2018 8 month 1 day morning.

The crowd in the venue was instigated.

As the largest and most important conference in the international mathematics community, the International mathematics conference is known as the Olympics of the mathematics community. From 1897 to the present, it has not been interrupted except for two World Wars.

As an international conference that provides networking spaces for global mathematics, discusses academic issues, meets old friends, and makes new friends, each conference plays a pivotal role in the history of mathematics.

This year’s conference is particularly special.

Not only because this is the first international mathematics conference held in the southern hemisphere, but also because of the millennium puzzle, the conference has received considerable attention from the beginning.

In the formal attire, he came to the venue. On the corridor outside the venue, Lu Zhou happened to meet the Fefferman Professor, so the two entered the venue together.

Standing in a less crowded position not far from the door, Lu Zhou looked at the table below.

It’s just eight o’clock, and there’s still an hour before the opening ceremony.

Fefferman: “I heard that CTV in your country yesterday applied to the IMU for a live broadcast authorization at the conference.”

Lu Zhou looked at the corner of the venue not far from the corner. From the row of cameras, I saw the logo of Station C.

Perhaps he noticed his sight, the little brother staring at the camera, very smartly pointing the camera to his side.

Quickly retracting his sight, Lu Zhou asked: “Is this rare?”

“Of course it’s rare, at least in my image, this is the first time.” Fefferman Professor laughed and took Lu Zhou’s shoulder. “How, do you feel nervous?”

Lu Zhou thought for a moment: “…OK.”

Even the report of yesterday was over, and today is just an opening ceremony, and he does not need to do anything special.

As for the C station…

He is not the first time.

Fefferman Professor looked at Lu Zhou with amazement: “Unbelievable, that is the media of 1.4 billion broadcasts. Do you feel nothing at all?”

Lu Zhou lightly coughed : “Which is so exaggerated…”

“…In fact, there is one more thing that may be important to you, but I’m not sure if I want to tell you.” Here, the expression on Fephman’s face suddenly hesitated, it seems that he is uncertain. Do not say.

Lu Zhou: “What?”

Looking around, I confirmed that no one was staring at this side. Fefferman was lightly coughed and lowered his voice. “At the party yesterday, I heard an old friend chat about this session of the Fields Medal. He I revealed the list of winners…”

Was shocked by the news, Lu Zhou looked at him strangely.

After a while, I began to speak.

“…this is not very good.”

Fefferman Professor said with a serious face: “It is not very good, so I hope you keep it secret.”

Lu Zhou looked around.

Although I knew I shouldn’t ask, I still couldn’t stand the curiosity.

“…I can ask who is on the list?”

Fefferman’s eyebrows picked and picked: “Do you really want to know?”

Lu Zhou nodded: “… um.”

Depressing the voice, Fefferman continued: “Unfortunately your name is not above… although we all think that this year’s Fields Prize is not yours.”

Lu Zhou 😕 ? ?

Fuck? !

No, right?

Is this not enough for the Philippine Award? !

Just as Lu Zhou was shocked by this sentence, the familiar voice came from the side.

“Don’t believe his ghosts, no one can know the winner’s list in advance until the list is announced, even if that person is Fefferman,” expressionless walked over from the side, Professor Pierre Deligne poked the face unrelentingly Man’s nonsense, staring at him seriously. “Or, who do you tell ‘that friend’?”

Stared by Pierre Deligne, Fefferman coughed and quickly moved his eyes away: “cough cough, my dear Professor Pierre Deligne… This is just an active joke, please don’t be so serious, otherwise you don’t feel Will livelihood be a lot less fun?”

Lu Zhou is speechless: “…you almost fooled me.”

After playing haha, Fefferman patted Lu Zhou’s shoulder, said with a smile: “Don’t be so serious! You see, is it a lot easier now?”

Lu Zhou: “Before you made this joke, I was very relaxed.”

Hey, Fefferman Professor sighed: “Okay, I apologize to you…”


Nine o’clock.

The Scholars at the venue were seated, and the 28 International Mathematics Conference was officially opened.

The organizing committee of the conference, the main director of the conference, and the international mathematics alliance lord, the syllabus, gave a speech at the opening ceremony on the stage, thanked the local organizers of the conference, and thanked the new and old friends who came to the conference. The opening of this mathematics conference was announced.

After the opening ceremony, it was the awarding session.

At the moment of entering this session, the atmosphere of the meeting was immediately pushed to the high chao.

First announced is the winner of the Goss Award, which rewards the results of applying the mathematics field.

David Donohue Professor from Stanford University won the honor of this year’s Gauss Award for his fundamental contribution to the mathematical, statistical and computational analysis of important issues in signal processing.

This is followed by the Chen Shengshen Award, which does not have a domain limitation and is a lifetime achievement award. This year’s Chen Shengshen Award was presented to Kashihara Masaki in recognition of his recent 50 year’s contribution to the outstanding and fundamental nature of algebraic analysis and representation theory.

Then came the Riva Lat Award, the winner was a Turk named Ali Nasin…

At the end of the final, as the focus of the awards ceremony, as the highlight of the opening ceremony of the entire international mathematics home conference, the international mathematics joints alliance lord will announce the list of winners of the Fields Prize.

The vast majority of mathematics results were born under the age of 40, and the Fields Prize is the highest honor that can be achieved by 40’s mathematics family, and is known as the Nobel Prize in the mathematics world.

Although the medal does not determine whether a Scholar is great, but the scholarship that is recognized by this medal is a super-scientific student that affects the subject development process of mathematics, the mainstay of academia.

The gap announced in this list.

Many people unconsciously held their breath and watched the stage with enthusiasm.

Especially those who are expected to win the Philippine Award.

Sitting in the middle of the crowd, Zhang Yi expression is dignified, and the fist is unconsciously pinched.

Sitting next to Morina, Sophie Morel, the index finger gently rubs in front of the knee, not knowing whether it is pure tension or praying.

There is also James Maynard from the UK, sitting in the corner of the venue with his arms. This young analytic number theory expert is also one of the top candidates for the Philippine Award, although he once lost to someone in the competition of Twin Prime Number Conjecture…

Perhaps it is the enthusiasm of the audience, and the Senzhongwen Professor is laughed in the face of the audience.

After clearing the scorpion, he read the awards of the first winner in a solemn and steady voice.

“He has a high level of accomplishment in understanding and applying the methods of mathematics, and he has both Transcendent’s ambition and never-ending curiosity.”

“…From the Zhou-Lu theorem to the twin prime number theorem, from the Polignac-Lu theorem to the Goldbach-Land theorem, his research on additive number theory injects the ancient and great subject of number theory. Fresh blood, it re-energizes new vitality.”

“It’s not just number theory, in functional analysis, group theory, topology, differential geometry, partial differential equations… His work spans multiple subject areas, and the difficulty and contribution of this is not something that can be described in a few words.”

“I believe that this is not only the inspiration of genius, but also the innumerable sweat.”

Sen Chongwen, the paised, solemnly announced.

“The first winner is Lu Zhou!”

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