12 month 31 day of the morning.

The streets of Washington are still very quiet.

As one of the ten important statutory holidays in the United States, the 5 number until next year belongs to the Christmas holiday.

However, not everyone is in the mood to enjoy this holiday.

At least some of the cool hair of the president mister did not.

It’s better to say that he and the White House’s bureaucrats didn’t close their eyes overnight.

In a few hours, Huaguo will conduct an ignition test on the controlled fusion demonstration reactor in the province of Jiangsu, leaving them with little time.

After publishing the New Year’s Eve speech and Twitter last night, he immediately convened ministerial officials to open an overnight meeting. After the meeting, he also made an appointment with the Ambassador of China for the meeting.

At five in the morning, a black extended car parked in the northwestern part of Washington, downstairs of the Chinese Embassy in the United States.

Accompanied by several accompanying personnel, the president of the suit, who was wearing the suit yesterday, entered the interior of the embassy under the reception of the embassy staff.

“I just went straight to the point,” said a gesture, indicating that Helms, who was accompanying him, went to close the door. Trang scored the ambassador Sun Wenkai sitting across from him. Expression said solemnly, “Probably After five hours, you will conduct a nuclear test in Haizhou. Am I right?”

Upon hearing this sentence, Ambassador Sun seemed to hear a very funny joke, bending his lips.

Did not answer this question directly, I saw him put down the teacup in his hand and asked.

“Who told you?”

“It doesn’t matter,” said the ten-finger, who crossed his knees and thought that he had guessed the president of mister. He blinked in the eyes and stared at him with a sense of oppression. He continued without hesitation. The provisions of the Nuclear Test Treaty, all nuclear tests should be prohibited. However, according to the information obtained by our intelligence system, you seem to be violating this international convention.”

While saying this, Trang scored trying to see a trace of flaws in his expression.

However, what disappointed him was that he did not see anything.

I didn’t even see the jealousy he wanted to see…

After picking up the teacup again, Ambassador Sun took a sip of hot tea and said, “I understand the study of controlled fusion as a nuclear test. This is a very novel interpretation. If you don’t know the difference between the two. The difference, why not ask the experts in your country?”

The president’s mouth twitched a cold curve.

He certainly knows the difference between the two.

But this does not mean that he can not confuse the concept between the two.

“Who can guarantee that what you are saying is true? No matter what you are planning, the international community needs a reasonable explanation for the secret experiments that took place in the 900 area. If you are not doing anything ulterior, why? Do not put your experiments under the supervision of the international community?”

“900 District?” For this sharp topic, Sun Wenkai laughed. “Do you call it there?”

The president said seriously: “Please don’t leave the subject open. I am talking about a very serious matter.”

Converging the smile on his face, Sun Wenkai quietly opened his mouth.

“If you want to pretend to be curious about what we are doing there, we don’t have to be with the international community. The experiments conducted there are never a secret, and even if it involves confidential parts, no one can sneak a peek at it.”

The president did not change his color: “We have the power of doubt.”

“Yes, of course you have this right,” said Ambassador Sun Wenkai, who suddenly stopped talking and looked at his watch. “His President, it is 5:50 in the morning.”

The president frowned: “Is there any problem?”

Sun’s ambassador said warmly: “I want to take up half an hour before you continue to discuss this topic.”

The eyebrows picked up slightly and the president’s body leaned back.

“Oh? What are the interesting proposals for Sun Mister?”

“It may not be particularly interesting for you,” Sun’s ambassador warmly laughed and reached for the remote control from the coffee table. “But I still want to invite you to watch a show together.”


The president bowed slightly.

“What program?”

“News Feeds.”


12 Month 30 Day 5: 50.

Converted to Shangjing time, it is 12 month 31 day 18: 50.

At this moment, in the studio of CCTV, the host Guo Qiangzhen looked at the press release in his hand and was nervously preparing for the final.

Although the rapper reminds him when to say something, as a moderator, he still has to have a comprehensive understanding of the whole incident.

Especially today, it is a special day.

Not only because it was the last day of 2019, but also because a few hours ago, there was a Major event of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering in the seas of Suzhou.

