
Chapter 1603 Hyperspace Experiment

The Venus Space Station.

As usual, Field and his colleagues are following the instructions of the North American Alliance Space Agency and peeping into the pan-Asian cooperation site in synchronous orbit.

To be precise, this is probably no longer a peep, but a spectacle of Zhengdaguang.

At first, Field is still converging, but just regularly inadvertently sweeps the astronomical observation mirror from the base of the Celestial Court space station. Later, it may feel that the engineers of East Asia Heavy Industry do not care about them at all. Small movements, so I simply stopped the camera there.

As a result, this space station, the Venus star, has also officially evolved from an astronomical observatory into a “spy satellite” nominally for civilian use.

“They look like this … It seems that they don’t care about us peeking at their technology,” Johnny said with emotion when looking at the construction site outside the porthole. “To be honest, I’m a little skeptical now.” Is our mission meaningful? “

It is clear that those Pan-Asian cooperation engineers believe that even if they put the blueprint in front of them, they will not be able to create exactly the same.

In this case, what is the point of taking the whole construction process of them?

“The significance is that if one day in the future, after we have mastered the key materials and engineering technology, we will not be thrown away too far by them.” Looking at the porthole, Field ’s face wrote Full of deep sorrow, he said anxiously, “But their construction speed is really incredible … According to the current progress and construction speed, if they can maintain it, the main part of the entire space station will be completed by the end of the latest.

When this sentence was spoken, the two fell into silence, and the sight looking out the porthole also caught a little envy.

It would be nice if such a great scholar could be born in their hometown.

Although objectively speaking, this space elevator under construction is not a miracle of a person, but everything is due to him.

The foundation of this tower, which was able to stand on the synchronous orbit in the early 22nd century, is also because of his awakening …

The two of them fell into reverie At that time, a silver white starship suddenly appeared in their sight.

When I first saw the starship, Field froze a little, but didn’t recognize it for a while.

Until he quickly walked back to the side of the observation system and focused his eyes on the holographic screen, he suddenly recognized his body.

Cruiser Qinling!

The ship is equipped with the latest nuclear power plant and fire control system, and it is considered to be one of the most powerful tonnage ships in the Pan-Asian First Fleet in the past decade.

“Qinling …… How did they drive the cruiser into synchronous orbit?”

Obviously, his colleague Johnny also recognized the name of the starship, His pupils were also stained with surprises that were comparable to him.

More than that, they were also surprised to see that two heavy engineering ships had left the base of the Celestial Court space station, and moved towards the cruiser.

Realizing what might happen to the Pan-Asian cooperation, Field made a decision immediately after thinking about it for a while.

“Aim the observation system at the past!”

“But … what about the space elevator?” Johnny continued hesitantly, “The North American Space Agency told us The mission does not include observing the military movements of the Pan-Asian First Fleet. “

” The two engineering ships were separated from the construction site of the space elevator, and it is still unclear whether this cruiser and space elevator The project is related, “a trace of dignity appeared in Meiyu, and Field continued,” If the above blame, I will bear all the responsibilities! ”

“Now, do what I say!”

“… This is definitely the strangest mission I have received in the past decade.”

Looking at the mission briefing presented in front of him, although Captain Deng Yuanshu ’s face did not change in any way, his stomach was full of doubts.

Cooperate with Academician Lu to conduct experiments …

What kind of experiment exactly needs the most advanced Xun cruiser of Pan-Asian cooperation to cooperate.

Should n’t they go to IMCRC for help?

“If I remember right … he is a mathematics house,” the adjutant standing next to him, with a clearly confused expression on his face, couldn’t help but say, “Couldn’t … Has he started researching weapons? “

” I do n’t know, not at all in the briefing, detailing what kind of experiment it is. “

The index finger clicked in the air and Deng Yuanshu put away Mission briefing, continue.

“Anyway, anyway, after seeing him, we are understood.”

As the two engineering ships docked with Qinling, they stood in the bridge Captain Deng finally met the man known as the greatest scholar of the 21st century.

