This is the first time Lu Zhou has encountered bottleneck in computing power.

Most of the difficulties he encountered before were in the logic level. Even if you encounter complicated calculation problems occasionally, you can quickly find the results with the help of the computer.

However, the situation he has encountered is completely different from the past.

The mathematics model built on a single problem can be easily calculated with a computer with a CPU and a software like Molpro.

However, when the “single problem” is extended to “a certain type of problem”, the amount of calculation involved will increase with the geometric number of scales along with the “unknowns” appearing in the theoretical model.

Lu Zhou tried to solve some of the problems involved in the mathematics model with his own notebook, but no matter how many times he tried, the final result was a crash.

Fortunately, he soon thought of someone who could please.

This person is David Shaw.

Although this big cow, and he just had a relationship at the MRS meeting…

“We have arrived.”

Was awakened by Jericho, Lu Zhou opened his eyes and looked away from the window, it was the Deshaw Institute.

At this moment, he is on the campus of Columbia University.

But what surprised Lu Zhou is that it is now close to the evening. Originally according to his plan, he should arrive here at around two or three in the afternoon.

“How long have I slept?”

“Four hours…The car is blocked on the road,” Jericho continued with some concern. “Professor, although I know that you are doing a great research, the body is the foundation of everything.”

“I’m in good health. I didn’t even have a cold after coming to Princeton.” Rubbing his eyes, Lu Zhou took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to David Shaw, telling him that he was there.

Before he came, he had made a phone call and made an appointment with him beforehand, saying that he would come here to visit.

After getting off the bus, Lu Zhou didn’t wait for a long time at the door, and saw the man who was called “freak” by the Wall Street investment industry and greeted him with open arms.

“Welcome, my friend, you are finally here!” He gave him a warm hug as soon as he met, David Shaughed, and walked with the two to the inside of the institute. “I guess, You will definitely come here this year.”

Lu Zhou accidentally said: “Can this be guessed?”

“of course.”

“Is there any scientific evidence?”

“No! But you can understand it as a scientific intuition.”

Lu Zhou looked at him eccentrically.

If this is not a joke, then his intuition is really terrifying.

With two people coming to his office, David went to the coffee machine and drank two cups of coffee, in front of Lu Zhou and Jericho.

Then he made a cup of tea for himself, sat down opposite the two, and looked at Lu Zhou with anticipation.

“Let’s say, what exciting things need me to help?”

Lu Zhou: “In fact, I am not sure if it is appropriate to ask you about this… I want to watch your Anton. I don’t know if it is convenient?”

“Small things, this is not something that is worth keeping secret. Just my Anton is doing regular maintenance, I will show you the past,” and then looked towards Jereco sitting next to Lu Zhou, David smiled. Asked, “What about you? Are you with us? Are you still here?”

Unexpectedly, the aunt would suddenly talk to himself, and Jericho was flattered and said: “I…”

Looking at Jericho, who had no idea, Lu Zhou said to him: “Follow it and see it, it is good for you.”

David haha ​​laughed and waved his hand: “Let’s go together.”


Anton is located at the corner of the Deshaw Institute and is housed in a separate building. Originally Lu Zhou thought that the volume of this supercomputer would be very large, but when he really saw it honored, it was unexpectedly surprised by its low-key.

This legendary calculation of chemistry nuclear weapons, the footprint is only a dozen squares.

However, for this just a dozen square meters of chassis, David has built a super-calculation center that covers more than 100 times.

Not only that, according to him, the entire Anton Super Center runs from every employee to every screw for this machine.

“Is it very shocking?” I noticed the strangeness on Lu Zhou’s face. David grinned with a smile. “Most of the people who saw me for the first time showed the same expression.”

“It’s shocking…”

Although it is not shocked by the chassis full of science fiction, it is shocking and compact.

Just then, Lu Zhou suddenly had a quirky thought in his heart.

What if I put Xiao AI in?

Of course, this thought he just thinks about it.

It is impossible to do this…

In addition to three people, there are several employees in the room who are supervising the maintenance of Anton’s chassis.

David took Lu Zhou to the side of this supercomputer and introduced Lu Zhou to Anton’s performance.

After listening to his introduction, Lu Zhou had only one problem in mind.

“Is this stuff very expensive?”

“It’s very expensive, but I don’t pick up a girl and I don’t want to raise a lover. Anyway, so much money is not used for experiments. I can’t finish it,” David shrugged, patted the case and said in a joking tone. “It’s better to say It is my lover.”

Lu Zhou couldn’t help but swear: “Your lover can really spend money for you…”

David haha ​​laughed: “That is of course, this is one of the reasons I love it.”

Every time the signal light flashes, more than one Franklin is burned.

There is no doubt that David Shaw, who has escaped from the low-level taste, has the most expensive and tasteful pastime on Wall Street.

In contrast, what yachts, luxury cars, and private jets are simply weak…

After introducing Anton, David looked forward to Lu Zhou and continued: “So now, I can listen, what are you really going to ask me?”

Of course he wouldn’t think that Lu Zhou came here just to see his computer, and he must have encountered problems that traditional computers couldn’t solve.

In fact, his intuition is indeed accurate.

For this matter, Lu Zhou did not conceal any more and directly made his own request.

“I want to borrow your equipment and complete an experiment.”

I finally heard Lu Zhou mention this, and David asked with interest: “Oh? What experiment?”

Lu Zhou: “A theoretical model of the interface structure of electrochemistry.”

The laboratory suddenly quieted down.

The engineers who are debugging the maintenance computer have not responded. However, the doctors who calculated the direction of chemistry have stopped their actions.

Everyone turned around and looked towards Lu Zhou.

Especially David, who did not hide the shock on his face, said in an incredible voice: “Inconceivable… Are you sure you have actually made a theoretical model of the electrical chemistry interface structure?”

Some of these sights were embarrassed. Lu Zhou coughed and explained: “Accurately, I still need to use the power of supercomputer to perfect my theoretical model. I can take the liberty to ask, I Can I rent your equipment?”

“I don’t need money,” David shook his head. “My money is running out. You should be able to appreciate this feeling. Look at the growing numbers in the bank card, but you can’t think of how to use them reasonably. Sometimes it is also A burden.”

Lu Zhou: “…”

Say this is showing off the rich?

Lu Zhou seriously thought about this problem for a while, and could not understand the burden at all.

Although after the material needs have been met, he is not as heavy on money as he used to be, but if someone has to give him one or two hundred million, he will certainly not refuse.

No, let alone one or two hundred million. If it is a bonus, even if it is only tens of thousands, it will make him happy for a while. However, this kind of high happiness has nothing to do with money. It is purely the fun of winning the event itself.

Paused, David continued: “I only have one request.”

Lu Zhou asked: “What is it?”

“You don’t have to add my name to thesis, but I hope that you can write the Anton Supercomputer Center of the Deshaw Institute in the location of the research institute.” Seriously looking at Lu Zhou, David took it with sincerity. Excited voice, continue, “I hope that the entire chemistry community can hear it, and from the heart of the recognition, from Anton’s voice!”

The third time will come out later, about ten minutes.

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