Seize Genes

Chapter 452: Propaganda, popular transformation

There are many ways to send these chips beyond a thousand light years.

The easiest way is to calculate the trajectory and just lose it in space. But there are not tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to send these over there.

The key is speed.

Therefore, Zhanfei can only use any door here.

But the mysterious old man couldn't let Zhan Fei leave through any door, so he compromised, Zhan Fei's body stood on the blue star's ground, and the avatar took that space token into space, opened the empty portal door, instantly Throw things out, and then close any door.

"Sir, will the space coordinates you give have no problem?"

"Huh, is there any problem with the space coordinates given by the old man, wouldn't you calculate it yourself?" said the mysterious old man.

"In space, there are too many force fields that cannot be seen by the naked eye, too much, it will cause the light to be distorted. The light that was seen was irradiated thousands of years ago, and it was only irradiated by the distortion, even if it is thousands of light years away The planet has been completely destroyed for nearly a thousand years, and it is impossible to detect it in advance using methods other than space forces."

"Then DuPont also said spatial coordinates."

"Well... I just hope there is no transmission error." Zhanfeidao.

The mysterious old man said: "It's really a matter of luck. God knows whether your teleportation is accurate?"

"Yeah, after all, you keep releasing your divine power to intervene." Zhanfei said sarcastically.

The mysterious old man said nothing, but he paused and said, "How are you doing on this planet?"

"Relax, everything is under control, and the next step is to start."

Zhanfei's next step is easy, but most people can't do it well. But it is difficult. For the current Zhanfei, it is just a command to continue.

"Combine the latest scientific and technological achievements to form a set of easy-to-understand manuals. The translations are sent to various high schools and colleges all over the world.

"In addition, good at writing science fiction novels. Those good at making beautiful animated movies and animated TV series, good at drawing cartoons, good at making various peripheral hand-made toys, good at making various types of electronic games and computer games, all to find me Come!!"

Soon after, the world became popular with science and technology.

At first, I started to get interested from the children, and some new and beautiful science fiction movies appeared. Surrounded by the newly developed high-tech technology on Azure Star recently, some of the technological theories in it are even popularized and easy-to-understand, so that the world can easily understand its advanced knowledge.

Just as the theory of relativity is unpredictable to most people, but some of the main points are described in a concise and flawed but imperfect way, most people in the world have a certain understanding of it. Maybe the understanding is incorrect, but it’s enough to know that there is one thing.

The same is true on this blue star.

Several sci-fi movies, two live-action movies, several 3D animation productions, even some ultra-modern technology was used in the production process, and Zhanfei was blended in to let special instruments help. It’s just not clear who made the animated movie.

The fire was heated up, and people all talked about the movie.

Subsequently, a large number of science fiction cartoons focused on certain topics. Come out one after another. One of the most classic is produced by the elites of the world. The first is to adapt to the cultures around the world, so that people everywhere can accept the style of the cartoon and the storyline inside.

Mainly promote this part, which is translated into the languages ​​of the world and launched. It is mandatory to broadcast and try to be watched by as many people as possible.

Then, let go of the permissions and allow any creator in any country in the world to copy the flashy cartoon of the cottage. Allow to borrow all the characters in all settings. However, it is not allowed to discredit the plot and scientific knowledge of the characters inside. It is not allowed to discriminate in areas of national conflict, such as ethnic discrimination. Allow duels with fantasy aliens and more.

This permission was released. The world is uproarious.

"This will greatly detract from the commercial value of the science fiction animated feature film." Someone proposed to Zhanfei.

Zhanfeidao: "I have my own opinion."

His purpose is not to use this science fiction cartoon to make big money, but to let the world focus on this theme.

then. The International Super-New Technology Comprehensive Research Company here in the State of Elaba, Java, announced various corresponding new theoretical and new technology applications. Allow creators around the world to use these themes.

In addition, companies that have purchased technology suitable for commercialization here will have behind the scenes to promote certain creators to create corresponding sci-fi works, put them on the Internet and hit TV stations around the world, and then form an advertising effect to let those who bought Technology companies benefit. Many children will think about buying the company's new technology products.

Then, a variety of corresponding electronic computer games, shooting, rpg, arpg, act, strategy, and even business, such as opening a high-tech company's strategy game, and alien companies in alien World competition, etc., all kinds of games are driven by a certain mysterious force to the foreground of the world.

Moreover, the leaders of all countries will push a film or game that they "like". There was no such thing before, but now it is.

Corresponding peripheral toys are also emerging one after another. For example, the hands of the UFO team made by Azure Star Mingguo, the hands of the beautiful girl biochemical warrior, and so on. It is like a beautiful girl biochemical warrior, you can use gene combination to change face, skin, body size, height and so on. You can even disassemble and combine parts of your body.

