Seven World Martial God

Chapter 369: Tai Chi Palace

"Haha! After thousands of years of waiting, the old man finally breathed a sigh of relief. [Starter] (Starter

"One of the nine inheritors finally returned."

"The time when my Nine Heavens Palace reappears in glory is coming soon."


On the round stage, the white-haired old man laughed freely and madly, making it hard to imagine that he was a top powerhouse in the ancient times.

But no one knows how helpless this ancient powerhouse is. In order to find the nine great inheritors, he waited for thousands of years and watched the vicissitudes of life. Until today, only one person returned.

"How can it be?"

"It emits golden light, so dazzling!"

"It is said that the Blood Demon Knife Lord test also released golden light, but it was very plain and not so dazzling at all!"

"This kind of talent is either level 8 or level 9. No wonder this senior is so happy."

Below, everyone was shocked, with envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

The four great kings and the five great arrogances were all stunned. Their faces were extremely dignified, and their eyes were staring at the bewildered Mu Bingxue on the round platform.

"Sure enough, Xue'er's talent has changed, and it should be related to the body of ice." Ye Tian thought of it secretly with joy on his face.

Next to him, Sun Yun, Li Lanshan and others were also very excited. Anyway, Mu Bingxue is their friend and a warrior of the Great Yan Country. They are naturally happy.

"A Ye Tian came out of my Great Yan Country, and now another Mu Bingxue came out...Father, you can rest assured." Yan Haotian withdrew his shocked gaze and thought secretly.


Suddenly, the void trembled, the endless starry sky around it burst, and bright portals slowly appeared in front of everyone.

These portals exude a fiery light, like a whirlpool passage, there are a total of nine portals, each with a name.

"Tai Chi, Yin Yang, Shura, Ice, Xuanwu, Tianyi, Chong Ding, Bai Zhan, Mad Demon!"

Ye Tianyi swept across these portals, feeling a tremor in his heart, and the breath emanating from these portals, he felt a vastness that seemed to come from the ancient times.

On the round stage, the white-haired old man waved out, and immediately one door after another was opened, and endless white light was released, stabbing everyone to open their eyes.

"Mu Bingxue, are you willing to worship the Nine Heavens Palace, become the inheritor of the Frost Saint Palace, and devote your life's efforts to the glory of the Nine Heavens Palace?"

The white-haired old man solemnly looked at Mu Bingxue in front of him, his loud voice spread throughout the starry sky, causing countless people below to tremble in their chests.

At this moment, the white-haired old man burst into flames. The terrifying power made everyone feel suffocated. All his hands and feet could not move, and the cold sweat was left drop by drop. 【First Release】

Only Mu Bingxue was not forced by the aura, she looked at the white-haired old man anxiously, and then turned to Ye Tian below.

"Xue'er--" Ye Tian raised his head with difficulty, and said affirmatively at Mu Bingxue.

"I...I do!"

With Ye Tian's support, Mu Bingxue raised his head and said firmly.

In her heart, she actually wanted to be stronger, so that she could help Ye Tian.

"Very good!" Hearing this, the white-haired old man smiled suddenly, and he stretched out his hand, Mu Bingxue flew out of thin air and flew towards the ice portal.

"From today, you are the saint of the Frost Saint Palace, and you are eligible to enter the Frost Saint Palace to accept the inheritance. Go, I hope you will inherit the Frost Saint Palace soon."

The white-haired old man said, his whole body released a blazing light, once again stabbing everyone's eyes.

After the light dissipated, Mu Bingxue had already disappeared here.

"Go directly to the Ice Palace?"

Listening to the voice of the white-haired old man, the crowd was dumbfounded, with envy and jealousy on their faces.

There are nine holy palaces in the Nine Heavens Palace, which has long been known to them. For a long time, the warriors of the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea have aimed to enter the nine holy palaces, but so far, no one has succeeded.

Everyone knows that in the nine sacred palaces, there are hidden the supreme martial arts and many inner strengths of the Nine Heavens Palace.

With these things, even an ordinary warrior can become the king of war, the emperor of war, not to mention these geniuses.

Unfortunately, the test of Nine Heavens Palace is too strict.

"Mu she will become famous. In the future, she will surpass the four kings and be promoted to King Wu. It is definitely not a problem." The crowd sighed.

In the crowd, Gongsun Xuanxuan, a strange woman, also showed a trace of jealousy and gritted her teeth secretly.

Wang Zhe, Zhao Wu, Wufeng and others all had extremely dignified faces. They naturally knew that once Mu Bingxue accepted the inheritance, his future achievements would definitely surpass them, and even surpass the 18 kings of the 18 North Sea nations.

"This is going to change!" Someone sighed.

When the supreme battle of the Nine Heavens Palace is over, the entire eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea will be shaken by this, presumably those eighteen kingdoms will be unable to sit still.

For Mu Bingxue, this is a blessing or a curse.

An anxiety secretly rose in Ye Tian's heart.

The cultivation technique of the Nine Heavens Palace is definitely a huge temptation for the eighteen masters, and I am afraid that even the masters of the Great Yan Kingdom will not help but **** them.

