Sheng Xianfu lived.

When he handed out thesis, he even made a plan to be ironic.

However, I did not expect that my own vision of this day could be recognized by Lu Zhou.

“Cold nuclear fusion is not a provocative proposition. In fact, many things that cannot be done are not because it is wrong, but because we don’t know enough about the universe.”

Standing up from the desk, Lu Zhou walked over to the solar system hanging from the corner of the office wall, and the line of sight fell on the flame that burned in the 1 billion year.

“Like we can’t fully understand it yet, the source of stellar power is the same.”

In a sense, the fusion reaction inside the star is also a form of cold nuclear fusion, but it does not look like the “cold” that people can understand.

In order to achieve nuclear fusion, the two protons must have sufficient energy to overcome the Coulomb potential barrier, so that the distance between the nucleus and the nucleus is less than 10^-14 meters. To achieve this distance, the thermal kinetic energy of a single nucleus must reach at least the energy level of MeV.

In reality, however, the average thermal kinetic energy of the nucleus inside the star hits only the energy level of KeV.

A very intuitive order of magnitude comparison proves that the individual thermal kinetic energy does not overcome the Coulomb potential barrier to promote nuclear fusion. Even considering the effect of gravity, the fusion reaction inside the star is not scientific in the strict sense.

From the perspective of classical mechanics, it is difficult to explain this “unscientific” phenomenon.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a concept in quantum mechanics.

That is, the quantum tunneling effect.

Although this concept may sound a bit embarrassing, in fact, as long as you understand the principle of wave-particle duality and uncertainty, it is not difficult to understand its connotation.

In quantum mechanics, all subjects are in an indeterminate state, and their determined range satisfies a relationship.

Taking a small ball that is common in classical mechanics as an example, a small ball is placed in front of a mountain. According to the concept of classical mechanics, only when the speed of the ball is large enough can the mountain be crossed. If it’s not fast enough, it might rush to the middle of the mountain and it will run out of kinetic energy, and wherever it will come.

However, in quantum mechanics, even if the speed of the ball may not be very large, when it rolls to the mountain, it still has a certain probability to pass through.

If you change the mountain into a barrier, the ball is replaced by an atom, which is the reason why the fusion reaction can occur in the star.

Although the energy of the nucleus is much smaller than the potential of the Coulomb potential barrier, due to the existence of the quantum tunneling effect, the proton can still pass through the Coulomb potential barrier and be put into the embrace of another proton. It is also because of this probabilistic combustion that the star can steadily burn a few 1 billion years, instead of exploding in an instant, exhausting all the fuel.

“Cold nuclear fusion is actually feasible, or a more academic point. When the macroscopic conditions of fusion are not met, the fusion reaction does happen. It is theoretically possible, but we have not Finding a suitable method does not advance the theory enough to fully reveal the mystery.”

“To solve the miniaturization problem of controllable fusion, we must start from the ground up, understand what a strong interaction is, and use a certain model to unify it with the electromagnetic interaction,” said Lu Zhou. Thesis also gave Sheng Xianfu, paused for a while and continued, “If we can use a certain model to unify strong interactions and electromagnetic interactions, our problems will be much smoother.”

“In fact, I have not given up on the study of controllable fusion miniaturization.”

“Just because of the theoretical work, it seems that only I can do it.”


Lu Zhou has made some progress on the general solution of the Yang Mills equation, but the key difficulties are still unsolvable. However, he is not very anxious. There will be a report to be opened soon. When the report is finished, he still has enough time to think about it slowly.

In this way, time passed by, and soon it was May.

With the completion of the two courses, Material Science and Number Theory, Lu Zhou is now waiting for a few students to post thesis, and they can receive the system mission award.

More interestingly, he found that the reward mission was more Buddhist than the previous mission, and there was no time for receiving the reward. In theory, if he doesn’t want to finish, he can even pull a few students to brush up the total number of influence factors before handing over the mission.

However, it seems that it is not interesting to continue to drag on.

1000 free experience 10 point integral, compared to a little influence factor, even if it is a thousand, it is only once thousand.

However, this is obviously impossible.

Lu Zhou has made up his mind about how many thesis can be sent before June. It’s hard to catch up. It’s almost the same time in the past six months. It’s better to start the next mission earlier.

In the first three days of the report, Claus von Klein Professor from Germany arrived in Nanjing ahead of schedule. At the National Laboratory of the new campus in National Quemoy University, I met the last class of computing materials. Lu Zhou.

“long time no see,” gave Lu Zhou a warm hug, and Cleace Professor looked at him laughed. “I didn’t expect it to be less than two years. Your name has to be the old guys of the Nobel Prize Selection Committee. It’s a headache.”

Lu Zhou laughed: “Maybe.”

“Not maybe, in any case, whether they will consider a Scholar who has just won the Nobel Prize, I will nominate you,” said Klein Professor, who suddenly laughed and continued, “Speak, this time to come to China. Previously, Krebs Professor let me bring you a sentence.”

“Hey, what?”

“He said that you are a terrifying opponent,” shrugged, said. “The last thing he regrets in this life is to show off his lab to you. Thanks to you, he is now economic and technical.” The Ministry of Technology’s bureaucrats saw that you solved this problem with your fingers, and felt that controlled nuclear fusion was actually a very simple matter… It is said that they last met, spiral stone 7-X The engineers in the lab almost hit the secretary of the technical department.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhou was embarrassed to cough.

“This… I am very sorry. If he feels unfair, I will take him to visit the Nanjing Institute of Advanced Studies in the future.”

“haha, I am just joking,” Klee said with a smile and patted him on the shoulder. “He doesn’t hate you, even… I still thank you very much. After all, if you don’t have your plasma turbulence model, now the imitation star The research of the device is probably still in a state of being marginalized. Not to mention changing his position. If his laboratory is the first to complete controllable fusion, I think he will probably make the same choice.”

Lu Zhou made a helpless expression, “I hope my research will not cause trouble for him.”

“How come? And, maybe we will have opportunities for cooperation in the future,” said Klein Laughed, continuing. “Several ITER member states have reached an agreement with China to do so on many controversial issues and technologies in the industrial sector. Exchange. About five years, the content of the agreement will be implemented step by step.”

After hearing the words of Klee, Lu Zhou nodded.

Five years is a good buffer period.

Because it is uncertain whether this problem can be solved in a short period of time, other countries are naturally reluctant to exchange chips with their own hands too early. On the Chinese side, there is also no hope that controlled fusion technology will be prematurely taken by others. Master and lose the dominant position in the field.

Of course, there is a point that everyone has reached a consensus, and everyone knows that permanent secrecy is impossible.

In particular, civilian technologies such as controlled fusion, which are destined to be used on a large scale, are not used in the palm of your hand, or if they are completely locked up with the country, otherwise wait until the spread of the controllable fusion substation and the cross-regional grid project. The possibility of more leads to the loss of technology.

In line with the three-year popularization of controllable fusion power plants, the strategic plan of supplying more than 80% of electricity in the country, and the exchange of political, technical and other benefits to other countries with controlled fusion technology for five years is the choice of maximizing profits.

In the past five years, it has been enough to happen a lot…

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