In such games, the side-striking ball is played very hard, attracting countless wolves and spreading widely. However, even in the relatively conservative Ming State and some of the most conservative desert states and desert countries, such as East Banya, etc., they have quietly liberalized this aspect of monitoring.

However, some games and cartoons have been banned. Including science fiction, including some movies. I still sent it to Zhanfei's left and right hands in person, and then strictly pressed down to prohibit the issuance. Otherwise, directly hold the relevant persons accountable.

"Why would it be banned?" There is a prince in a country. The animations created by the animation companies under his control are banned. The loss is huge.

The princely file is also considered to be of great strength-within his country. But it is a pity that his old man belongs to the kind directly controlled by Zhanfei. Not to mention the son of a little chieftain. What if it is a chief?

Zhan Fei's answer was just: "Let him think about it. However, in order not to hurt their enthusiasm. We can design a review department here. All the script outlines and settings can be sent over. Here is a special pre-review, passed You can make it afterwards. Of course, there will be strict monitoring here, and the script will not be leaked in advance."

The principle of Zhanfei...or rather, the principle of the mysterious old man is the same.

First of all, the protagonist must definitely be pure blue star lineage.

Secondly, alien technology. Inside, it must definitely be the evil party, or the party that is opposed to the protagonist and then defeated.

Thirdly, the technology acquired by the protagonist cannot be connected with aliens, but can only be developed by the local people themselves. It must be new research content published here or real content that has existed on the planet before. Certain prospects are allowed on this basis, but they cannot be obtained directly from aliens.

Fourth, the protagonist in the work. It is not necessarily a kind person, but it must be rewarded with gratitude and value the meaning of justice. A lot of money. He can act evil, he can be a kind person, he can not be determined, and even greedy 00 spend good 00 color does not matter, other positive energy is not enough, but there must be rewards, love and justice, and promise a lot of money. This is the bottom line of Zhanfei-if this world preaches "speak without faith", wouldn't it be possible for the mysterious old man to "speak without faith"?

fifth. The protagonist in the work must never bow down to the alien world that exists. Can be awesome. But it cannot be flattered. This is the bottom line of the mysterious old man-never compromise with the alien world.

Sixth, national conflicts are allowed in the works. But it can only be mentioned that conflicts of interest in high-level national states have triggered wars, not that civilians hate each other. There must not be any enlarged national-level wars, unless it is azure and alien wars.

Seventh, excessive contention such as racial conflicts and discrimination against Chong ethnic groups is not allowed.

Eighth, promote inter-national and inter-racial relationships on the same planet, and prohibit inter-planet relationships.

Ninth, it is allowed to promote the culture of a certain ethnic group in a country, but it is forbidden to despise or scorn the culture of other countries or other races in the work.

The above points try to hide national conflicts, ethnic conflicts, and cultural conflicts in this world, which will be of great use in the future.

The mysterious old man must not allow excessive racial conflict propaganda, otherwise, he must give up one of the races. Otherwise, it may not necessarily result in a split personality for a long time.

In addition, there are some requirements.

There are certain requirements that can be clearly stated to the outside world and directly explained, and there are some requirements that cannot be informed to the world. However, certain works are prohibited, certain contents of certain works are required to be rectified, and certain contents of certain works are required to be deleted. There are even some works whose contents are greatly appreciated, these are the vane.

The judging person doesn't see whether the work is good-looking or whether it can be sold, only whether the content meets the requirements set forth by Zhanfei.

These reviewers are all old guys from countries all over the world. They are not very energetic, but the number is sufficient. Because he is old, he is meticulous, thoughtful and demanding.

As time went by, several months passed.

The mysterious old man is very surprised: “It’s really amazing. People from all over the world now have a strong local pride and are proud of being a blue star. After some investigations like catv or cbtv, it’s great Most people think that we are ushering in an era of skyrocketing, ushering in the era of technology, and most people think that the newly emerging technology is a product of our own development. This is our own ability. Is our pride."

Simply put, it is that the "national concentration" has increased. This nation is not a small race in a certain country and a certain place, but the entire "blue star" race.

Zhanfeidao: "It's normal, the role of propaganda is very powerful."

In the ancient earth, there was an idiom of Yelang arrogant. Yelang's self-comparison with the Han dynasty is bigger and smaller. People in the middle school think that they are the center of the world. This is of course stupid.

Since ancient times, Huaxia has always thought that its people are the center of the world. In ancient times, even roadside beggars thought that those rich foreign merchants came from foreign countries and they could despise each other culturally.

In modern times, a country even advertises that it is about to regard itself as a "super universe".

