Chapter 213: The imprisoned Mohoro, the observer who controls fate! ([Subscription]

Mohoro noticed that under this read-only state, there was a small line of inconspicuous characters.

That’s what it said above.

[Read-only status: No one can see any information in this email except the person who accepts the document)

“That is to say, even if I go back to the laboratory now, it will not prove that what I just said about me is valid. If I insist that the gem man will be destroyed, I may be regarded as a lunatic by the people in my civilization. ,Right?

Seeing that Mohoro was not too stupid, Zhao Zheng also restored Li Thirty-three’s connection on the website.

The only difference is that Mohoro can only watch videos on the website now, but has no permission to comment.

So, this results in the netizens on the website being able to see the Mohoro display online.

But he was unable to express his opinion.

There are also netizens who will be heartless here and say “–seven”.

“Isn’t this Mohoro dead?”

“I think it’s very likely that he just continued to talk nonsense, so Lord Observer got angry and punished him.”

“Cough, as expected of the observer, it is so terrifying.

No one knew what had happened in the last few minutes.

When he saw that Mohoro had only one signature left, the person disappeared.

He was nowhere to be seen even in the laboratory.

Li Thirty-three days had a bad premonition.

It didn’t look like Mahoro was obliterated by the observer’s sanctions.

Instead, it was more like the observer deliberately protected him, so that he would not know what happened to him.

There is no way to take corresponding measures.

“What exactly did Gossip Watcher-sama do?

“Is it true that Mahora was wiped out for discovering some unknown information? 93

“Are we going to take any action?”

However, although it is still beneficial to the sky, everyone is talking diligently.

But no one dared to act rashly.

The only thing they know now is that the observer has given a 500-year countdown to the imminent destruction of the Moon Soul Civilization.

And Mohoro still seems to be watching on the website, but can’t talk about these two points.

The unease and worry that can be vaguely generated, as well as the mysterious and huge power of the observer.

Don’t let them dare to make any big moves.

Some people even say it here.

“Why do I think this observer is obviously inclined? I think he is eccentric to this group of weak gem people.

This conclusion made everyone in Litian look at each other in dismay.

There are also people who can’t stand their curiosity and will send a message here.

“Lord Observer, do you want to help those weak gem people?”

“Do they have anything you need in them?”

when seeing these comments.

Some netizens couldn’t help but agree.

“I think what they said makes sense. If it wasn’t for these weak gemstones, why did the observers just give Mohoro those confidential data?”

“He must do this in the hope that the Moon Soul Man will stop in time and not die again.

But Bai Yuekui said calmly.

“I think that the observer has his own ideas, and he may not really want to help anyone.

“Otherwise, he should tell the gem people right now that they may be wiped out by the moon soul people, and give him those confidential information.

“He also just wanted to see what actions the soul man would take after he had this experimental data, and whether he would stop and pull back from the precipice.

It is true that the Moon Soul people now have two choices, either to attack the Gem People in a big way, or to stand still, think about countermeasures with salt, and wait until there is a foolproof method before going to the fisherman.

It’s just that, under the current situation, these Moon Soul people will only be more restrained.

They don’t know what the observer’s attitude is.

What’s more, the gem man seems to be preparing some secret weapon now, who knows whether rash action will speed up the demise of this civilization?

Thinking of this, Shuratian couldn’t help being a little irritable.

“What are the observers on this site going to do? We don’t do it, we don’t do it, what exactly are we going to do?”

“If only Mohoro were still alive, it would be great to tell us what information he saw.

When I saw this comment.

Salem couldn’t help but laugh.

“Lord Observer is really sharp, and it made me watch a great drama. I was like a big enemy just around these favorable days. I was worried that Mohou Luo would leak the confidential documents of his civilization. They are guiding, human, and really interesting and wonderful things…  

At the same time, Jinna Luotian also sighed: “Lord Observer, is this what you want to tell me?”

“If I, like Mahora, had just watched the changes, wouldn’t the entire civilization not have come to this point? 99

Bai Yuekui said, “That’s not necessarily the case. You don’t need to regret it. After all, what has happened can’t be changed. Besides, even if you don’t destroy the malicious shielding chip, sooner or later, someone will be the first to eat crabs.

Kyle also agreed with her point of view: “Yes, the various changes in civilization that the observer has shown us tell us that civilization is constantly improving, it will find its own shortcomings, and find its fill, and the district police may only focus on this. The timing of major events is advanced or delayed.”

Although they seem to be eloquent in their analysis.

But this is only comfort to Jinnaruotian.

If it is said that before the Moon Soul Civilization collapsed, Mohoro would have become the first person to eat crabs.

The development and changes of civilization are still traceable.

The elephant can probably guess whether the Moon Soul civilization can cope with this catastrophe.

Now the observers have removed this key person.

It is equivalent to killing the little hope of this civilization’s self-saving.

“Although things will continue to develop according to the original trajectory and future possibilities, because of the spectator’s hook, Lord Observer, he just made an inconspicuous little move. There will be more or less changes.33

At this moment, Shura Tian and the others couldn’t help clenching their fists, and the atmosphere became solemn.

“What does the observer mean, is he treating us as guinea pigs for his own experiments, trying to tell us that he is just a toy that he plays with his palms?”

However, in Zhonglitian, he thought that the collapse of his civilization was inevitable.

The observer even deliberately demonstrated in front of himself a mysterious operation that gave him hope and destroyed hope.

The new content on the screen is also subverting everyone’s imagination again.

“In a multidimensional universe, there are multiple parallel worlds.”

“And after the observation, whether I intervened or not, whether or not Mohoro announced the revelation I gave, the Moon Soul civilization in all dimensions was destroyed without exception. 11

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