On Sunday, Lu Zhou, as usual, went to the Mrs. Yang home to make up his small discipline.

At dinner, he thought that he would leave for Switzerland at the beginning of next month, and he said casually.

“I have to go to Europe in a few days, I don’t know how long I have to stay there. The things that have been taught to you have already been handed over to you, and this time is up to you.”

Although it is not going to start next week, Lu Zhou still has a lot of preparations to do before departure. During this time, I will definitely not be able to make up for her.

Han Mengqi curiously asked: “Go to Europe? What are you going to Europe?”

“Participating in the LHCb project.”

Han Mengqi bowed his head and asked, “LHCb?”

Lu Zhou explained casually: “A project on the Large Hadron Collider is on the border between Switzerland and France, near the European Nuclear Research Organization.”

“European Nuclear Research Organization?” I don’t know why, Han Mengqi’s eyes suddenly brightened. “Is the abbreviation SERN?”

Lu Zhou sighed slightly: “SERN? misspelled, it’s CERN.”

Han Mengqi suddenly looked serious: “Master is careful, this may be the conspiracy of the agency.”

Lu Zhou: …?

Is this another new stalk that he doesn’t understand?

Lightly coughed, Lu Zhou forcibly shifted the topic and asked: “Is there anything I need to help you buy? Anyway.”

“Purchasing?” Han Mengqi squinted and shook his head. “No need.”

Lu Zhou asked casually: “Isn’t you interested in cosmetics and skin care products?”

Speaking of it, he seems to rarely see this little guy playing with things like cosmetics, but all kinds of pillows and hands throw a bunch in her room.

“My mom’s company is doing fashion and luxury goods. I basically went to Europe every two months. Didn’t she say that?” Yogan said, Han Mengqi said nothing.


Lu Zhou suddenly realized that there seemed to be no need to ask this question at all.


After joining the LHCb organization as an intern, although the organization did not arrange a specific research mission for him, Lu Zhou, who felt that his level of knowledge was not enough, consciously began to make up for the knowledge of quantum chromodynamics.

Specifically, it is brush thesis.

During this period, a major event occurred in the mathematics community.

The German god Schultz successfully solved the special case of the Weight-monodromy conjecture and published it in the latest issue of the annual issue of mathematics.

Moreover, the use of his own “PS theory” to solve this conjecture on the field of algebraic K-theory.

This achievement not only solves a World-level mathematics problem, but also provides a classic example of his “PS theory” that proves its application value.

It seems that in less than a year, he has fulfilled his domineering declaration made at the mathematics home conference – “An important conjecture to solve Pierre Deligne with his own theory.”

The Cole Award for Number Theory has no suspense, and the Twins Number Conjecture’s rays of light will undoubtedly dominate the 15 years.

The Cole Award’s algebra award, along with the publication of thesis, has also decided to win.

In a foreign mathematics forum, many good people have begun to discuss, the 18 year’s Fields award belongs. There is no doubt that these two will be the strongest competitors in this award.

However, for this matter, Lu Zhou just understood, but did not pay much attention.

Algebraic K-theory is not the direction he is good at. He only knows about things in this direction.

As for the thesis, if you want to understand it, you have to study Schultz’s “PS theory” first. He is now busy scoring and lacking skills, and he can’t get out of it.

Finally, time is up in May.

In order to stagger the peak of tourism, Academician Lu took Lu Zhou and left for Geneva on Friday after Labor Day.

In fact, there is one of the researchers at National Quemoy University. It is a doctoral student brought by Academician Lu. However, he has already arrived in Switzerland last month and has been there for more than half a month. So Lu Zhou is here, only he and Academician Lu.

Nanjing does not have direct flights to Switzerland, and there are no direct flights to Geneva in China. The entire group first flew to Shanghai, then took the opportunity to take the plane to Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane landed on the runway of the airport in the night.

Out of the airport, outside the airport, next to a black Volkswagen, Lu Zhou finally saw the Senior Brother who only heard his name and did not see anyone.

“Hello, hello, I have heard a lot of names.” Just as soon as I met, Yan Senior Brother smiled and took Lu Zhou’s hand and shook. “My name is Yan Xinjue. You can call me Yan Senior Brother.”

Lu Zhou is modestly replied: “Lu Zhou, small achievements, not worth mentioning.”

“Don’t be so humble, you are the winner of the next Fields Prize, in the National Quemoy University alumni circle, but you are optimistic about you!” Yan Senior Brother said with a smile.

“You will make me very stressed.”

Lu Zhou really feels pressure Shandan, a German guy named Schultz, who is just like him. Although he only sent more than a dozen thesis, almost every two thesis is a mathematics award.

And his first medal, I am afraid, will have to wait until the end of the year.

However, the strict Senior Brother did not care, laughing and patted Lu Zhou’s shoulder.

“There is pressure to have motivation, young love will fight to win, I am optimistic about you! The hotel I have arranged, come, get on the bus.”

He said, he took the suitcase from the academician Lu, put it in the trunk, then returned to the driver’s seat and started the car.

The car was on the road, Lu Zhou was sitting in the back row, and Academician Lu was sitting in the co-pilot position.

After seeing the key to the car, Dr. Lu asked casually.

“You can drive this car, where did you get it?”

Strict Senior Brother said with a smile : “borrowed from the hands of Greer.”

“You kid,” Academician Lu shook his head. “Which step is the project going now?”

Strictly, the Senior Brother was replied while driving: “The LHCb European head asked for a Dalitz plot analysis of the resonance state of the baryon when it decays.”

“There is something wrong.” Academician Lu shook his head.

Lu Zhou asked: “Why is there something wrong?”

Strictly speaking, Senior Brother shrugged said: “Because the discovery of the five quark state is a foregone conclusion, we have been doing theoretical analysis since last year. The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and the Moscow Experimental Physics Institute in Russia. I found the indirect evidence of this thing. If I can’t find it, I will eat it.”

Lu Zhou: “Why do you have to do more?”

“It’s also to send a few more thesis, in order to make more achievements, in order to provide funds to the member states,” Yan Senior Brother said casually. “There are so many free laborers anyway, why not? Of course, it’s true that the test is done before the experiment. There is that need, after all, the thing is a circle, it is a few suites.”

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