Secret: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 11 I didn’t expect it, I am a fellow countryman

Who is this? Church support?

Klein was a little confused, but mostly relieved. After all, judging from the young man's actions and words, this should be a friendly force.

"It's you!"

Leonard glanced at the person he had just met yesterday at St. Selina Church. At the same time, he said in astonishment, almost without thinking: "Are you really an angel of the church?"


Klein wondered for a moment whether he was hallucinating due to excessive blood loss. Dunn, who was not far away from him, also looked in the direction of Linn in surprise.

Not bad, fellow poet, it’s not in vain that I made a point of asking the Riddler yesterday... Linn himself was quite satisfied with this. In every sense of the word, he had the characteristics of a fun-loving person and smiled at Leonard. road:

"You guessed it wrong, I'm not from your church."

"But don't be nervous, I'm not an enemy." When Lin En said this, a flute suddenly appeared in his hand, and his clothes also changed slightly.

A beautiful bass sound then sounded from the flute, and with the sound of the flute, the son of the evil god who had decided to be born at all costs because of the flame spear suddenly fell silent.

The mysterious reappearance of Hameln's Pied Piper.

A magic that targets children, forcibly pacifying and hypnotizing a dragon.

After controlling the children of the evil god, the flute in Linn's hand dispersed. He then raised his hand in the direction of Megaos and the children of the evil god. Dozens of flame spears condensed at this moment, and as Linn's palm fell, , shooting at the latter.


The golden-red flame once again illuminated the entire room, and the high temperature that could directly burn people did not affect anyone in the room except Megoose and the children of the evil god.

After the flames were extinguished, a burning, curled-up umbilical cord fell from mid-air. This was a remnant of the evil god's descendant, and it could also be regarded as a sealed object transformed by its extraordinary characteristics.

Linn stared at the umbilical cord and walked over to pick it up.

For a moment, dirty words appeared in his ears, but to him in the plug-in state, these words were not worth mentioning.

Solved... Klein breathed a sigh of relief almost sincerely. He then looked at Linn, who still looked calm and gentle, as if solving the evil god's descendants was just a casual matter for him. Little things.

If the other party is really an angel, this is true... Klein murmured in his heart. Although he was full of curiosity about the person in front of him, out of caution, Klein did not intend to speak rashly at this moment to avoid making too many mistakes.

"Although I don't know who you are, Your Excellency, please allow me to express my gratitude to you. You saved us and saved this city." Klein could not speak, but Dunn, as a member of the Nighthawks team, obviously It was impossible to stay silent forever. After thinking about his words, he said solemnly.

"It's just a little effort, not to mention I got what I wanted..." Lin En smiled gently and suddenly looked at Klein with a playful expression: "Of course, if you need to give me a code name If so, you can call me [Red Scarf]."

What? !

Klein almost couldn't control his expression at this moment. He looked at Linn, and the word he just said was still echoing in his mind - "red scarf", which is not Rune language, but three Chinese words.

He, could he be the same... Klein almost immediately had a guess in his heart, and then he saw the young man a few steps away blinking at him.

The other party said: "Be bold, remove the misunderstanding, it's just what you think."

To be honest, Klein was absolutely confused at this moment. After all, it didn’t matter if a fellow time traveler descended from the sky. Anyway, there was Russell in front of him, but he couldn’t resist that this fellow time traveler actually knew about him?

No, you can’t be so arbitrary. Maybe he was just deceiving me... Klein swallowed, still holding on to a sense of luck, and listened to the young man continue:

"I know you have many doubts about the world and yourself."

After hearing this, Klein could no longer deceive himself, but he was also a person with a big heart. He quickly calmed down, looked at Linn and couldn't help but ask: "You know...?"

I didn’t say the following words out loud, but the meaning was obviously obvious – do you know why I traveled across time? Why does it appear in this world?

Lynn did not answer Klein's question, but changed the topic and talked about another matter: "Zangwill's body is in House No. 29 on this street, and there are also conspiracies about everything you have experienced recently. the truth."

After hearing this, Dunn, who was still thinking about what happened to Linn and Klein, suddenly became serious and said in a deep voice: "I understand, I will handle it, thank you for your help."

Linn accepted the thanks calmly, then looked at Klein with his gray eyes, and suddenly sighed.

"You are too weak now."

Klein was startled, and as various speculations flashed through his mind, he asked, "What do you mean? Will you be able to answer my questions when I become stronger?"

"You can think so." Linn nodded without denying Klein's words. He then snapped his fingers and his body dispersed like mist.

"But if we can meet again, I can also help you answer some of your doubts in advance."

"Goodbye, little fortune teller."

"You are welcome to come find me in Backlund."

Linn's figure completely disappeared at this moment, so fast that Klein had no time to react.

He opened his mouth subconsciously, and finally closed it again, but the thoughts in his mind had been turned into a mess because of Linn's words.

This is not surprising, after all, the amount of information Klein received in a short period of time was too large.

Dunn next to him breathed a sigh of relief after Linn left, and immediately walked towards the Chanis Gate.

He did not forget that after losing the suppression of Saint Selina's ashes, the sealed objects in Chanis Gate were being suppressed by other Nighthawks. He had to leave and rush over to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Klein and Leonard quickly followed after seeing this. Although one of their brains was in a state of mush at the moment, and the other was not much better, it was obvious that business was still important.

A few minutes later, the sound of hurried footsteps finally sounded. After receiving the news, the members of the Punisher and the Heart of Machine team who rushed to support immediately rushed into the house that was almost in ruins.

"008, help me practice quickly!"

Almost as soon as he returned to his residence, Linn stopped cheating, took out 008 from his pocket, and wrote in the notebook he had prepared in advance:

"Despite being affected by an unknown influence, which caused the overflow of divinity, Lynn still stabilized his humanity and got rid of the influence of divinity - this is the judgment given by the best psychiatrist in the world."

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