Seliya is very grateful for the warmth he has given to his home, even though his program does not at all describe too many emotions in this part …

“Are you thinking about anything?”

The hand holding the sandwich paused slightly, and Hamilton said for a moment in silence.

“Did you see it?”

Looking at the host sitting opposite, Celia said softly.

“You wrote it on your face.”

“Is it?” put down the sandwich in his hand, and Hamilton lightly sighed lightly, muttering to himself A sentence said, “It seems that people have lived alone for a long time, and they will often be unable to control their emotions on their faces.”

Silent for a long time, he suddenly lifts the head, looked towards again and sat opposite Selya.


“I am here, Hamilton Mister.”

“Want to move?”

Celia cast a confused look on him.

“Why do you suddenly plan to move?”

“Because I want to try a new livelihood,” Halton remained silent for a while, and continued, “Of course, I haven’t made a decision yet. After all … you are also part of this family, and I have to ask other family members for advice before making a decision. “

” Am I? “

The index finger pressed against the lower lip It seems that Selya, who is in deep thought, is seriously thinking about this issue.

For a moment, Hamilton suddenly had the illusion that sitting in front of him was not a who is intelligent, but a living human being.

The eyes stay on it unconsciously for a long time.

Perhaps after catching the sight, Seliya ’s face suddenly burst into a smile, with a soft voice, though with a little stiffness, said softly.

“I will accompany you wherever you go.”

After the completion of the Celestial Court and Penglai City, with the relevant news Reports were released one after another. This exciting news quickly spread to all corners of Divine State and Earth, and even crossed the astronomical distance, reaching the distant fire star.

Even in the most remote and unremarkable mine in the colony, you can hear news about the completion of the first phase of the space elevator.

In the deepest part of the virtual reality network, a conference hall hidden in the ocean of data, the atmosphere is stiff like ice cubes, so that people can touch the cold and severe.

Expressionlessly looking at the other Foundation seniors sitting at the conference table, mysterious men in gray cloaks, said with a deep voice in a low voice after treatment.

“The current situation is very grim for us.”

“The first phase of the Space Elevator project has been completed, coupled with the recent breakthrough speed navigation technology, Pan-Asian cooperation has a global situation—— Even the control of World outside of the lunar system will rise to an unprecedented height, and our living space will inevitably be further squeezed. “

” And just yesterday, I received an informant The news came from there. The senior executives of the Pan-Asian Cooperation are studying to recover the autonomy of all the colonies on the fire star after solving the problem of superluminal communication, and to all the space stations, colonial outposts, or City, implement municipal management. “

” You, fire star is already our last base … “

” If we lose this place again, the consequences should not need me to talk more about.

Using Song Yangwei Fufa as the fuse, one year after the Alpha virus incident, the Foundation of the Universe Spirit was punished by the Pan-Asian Security Bureau. This kind of eradication is not limited to the territory of pan-Asian cooperation. The agents of the security bureaus even cross-regional law enforcement to other regional alliances, so that their headquarters and capital chains set up in neutral countries have been uprooted.

Especially a terrifying transformant warrior …

Although there is no direct evidence to prove that he has undergone some special genetic modification, it is strong enough to be singlehanded. After losing their stronghold of a battle, apart from this they really can’t think of other probabilities.

As a last resort, they had to evacuate Earth, moved their headquarters to a fire star colony farther than Guanghan City, and set the new headquarters divided into two in New Virginia and Heavenly Palace. Dongshan rises again.

However, if the super-light speed navigation and communication technology is really realized, coupled with the Catalyst of the space elevator, the Pan-Asian cooperation undoubtedly has the practical basis for the implementation of direct management of distant colonies.

when the time comes, even if they lose the last position, even if they are not uprooted, they will completely lose the last trace of hope of resistance.

When speaking this sentence, the gray cloak’s heart is filled with anger and unwillingness in addition to a deep sense of powerlessness.

In his view, they are infinitely close to the edge of victory.

If it was n’t the nobody who did n’t know where it came from, cut off the fruits of their victory, and with the degree of Alpha virus ’s dominance of the bionics industry chain, they could rely on this weapon It also requires the power of terror to bring greater impact to the regime on Earth and completely destroy the order on Earth!

when the time comes they just need to hold the banner of order and appear in front of them as a savior, a idealist regime dominated by an emerging religion will be established on this planet, And by virtue of the panic in people’s hearts and the belief built on the panic rule the entire world ……

At that time, they do not have to hide behind the scenes, but can stand open and aboveboard In front of the stage, use the power comparable to Spiritual God to control everything they see.

“If it were n’t for a nobody who did n’t know where it came from …”

Sitting next to the gray cloak, holding the white mask with both arms, gnashing teeth from This sentence squeezed out between the teeth.

However, at this moment, a soft cough suddenly came from the conference table.

“You said …”

“Who is a nobody?”

Conference Hall was quiet for a moment, and a pair of eyes were flushed moved towards the direction the sound came from.

I do n’t know when to start. An old man whom no one has ever seen is sitting among them and sitting with them.

The thin and shrivelled look is like a corpse crawling out of the grave. If the eyeballs were still swimming around, almost no one would think he was alive.

The man in the white mask swallowed and spit, looking at the old man who was watching him, his eyes could not help but subconsciously dodge.

Even in the virtual World, this image is really exaggerated.

However, it is not this that really makes him feel uneasy, but his instinct tells him that the old man sitting here is different from them …

No matter what The virtual image of them, sitting at this conference table, are all living humans, but he can’t feel the breath of living from the old man.

It ’s like a ghost …

Staring at the old man intently, the gray cloak sitting at the top of the conference table narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

Always think this guy …

seems familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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