Now on the Blue Star, the world is launching various propaganda together, and dare not say everyone. At least 95% of the people have realized the power of the blue star from various films, games, novels and anime. Coupled with the birth of various new technology products, some of them are even sent to the poor areas for free for people to try, all of which have changed the concept of everyone in the whole world. One aspect became extremely consistent.

In the past few months, apart from engaging in this matter. Zhanfei also used his own power to do another thing that was beneficial to him.

It's just doing "charity".

Philanthropists from many parts of the world have been gathered together as philanthropic ambassadors of various countries to jointly fund the establishment of "reward funds" and return to society. Countries around the world have dedicated people to investigate and find some good people who are in trouble and can carry forward the "positive energy" behavior. Conduct "Appreciation of Goodness". Some have also been named as messengers of justice, but they are well-known and beneficial to the appreciation and promotion of the whole society. Guide the society towards good manners.

The corresponding laws and publicity of all countries must be adjusted in this direction.

Of course, there are also special investigations. Those "hypocrisy" who deliberately let people do bad things and then let someone fight against the bad guys to get "reward for good", suppress them all, and then the whole society publicizes the misfortune of the other party, so that those people can never look up. Scolded by thousands of people.

This fund will. It requires high-level social contributions to make certain contributions, not high, but a vane. Simultaneously. Kindhearted people in many places will secretly help investigate because of such behavior. It was found that there were artificial fakes, and that won the prize.

In short, let morality be no longer a purely spiritual behavior, let morality be linked to money, and no longer be ashamed of rewards. Just as Confucius in ancient times had taught a disciple one thing: You help others find the cattle, if you don’t want the bounty, others won’t pay the bounty if they get the cattle recovered by others in the future. No one will send someone's cattle back.

So, doing good things pays off. Not shame, but glory.

Do good things. Need to repay...because no one is born and noble, especially those who are not rich in living resources. If you are rewarded for doing good deeds, there will be more people who are dedicated to the good.

Those who do bad things for their benefit will do good things for it. Even if it's just "hypocrisy", it's better to do good for the benefit, it's better than not doing good.

As long as it is not a deliberately good thing in exchange for benefits, it does not need to be severely hit, but should be encouraged.

Zhanfei's move can be described as great. The whole atmosphere quickly improved.

Atrocities everywhere, thieves and petty things have disappeared, and helping grandpas and grandma cross the road and so on.

Of course, there is a lot of pressure on rewarding funds, but countries are forcing each region to have a corresponding fund meeting. The reward is not necessarily high, but it must be there, and it cannot be too shabby.

This matter is more troublesome, but Zhanfei ordered it and it was pushed smoothly.

The mysterious old man saw and knew clearly: "This kid is a ghost and wants to make the old man a kind-hearted person? However, the good and evil are meaningless, and they only care about the interests. If the social atmosphere becomes better, the old man and the planet will be beneficial, even if it changes. What about goodness? However, you cannot be pure."

Therefore, the mysterious old man intervened, and there was more to encourage "courage" in the "rewarding funds".

Courage to fight evil. There are also rewards for self-improvement and hard work. It is not necessarily financial, but also prestigious, or to get a correspondingly better job or opportunity, these are considered rewards. For the time being only a small area.

Zhanfei only watched with cold eyes. He is very clear that this is the mysterious old man amending his character. Human character is born, and this mysterious old man is similar. Not everyone likes all their personalities. However, the character is extremely difficult to change, and few people have the willpower to truly remove the bad things in their personality. Such as laziness.

The old man has this opportunity to adjust his personality and throw away bad things. For example, there are things that promote laziness in various science fiction films ~ ~ For example, a guy similar to the hero of the planet Doraemon is killed.

No matter what excuses, laziness cannot be promoted, which will affect the atmosphere of the entire society. The mysterious old man will not tolerate it.

It doesn't matter if you fly Zhanfei, anyway, whether the old man is lazy or not, does not affect whether he will act according to the agreement afterwards. Moreover, Zhanfei also has a lazy side and a bad personality. The old man's character becomes better or worse, as long as he doesn't become unspoken, he doesn't care.

With the passage of time, the entire planet was spread out and organized. Sometimes, the positive significance of the dictatorship is still very high. It's like this is a time when the dictator is not attached to this power, and he is not eager to enjoy pleasure and comfort, but is active and wholehearted.

Other news from the outside world also came one by one.

"The chips sent out in several batches have entered different planets. One of the chips was discovered, and many of the interstellar adventurer mercenaries rushed towards the livable star in the direction of our blue star "down southeast" went.

"Very well, the plan to bring disaster to the east has already achieved initial results, and we have won a lot of time..." (To be continued.)

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