The STAR-2 demonstration reactor project led by well-known Nobel laureate Lu Zhou Professor, with the cooperation of hundreds of research units all over the country, finally lived up to expectations and successfully ignited!

Under the direction of the central government, in order to ensure that the news of successful controllable fusion can be broadcast to the whole country in the first time, the editors of the news editorial department prepared four sets of plans for different situations to ensure that the news can be broadcast smoothly.

If nothing unexpected, the news broadcast of this episode today will go down in history with the news of the success of the controlled nuclear fusion demonstration reactor…

As the moderator who conveyed this news to the national audience, the pressure he shouldered was no small feat.

Deeply calling took a deep breath, Guo Qiang sitting in front of the camera, taking advantage of this last few seconds, relaxed his nervous mood.

Standing behind the camera in the studio, the director of the commander personally gestured and gestured to him.

“Xiao Guo, can start!”

“Okay,” Guo Qiang seriously nodded, facing the camera, revealing that he has practiced countless smiles in advance.

“Everyone’s good evening, today’s time is 12, 31, and 7 at night…”

Just like countless times of rehearsal, Guo Qiang, staring at the utterer, clearly read the contents of the press release.

Compared with other CCTV announcers who are mainly serious facial expressions, he is the one who is more smiling.

Especially in the personal style, in addition to calm atmosphere, he has more affinity than others. It is precisely because of this, this time the news network, chose him as the host to stand here.

According to the director, the news broadcast of this episode is not just waiting for the people of the country, and the whole world is waiting.

As one of the country’s windows for World, the leaders hope that he can convey friendly and peaceful information to the whole world while conveying the message of the success of the controllable fusion experiment through his own calm and friendly image.

The peaceful rise of the Chinese nation will not be predicated on the sacrifice of the sovereignty of other countries.

“…A few days ago, the STAR-2 demonstration reactor in the Tianwan area of ​​Haizhou City, Jiangsu Province, completed the final ignition experiment under the direction of the chief designer of the land.”

When the screen is rotated, the movie is inserted and the lens is switched to the scene of the ignition scene.

No splendid fire, no Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering roar, some are just a plain control room, a row of blurred screens and consoles, and the person who pressed the button, and then cheers .

Even through the screen, they can feel their excitement, excitement, and pride.

Guo Qiang, who is sitting in the studio, continues to read the white road with a clear and full of affinity.

“…The current reactor operation is stable, and the output power of the No. 1 generator set has successfully reached the expected 1000MW.”

“According to the original plan, the reactor will be gradually connected to the grid next year. It is expected that the installed capacity will be gradually increased to 50000MW during the year. At that time, the controlled fusion demonstration reactor that will be connected to the grid will meet most of the province. Power supply needs…”

The controllable fusion of rays of light is illuminated.

Perhaps it will take a long time for the streets to run full of electric cars.

Perhaps it will not take long before the desalinated seawater can irrigate the Gobi into an oasis and a good land.

Perhaps it will take a long time for those things that were originally only in the imagination to come into reality one after another…

Their distance from the future has never been so close.

And when that day really comes, oil will no longer be used as a fuel, but only as a raw material for industrial production.

From Holmuz to Malacca, from the Red Sea to the South China Sea, the strategic rush that once made the Chinese nation linger in the throat will no longer be the fishbone stuck in the lifeline of China’s energy. The national transport of the motherland will be as long as the stars.

All this, he is standing here, can imagine.

For the excited and cheering Scholars in the image, they are proud of Guo Qiang’s eyes unknowingly unknowingly.

There was a tremolo of excitement in the voice, and he sat in front of the camera, holding his press release and clutching his hands tightly.

Facing the sight of the people of the country, he solemnly and solemnly announced his tone.

“My fellow citizens, the wheels of history are rolling forward, and we are already ahead of the times.”

“The spark of controllable fusion is the hope and the future.”

“History will remember this moment, remembering the moments that are hard-won for this, and the great Scholar who is dedicated to the cause of scientific research!”

“And a better tomorrow than yesterday, will be witnessed by all of us!”

Thanks to the book “Hysterean elegance”, “It is the 0.66” alliance lord reward! ! !

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