Although it is a very happy thing for a research dog to have experiments, there are experiments that can be done to achieve higher heights. People ultimately pursue higher quality livelihoods.

What Lu Zhou wants is not the “laboratory + running water researcher”. The big cattle research team only needs an efficient research team with rich experience, teamwork and international vision.

The experience of talent can be accumulated in the subject, and in order to retain talent, it is ultimately dependent on treatment.

Lu Zhou feels that he has made so much money, and it is better to give his own researcher a welfare if he can’t finish it anymore.

After all, research is not a person’s work, especially the birth of HCS-2 materials. In addition to their own mathematics models, their credit is quite large.

At the Nanjing Institute of Computational Materials, Lu Zhou intends to use 20 million RMB as a prize pool to award bonuses based on contributions from thesis and overall performance.

Not just the Nanjing Institute of Computational Materials, he will also spend millions of dollars on the same side of the Sarrot lab, paying the same bonus.

After coming out of the Institute of Computational Materials, it was not too late. After Lu Zhou and Wang Peng had eaten at the school gate, they found a hotel nearby and opened two single rooms to stay.

After simply packing up the baggage, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and sent an email to Skyside North America’s manager, White Sheridan.

After doing this, just when he was about to turn off the computer, he just received an email.

The mail was sent from Germany and the sender was Lazerson Professional.

[… Dear Lu Professor, I must tell you something exciting, our “He-3 Probe Technology” was successfully deployed on the spiral stone 7-X! The results of the first experiment were quite gratifying, and the He-3 particles emitted under the limit-constrained electromagnetic field successfully broke the plasma from the side and were received by the target material disposed outside the first wall. 】

[In the beginning, Krebs Professional also had doubts about our installations, believing it could have unpredictable consequences for high temperature plasmas. But it turns out that his concerns are superfluous! 】

[We have successfully collected important macroscopic parameter information such as plasma temperature, density, etc., and this information is more accurate than the information obtained by plasma diagnostics. You are not on site, you may not be able to understand what I described, how much Exciting and shocking! 】

[I have attached the relevant data to the email. If you can sort out useful things from it, please be sure to contact me. I am looking forward to your surprise, but if you can’t do anything, you don’t have to be reluctant. Our technology has been quite successful in terms of the progress we have made so far. 】

[About thesis of “He-3 Probe Technology”, my opinion is that I can contribute to the ITER meeting. If you have no comments, please reply me as soon as possible…]

Seeing the mail at the end, Lu Zhou’s face showed a comfortable smile.

This research project that made him worry about it, by this moment, finally had the result of a Perfection. The ability to more accurately collect information from the high temperature plasma within the body will help drive the progress of the entire internationally controlled nuclear fusion project.

Although for him, research on plasma turbulence has just begun…

[I agree with your proposal. 】

The ITER conference is an open technical exchange meeting involving plasma physics experts from around the world, which is roughly equivalent to the CERN conference in the theoretical Physics community.

In addition to this meeting, there seems to be no more suitable place to contribute the relevant thesis.

After editing an email and sending it out, Lu Zhou reopened the mail for the Lazerson Professional.

After downloading and unzipping the attached ones, he couldn’t wait to open the data and various curves and photographs in the folder and read them carefully.

Time passed by, and it took about half an hour.

Finally, Lu Zhou, who had quickly passed the data from start to finish, leaned back on the chair and stretched out.


Very difficult!

The amount of information contained in these data is a thousand times more complex, or even 10,000 times more than the mathematics model he has ever built. The difficulty is also a geometric growth.

Even with his LV6 mathematics ability and LV4’s physics ability, it feels tricky.

“Do you want to use inspiration time?”

Staring at the computer screen, Lu Zhou thought for about five minutes, and finally shook his head and gave up the idea.

The enlightenment time of this system reward, although the duration is longer, can not be interrupted after opening.

Compared to the study of plasma turbulence, the “NS equation” as a system mission clearly has a higher priority. Before the latter was resolved, he could not use this key on the former.

Thinking of this, he closed the laptop.

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered that he had a letter from his academician Lu to write in his pocket.

Taking the letter out and unpacking the envelope, he accidentally discovered that it was not an ordinary letter paper, but two sets of Zhengdan paper folded into squares.

The two stacks of Zhengdan papers were unfolded, and the two lines of action were powerful.

[Non-indifferent, no ambition, no peace, no distance]

Looking at the two lines of couplets, Lu Zhou’s mouth twitched with a smile.

“Good word.”

I didn’t expect the old mister not only to be proficient in theoretical physics, but also to study calligraphy.

As for why he said this, because he is completely a layman to calligraphy.

It is possible for him to feel the charm of this outsider. Presumably, even if the calligraphy of the old mister does not have the skill of entering the wood, it will reach the level of excellence.

“This year’s Spring Festival, I will hang this couplet.”

It was not too late, Lu Zhou re-stacked the couplet, stuffed it back into the envelope, then pulled out the clean clothes from the suitcase and got up and walked in the direction of the bathroom.


The next morning, the Institute of Computational Materials.

Although there are still a few weeks away from the Chinese New Year, the festival has already filled the atmosphere of the festival.

There is no reason for it because today is a payday.

This is looking forward to a month-end year-end award, and finally I have to meet them.

Looking at the slugged Qian Zhongming, Liu Bo, who had not received the bank message, poked his arm and asked excitedly: “How much do you award a blonde?”

It is not appropriate to inquire about other people’s bonuses in the workplace, but the hidden rules are unspoken rules. People with good relationships should discuss this and no one can stop. Coupled with the special workplace environment of the laboratory, even free research labor can be said on the table, the general workplace rules are not fully applicable.

Looking at the received text, Qian Zhongming said for a while, said.

“I am 880,000… I will not make a mistake.”

“Fuck? Eight…”

Shocked by this number, Liu Bo was stunned.

After a while, he also received a text message.

Looking at the numbers on the phone screen, he was silent for a while and said.

“I can tell you very responsibly, probably not financially wrong.”

Qian Zhongming asked silently: “How much are you?”

Liu Bo swallowed and spit, and it was difficult to open.

“I… six hundred and sixty thousand.”

Qian Zhongming :……

At this moment, Liu Hong, sitting in the corner of the office, looked at the bonus of the hundred thousand in the mobile phone screen, almost leaving tears moving.

When he was working as a research laborer at Wang Haifeng, he had never seen so much money…

At least, he can rent a good house for rent.

Compared with other silent colleagues, the most silent in the entire office is undoubtedly Yang Xu.

His bonus is undoubtedly the highest.

One hundred 500,000…

When he saw this number, his hands were a little shaken.

Originally his plan was to save for two years and then borrow a loan to buy a suite in Nanjing. As a result, I didn’t expect that the plan seemed to have caught up with the changes.

Anyway, this bonus is too scary!

Especially for the material profession…

Thinking of what Lu Zhou had said to himself, suddenly, Yang Xu felt that the burden on his shoulder seemed to be getting heavier…

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