Sealed Lips

Chapter 132: Irrepressible affection

Now no matter where Feng Xingyan goes, he must follow two people around him to prevent accidents, but don't worry if Shang Zhen is here, and don't know where the whimsy is in the little girl's head.

Experts and professors in the research room are full of praise for her. Their secret research on the K virus has exceeded the progress of any country! If it can't be advertised yet, their current achievements will definitely sensation the world!

Of course... there is still a long distance to overcome the K virus.

But there are Shangzhen, they are very confident and very confident in themselves.

After everyone was gone, Feng Xingyan felt nervous. At this time, Shang Zhen turned his back to him, exposing a large piece of snow skin. Although the wound above was gritty, the red vermilion and white snow was very glaring, and he was short of breath. Points, almost trembling to continue to take medicine to Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen was a little tired tonight, so he closed his eyes and regained his spirit. The long and broken starry skirt dragged the floor. Even if he was indoors, there was no way to hide its brilliance. People who wear it are dazzling.

Shang Zhen reclined there, just like a wounded mermaid, every arc is clamoring, the beauty of the world!

Feng Xingyan admitted that he was bewitched. His fingers were slightly stiff. He was restraining. If he hadn’t thought about it before, he would embrace the woman in front of him, kiss her hair, and severely punish those who hate him. Put her under wing protection.

The room was quiet, somewhat unnatural, and Shang Zhen could not help talking, "I almost forgot, you... are you okay today?"

Feng Xingyan's voice was heard in a quiet private space, a little dull, implying a hint of dullness.

"It's okay, I didn't eat anything or drink, and I didn't touch anyone except you."

Shang Zhen didn't hear the weirdness of his answer, nodded at ease, and feared that Feng Xingyan felt that his current life was too restrained and too repressive. After all, the patient's mood was very important. She said, "You don't need to feel repressed either."

Feng Xingyan's hand on the medicine was sitting on the sofa together, his body unconsciously tightened, and his eyes were as dark as abyss.

He replied in a polite and calm voice that was very different from his expression. "So you also found me depressed?"

Found his affection for her increasingly unrestrained?

Shang Zhen was stunned. She originally asked if she was okay. She had to continue to say, "I know you are now forced to separate from the crowd. The scope of activities is limited to the old house, and you can only see those old faces. I will feel very painful and depressed when I am ill, but this mood is very unfavorable for our treatment. Although it is a bit excessive, you must maintain a happy and cheerful mood."

Seeing her say this calmly and clearly, Feng Xingyan flashed an obvious disappointment in her eyes.

His expression was more depressed, but his tone seemed to be more brisk, "It's okay. With you, with you, I don't feel awkward at all."

In fact, the only hardship is his desire! He wanted to be with Shang Zhen instead of just looking at her, arranging a retreat and blessing her.

But he is the least qualified person to say these things. He can't control life and death, not to mention her...

That strange feeling came again. Shang Zhen felt that the presence of Feng Xingyan behind him seemed to be too strong. Obviously, she only gave her medicine, but it was very oppressive, but she couldn't refuse because Feng Xingyan Perhaps it is just to try to do something for her to prove herself. If she refuses, Feng Xingyan may feel that she is as afraid of him as everyone else, which is not conducive to treatment.

What she thought of, she whispered comfortably again.

"Relax, you won't die."

Shang Zhen remembered that he had been tortured by the K virus for several years in his life, and finally died of the K virus indirectly, and he felt a little more empathetic to Feng Xingyan.

"I will heal you, you will never die."


Feng Xingyan can no longer restrain his feelings. If Shang Zhen is not hurt behind him, he will definitely hold people tightly in his arms!

In the end, how much he had no eyes before, only to see her good, and to miss her for so many years, they should have been a very happy pair!

Can't hug, can't kiss, can't even feel close to even being close!

The ghost was so bad, Feng Xingyan suddenly lowered his head and gently printed a kiss on her unwounded skin next to her wound.

After getting anesthetized, Shang Zhen felt nothing, and did not know that someone was behind her, kissing her skin in a depressive and joyful manner, revealing the eyes that seemed to swallow her into the abdomen, controlling the crazier desires.

Shang Zhen said indifferently, "You don't have to be too moved, I help you, you help me, it's that simple, if you don't have such a high status, I won't expose myself!"

If it was obviously too much, Feng Xingyan laughed in a low voice, how could his Zhenzhen be so cute? If it is just a normal transaction, she will give up such a big bargaining chip? Will he be behind him in a moment when he has no time to think? Will he feel that his emotions are wrong and comfort him?

His perfection... His perfection always makes people not love enough.

Feng Xingyan traced her back with some greed, sterilized the place where he kissed with alcohol, and wiped it carefully several times before taking good medicine and bandaging her.

"Okay, I will call Yan Lao."

Feng Xingyan was standing together, Shang Zhen's back was loose, and she felt relieved. She didn't know why Feng Xingyan was behind her, why was there such a big pressure, but she didn't think about it, and got an injection After going to wash and sleep, she was tired today.

Shang Baiqi heard that Shang Zhen was injured, or Yue Mengru was hurt. Somewhat incredible. Wasn't that girl performing well before? How could such a thing be done?

He wanted to come to see Shang Zhen, but he was rejected, and Feng Xingyan refused it personally. Somehow, Shang Baiqi suddenly felt that Zhen Zhen was not a daughter, but was already married to Feng Jia, otherwise It was so difficult to meet him as a dad, and the attitude of the "son-in-law" was still so strong. His eyes revealed a feeling of being his own property.

"Feng Shao! Zhen Zhen is really okay?" Even if he was a relative, Shang Baiqi would not dare to take Joe in front of Feng Xingyan, his attitude was as cautious as before.

Feng Xingyan strongly resisted anyone who wanted to spy on his woman. I don’t know why. After he became ill, his desire to control became stronger. He used to control power and control of the group. Now, it is a woman.

Shang Baiqi gave birth to Zhen Zhen. He was very grateful, but Zhen Zhen had already arrived at his house, and that was his person. This old man was too unclear.

Pang Qi wiped sweat on one side, he could almost guess his master's thoughts. Without this, Miss Shang was not married yet!

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