess what mysis wrote? I cleverly searched for a lambda function, proving that there are infinitely many differences in prime numbers that are less than 242, 2 The gap to 246 has been shortened by one step! And just yesterday, you not only killed the hen that only lays golden eggs, but also let me study the results of two months!”

Lu Zhou didn’t know what to say, just looked at the American cockroach with the same look of mental disorder and was ready to wave to the security guard next door.

Fortunately, the little brother did not make any radical moves, just pulling him stopped.

“…damn it, but it’s beautiful! I guess this is the proof method, using the method of topology…but I didn’t expect the sieve method to be used like this. Know it, my name is Carist, drink it together at night. A cup? Look at the part that you let me delay graduation. This wine is owed to me anyway, feed, don’t run, hey!”

Lu Zhou didn’t return, and ran decisively.


In the auditorium, the crowds are moving.

The closing ceremony is about to begin, but it feels like people didn’t start at that many.

Lu Zhou remembers that it seems that Senior Brother Luo said that many people attend academic conferences and will not be honest until the end. Many people have finished their own reports, listened to the lectures they want to hear, or talked about the objects of like-mindedness. I went out to fill the World Wave.

Lu Zhou looked around and couldn’t find Senior Brother Luo, but saw an unexpected person, the Indian little brother named Dijian.

Surprisingly, this product has not gone yet?

Is the pressure resistance so strong?

Noticing Lu Zhou’s gaze, the Indian little brother didn’t say anything, just responding to a resentful curry-like eye, and looked forward to the side and ignored him.

Lu Zhou made a helpless expression.

If he cites unpublished research results, he will be a little squat, but this… this pot can’t reach his head.

The closing ceremony began.

The hall was quiet soon.

After a while, an old man, who looked unreliable, took a black cane and walked slowly to the stage.

Francis is the President of the Federal Institute of Mathematics and a member of the International Mathematics Alliance.

The reason why he doesn’t look very reliable, because his slow movements always make people worry whether he will suddenly fall asleep when he speaks, or fall when he goes up the stairs.

“Under the introduction, Francis, there is nothing else to introduce… Anymore, the young people should be impatient, let us start directly.” The old man and the laughed, said.

The people in the audience also laughed in good faith and sent applause from encouragement.

The old man pushed his glasses and turned the speech to a page.

“First of all, I am very grateful to all of you for participating in this mathematics exchange meeting. I am also very grateful to the companies such as Parker, Amazon Group, etc. No matter how noble the business is, without the help of good people, our business can’t move forward… ”

“…In the face of a great cause, the work we do is the same, regardless of whether it is a mistake, even if your conclusions are temporarily wrong, even if you have been vehemently refuted, it does not mean that you are not good enough. On the contrary, you are more courageous and talented than those who are 99% on World. I hope that you will see your energetic young man girls at this time next year… Of course, and Messy Old Man like me is also welcome, always welcome.”

“There is still a party at night…”

“Right, the most crucial thing is almost forgotten.” The old man pushed the glasses, apologizedly laughed, cleared the throat, and continued, “The best youth reporter for this academic exchange meeting will be won by Amazon. The group sponsored a $10,000 bonus and a certificate issued by the Federal Institute of Technology… The winner is Lu Zhou. There seems to be no suspense? I don’t think I will sell it.”

The crutches slammed the eucalyptus floor, Francis’s old mister lifted the spirit, and looked forward to everyone who was looking forward to the audience, said with a smile.

“So, have fun!”

“In addition, the champion belongs to the Philadelphia Eagles!” (Super Bowl)

The young people under the stage whistled.

In the thunderous applause and relaxed atmosphere, this academic conference Perfection came to an end.

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