Seven World Martial God

Chapter 226: 3 boxes

After talking with Sun Yun and the others, Ye Tian found an inn to stay. The owner of the inn recognized Ye Tian and didn't charge any money, so he prepared a room for him. [More exciting novels, please visit]

In fact, during the fierce beast riot half a month ago, many people saw the power of Ye Tian fighting the animal herd. In the entire Beast King City, not many people would not know Ye Tian.

Ye Tian is a household name in Beast King City, and no one knows his name.

In the next time, Ye Tian stayed in the inn and sorted out his cultivation base carefully, and carefully understood the two and a half killing knife intent to make his realm more stable.

After a full half month passed, Ye Tian left the customs energetically. Although his cultivation level hasn't increased much, his realm is more stable than before, as solid as a rock.

Afterwards, after having a breakfast in the inn, by the way, listening to the conversations of the surrounding warriors, Ye Tian got a lot of useful news.

It’s been a month since the Heroic King and the others broke into the Ferocious Beast Mountain Range. During this time, good news came from the Ferocious Beast Mountain from time to time. Many high-level Ferocious Beasts were killed by the Heroic King’s army. There are hundreds of them.

The entire Ferocious Beast Mountain Range was completely wiped out this time, and the remaining Ferocious Beasts were all below the Wujun level, and they were not enough to threaten Beast King City and Xiongwu County.

After another half month, the army of the heroic king finally returned from the class of the fierce beast mountain range. After not staying in the beast king city for long, the heroic king directly led the army away.

After the lord Kaohsiung returned to the lord’s mansion, he immediately sent someone to send an invitation to Ye Tian, ​​which was said to reward him for his contribution to the Beast King City during this fierce beast riot.

"I don't know what treasures I will get?" Ye Tian walked on the street leading to the city lord's mansion, full of expectation in his heart. How can Kaohsiung be an eighth-level martial artist, and the treasures he bestowed must be extraordinary.

Ye Tian still stayed in the Beast King City for so long after his sword intent increased, just to wait for Kaohsiung's reward.

From Sun Yun and the others, Ye Tian learned that these young talents had gained a lot of benefits, and that he had made a great contribution in this fierce beast riot, and I am afraid the rewards would be even more generous.

With this expectation, Ye Tian came to the City Lord's Mansion soon, and the guard who guarded the gate seemed to have received the news long ago. When he saw Ye Tian coming, he quickly and respectfully led him the way.

In a wide hall, Ye Tian once again saw Kaohsiung, the lord of the Beast King City, the strongest man in the Beast King City. He also noticed his arrival at this moment. He couldn't help but raise his head and glanced at him with deep eyes.

Ye Tian suddenly felt a heavy sense of oppression, but this sense of oppression disappeared immediately. It was obvious that Kaohsiung had specially put away his breath. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Junior Ye Tian, ​​I have seen Lord City Lord." Feeling the unfathomable aura of Kaohsiung, Ye Tian felt awe-inspiring in his heart and quickly bowed respectfully.

"Don't be polite!" A slight wave of his hand, Kaohsiung's face showed a smile, and a deep voice immediately sounded.

"You, the young generation of the God Star Gate, I have seen Lang Fantian. I thought he was the strongest disciple of your God Star Gate, but now it seems that you are only stronger than him."

Kaohsiung looked at Ye Tian carefully, then said with appreciation.

"Master City Lord praised!" Ye Tian said with a humble expression, but he was very excited. This was not only because he was praised by a strong man like Kaohsiung, but also because in the eyes of the opponent, he had already surpassed the waves.

"Well, it's good for young people to be humble, but sometimes they still have to be sharp." Kaohsiung looked at Ye Tian, ​​nodded, and suddenly said thoughtfully, "Ye Xiaoyou, I once heard Lord Xiongwu say, When your great elder was buried in a young age, he was an unruly warrior. He even challenged the entire young generation of the Great Yan Nation back then and was called a fighting madman."

"Oh?" Ye Tian was suddenly surprised. He didn't expect that the elder Funeral was so aggressive when he was young, which was really unexpected.

After a short pause, Kaohsiung continued: "And you give me the feeling like an old guy deep in the city, not a young man at all. To tell you the truth, I started when you entered the Beast King City. Pay attention to you. From the Zhao family design to imprison you, and then to ambush you outside the city, you have no impulse, no young people’s blood. Instead, you choose to forbear, and then choose to kill the Zhao family to ambush you outside the city Master."

"It's good to do this, and it may make your future martial artist's road more smooth, but I think young people should be passionate and hardworking. If I were you at the beginning, regardless of the rules of the Beast King City, I would directly control Zhao The kid in the family beaten up and beat the guard in the Ten Thousand Beast Hall. Anyway, there is the great elder of your Divine Star Gate. As long as you don't kill people, let alone me, even the King of Heroes can't take you. "

Kaohsiung's words made Ye Tian stunned. He didn't expect the other city lord to say such words to him.