With Ye Tian's current strength, fighting against the 18 masters is tantamount to moths fighting the fire.

"But if I can be promoted to a half-step Martial King in the Nine Heavens Palace, then I won't be without the power of a battle." Ye Tian raised his head, a pair of dark eyes, bursting with blazing divine light.

On the round stage, the white-haired old man withdrew his gaze and swept towards the crowd below, his loud voice sounded again.

"Although you are not talented, you are not only talented in martial arts. Opportunity, comprehension, and hard work are equally important. Now, although the Frost Palace has inheritors, there are still vacancies in the other eight holy palaces. You choose each. Let's go in and meet your chances!"

After the white-haired old man finished speaking, he closed his eyes again and seemed to fall asleep.

Everyone under the round stage looked at each other, and then each found a portal to enter it, but the ice portal was closed and no one could enter.

"Tai Chi, Yin Yang, Shura, Ice, Xuanwu, Tianyi, Chong Ding, Bai Zhan, Mad Demon!"

Ye Tian's gaze swept across these portals, observing secretly.

Like Ye Tian, ​​they are all newcomers who have come to the Nine Heavens Palace for the first time, and they are all secretly observing, while those who have been to the Nine Heavens Palace a long time ago are beginning to enter it quickly.

Among them, the king chose the Tianyi portal to enter, Wufeng chose the Yin and Yang portal, Zhao Wu chose the Hundred Battles portal, and Gongsun Xuanxuan chose the Xuanwu portal to enter...

"Xue'er has the body of Frost, and her talent is related to Frost. So she was selected as the saint of Frost Palace. Does this mean that the names of these portals are related to the chance?"

Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and finally he chose Tai Chi to enter.

At this moment, everyone except Ye Tian entered the nine portals one by one.

After Ye Tian entered, the white-haired old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at the portal that Ye Tian entered-Tai Chi.

"Although this child is not very talented, he is very lucky. He should be the child of this generation of Beihai. And he has the aura of the three forms of Tai Chi, and he may be affirmed by the Tai Chi Holy Palace."

The white-haired old man is a great figure in the ancient times, and his experience is naturally extraordinary. He knows that a talent test alone cannot determine the achievements of a warrior.

In the ancient times, there was a person with an extremely poor talent, possessing a red martial spirit, and his cultivation speed was slow like a snail. But it was such a person, but in the end stepped on the corpses of many geniuses and became a generation of Valkyrie, the king over the world.

This Valkyrie is called Ye Zhifan, just like his name, very ordinary, but in the end he will dominate the world, leaving many old powerhouses and geniuses dumbfounded.

This is a legend, which has been recorded in historical books and passed down through the ages.

The white-haired old man had a deep gaze and said softly: "Ye Zhifan, the Valkyrie, said that there are four ways to become a Valkyrie."

"Having an unyielding and unforgiving heart, you can become a Valkyrie!"

"With the strongest talent, you can become a Valkyrie!"

"With the strongest luck, you can become a Valkyrie!"

"With the highest level of comprehension, you can become a **** of war"

These four roads, any one, can eventually lead to the position of Valkyrie.

Although Ye Tian's talent was not good, the white-haired old man saw huge luck in him. Such luck was very rare in ancient times.

An extraordinary talent like Mu Bingxue who has the opportunity to become a Valkyrie character, but willing to stay by Ye Tian's side and succumbing to him, this shows how strong his luck is.

"I hope you can get the affirmation of Tai Chi Holy Palace!"

The white-haired old man sighed, then slowly closed his eyes.

In the void, the nine portals gradually disappeared one by one.


As soon as he entered the portal of Tai Chi, Ye Tian felt that he had come to a white world, surrounded by white light. He could not see any color. He only felt a thrust and moved him forward. Push away...

On the vast and boundless earth, there is silence, a vast aura that resembles an ancient prehistoric, raging in this space, making people feel lonely and calm in their hearts.


This calm did not last long, but was broken by the sudden arrival of figures.

Among them, there is a young man wearing a purple star robe, carrying a black iron sword on his back, and staring into the distance.

Needless to say, this person is Ye Tian.

Standing on a steep slope, Ye Tian frowned slightly as he watched the figures falling from the void in front of him.

"Before me, tens of thousands of people entered the Tai Chi Holy Palace, but there are only a few dozen people here. It seems that we are all randomly scattered in this space." Ye Tian thought to himself.


A huge blood basin and mouth suddenly burst from under Ye Tian's feet, and instantly swallowed Ye Tian's whole person.

Afterwards, a huge beast the size of a hill came out of the soil and burped with satisfaction.

Boom boom boom... Not far away, the same scene happened one after another. Suddenly, many young strong men who came in were attacked inexplicably, and half of them died on the spot.

"Blood World Slash!" A cold voice sounded.

Immediately, the fierce beast that swallowed Ye Tian was suddenly torn apart by a blazing blade of light, and the whole exploded in the air.

"These fierce beasts actually know the hidden aura, and even I can't sense it. This place is really weird!"

A sword came out of the giant beast's body. Ye Tian frowned as he looked at the young strong man fighting with the beasts in the distance, his heart was suddenly full of vigilance.

Obviously, this place is full of crises.

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