The right hand was proactively extended, and Deng Yuanshu routinely introduced himself to him.

“Hello, Academician Lu, I am the captain of the Pan Asia First Fleet Qinling, this is my lieutenant Liu Zhengyi. According to the order of the superior, we will be in this operation, Help you complete the experiment. “

The lieutenant Liu also smiled and extended his right hand. After the captain, he and Lu Zhou shook hands.


“Good luck!”

Smiling to the two nodded, after a simple handshake, Lu Zhou slightly adjusted With the expression on the whole face, no time was wasted, and he explained his intentions and the most important experimental content directly.

After listening to Lu Zhou ’s talk about the hyperspace theory, Captain Deng spent a lot of effort to understand what the whole experiment was about.

In short, in order to test the perturbation of the space curvature by the Z particle oscillator, Lu Zhou needed a mobile nuclear fusion reactor.

Among the many types of ships in the Pan-Asian First Fleet, apart from the spacecraft carrier, it is the only one that meets the standard. Only their cruiser equipped with a standard controllable distinguished reactor of the aircraft carrier can meet the requirements. The minimum standard for activating the Z particle oscillating device is now.

To be honest, although he is very interested in Lu Zhou ’s hyperspace navigation, Deng Yuanshu is also willing to obey orders and cooperate with the experiment, but the only thing that makes him somewhat unacceptable is that Lu Zhou and East Asia Heavy Industry have to deal with him. The “Love Ship” undergoes a major modification.

He has been serving on this starship for some years, and it looks like home to him here …

“Modify this … I hope you are still cautious Consider again, “Lieutenant Liu, who was looking at Lu Zhou and standing next to the captain, said in a serious tone,” Removing the weapon system and external armor is not a big change for Qinling, it is equivalent to changing our cruiser. Turned into a large cargo ship! Even if it is reinstalled after the experiment, its battle strength will be greatly reduced. Can you understand what I mean? “

Lu Zhou nodded said:” I can understand , But this experiment is very important, it is far more important than a starship … even the entire fleet. ”

“Why must we remove the equipment?” Looking at Lu Zhou, Captain Deng asked, “Especially for the external armor, many parts use integral welding technology, which is not only difficult to disassemble, but also difficult to reinstall. It ’s small and can cause irreparable damage to the material itself. Is it okay to dismantle the weapon system and keep this part? ” , “Super Space Passage has very strict restrictions on the passing quality. Unless equipped with a larger power system, it is difficult to pass the opened Super Space Passage with the current tonnage of the cruiser Qinling.”

There is another sentence Lu Zhou did not say.

Passing Super Space Passage with super-standard quality is not hopeless, but may have unpredictable consequences.

Since this has exceeded the boundary of calculation, the result can hardly be predicted by the calculation of mathematics.

If the situation is more optimistic, it is probably impossible to get in at all, like passing through the surface of the “gate” like a layer of foam; or successfully enter, and then jump out from a random position.

If the situation is not optimistic …

In the end, can you still come out, how much did you go in and how much did you leave in, these all are unknown.

Captain Deng: “…… How confident are you of the experiment?”

“It doesn’t make sense to ask this question,” Lu Zhou shook the head said, “I believe me If it ’s not 100% sure, I wo n’t stand here. The question now is only whether you believe me like I believe in my research. ”

Hear this sentence Then Captain Deng fell silent.

After about five minutes or so, he looked up towards Lu Zhou, as if in the heart made a major decision, and said in a serious tone.

“I often hear people say that you are the greatest scholar on this planet. I believe that this great description is not only your wisdom, but also your rigor of science.”

“Thank you for your trust,” Lu Zhou said softly, “I can assure you that I will not live up to this trust.”

Hearing this promise from Lu Zhou, Deng Jian Changwei slightly nodded.

Turning his back to the surprised eyes of the officers beside him, he said solemnly.

“Since that is the case.”

“Our Qinling number, please!”

(End of this chapter)

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