However, if you think about it carefully, what Kaohsiung said is indeed correct.

It's just that Ye Tian was a man in his two lives. Although he was a young man when he died in his previous life, he was fifty or sixty years old together.

Therefore, Ye Tian always considered everything carefully, but it hid the young man's passion and impulse.

"Impulse? Hard work? Hot blood?" Ye Tian was lost in thought. He didn't understand why Kaohsiung told him this, but the other party was a Wujun eighth-level powerhouse anyway, saying that these must be something to him.

Kaohsiung ignored Ye Tian's thoughts. After he finished speaking, a light flashed in his hand, and three sandalwood boxes appeared.

"These three things are your reward. One of the treasures was given to you by Lord Xiongwu." Kaohsiung handed three sandalwood boxes to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian immediately put away the cranky thoughts in his heart, took the three boxes curiously, and guessed in his heart what treasures were inside.

"Okay, you go back. I will go to the Imperial Capital to watch this year's Great Yan Supreme Ranking. Don't let me down when that happens." Kaohsiung waved his hand and laughed.

Ye Tian nodded, then saluted and retired.

"Interesting kid, I hope you can understand that the real strong is to go forward, no matter how many conspiracies and tricks, in the face of absolute power, they are pale and weak..."

Kaohsiung muttered to himself while looking at Ye Tian's back.

Even he didn't know why he would talk so much to Ye Tian, ​​maybe, what he expected.


"What are the treasures in these three boxes?"

"Even Lord Xiongwu gave me a treasure. It should be extraordinary!"

In the inn's room, Ye Tian put three boxes on the table, looking forward to it.

"Squeak!" The little golden mouse didn't know when he ran out, showing excitement at two of the boxes, but what made Ye Tian strange was that the box sent by King Xiongwu was ignored by this little thing.

Is it possible that the things given by King Xiongwu are not as good as those given by Kaohsiung?

Ye Tian couldn't help but curiously opened the two boxes sent by Kaohsiung, and saw a flash of light. In one of the boxes, there was a golden ginseng lying. It was several times larger than the one that Gao Fang gave him at the beginning, and the vigorous aura shocked him.

"This ginseng is at least 30,000 to 50,000 years old. What a good baby!" Ye Tian's eyes turned green suddenly, and his face was full of excitement and excitement. When he reached the realm of Martial Lord, every increase in his cultivation was very difficult. I don’t know that I have to wait until the year of the monkey to increase the level of cultivation.

However, this ginseng plant that has been heated for tens of thousands of years can help Ye Tian save many years of hard cultivation and strengthen his cultivation.

"Look what's in this box?"

After finally snatching ginseng from Little Golden Rat, Ye Tian then started to open another box sent by Kaohsiung.

As the corner of the box was opened, a ray of blood burst out, almost lighting up Ye Tian's eyes, and then he even felt a horrible breath, which diffused out of the box and enveloped the entire room.

Suddenly, Ye Tian felt his body tremble, and he stared at the contents of this box, as if facing a terrifying ancient behemoth.

"This..." Ye Tian looked at the scarlet orb the size of a baby's fist in the box, his face full of horror.

"It's terrifying, it's a bit familiar, right!" Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes lit up, his eyes were fixed on the blood-colored beads in the box, and his voice tremblingly said, "Could it be that this is the eight-legged dragon snake. Essence?"

Thinking of the terrifying eight-legged flying dragon snake, Ye Tian became more and more sure that this blood-colored bead was the essence of the eight-legged flying dragon snake, because the terrifying aura was very similar.

"The Eight-legged Flying Dragon Snake is a fierce beast of Wujun's eighth level. The energy contained in a drop of its essence and blood is very terrifying. If I can refine it and cooperate with this tens of thousands of years of ginseng, it should be able to improve me. Level, reach the second level of Wujun." Ye Tian's eyes couldn't hide the excitement, and the whole person was extremely excited.

At the realm of Martial Lord, it was more difficult to raise a level of cultivation than to climb to the sky. Ye Tian didn't expect that the gift from Kaohsiung was so rich, and he wished that the fierce beast riot would happen again.

"Look at the box given by King I don't know what it is, the little golden mouse is not even interested." After putting away the ginseng and blood, Ye Tian couldn't wait to open the last box.

This box is very ordinary, there is no light flashing, there is only a simple book in it. The cover above is old and exudes a breath of vicissitudes.

a book?

A broken book?

This is the gift of King Xiongwu?

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment. The first thing he felt was that he had been tricked by King Xiongwu, but after thinking about it carefully, it was wrong. What kind of identity was King Xiongwu and how could he be fooled.

Curiously picked up this somewhat shabby book, Ye Tian wiped the dust off it with his sleeves, and suddenly a few blurry handwriting appeared before his eyes.

"Nine-turn battle body, third floor!"

When he saw these words, Ye Tian's whole body trembled, and a brilliant divine light shot out from his eyes.

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