Seven World Martial God

Chapter 390: King of War

With the defeat of the windless, Yin Yang City collapsed without attack, Ye Tian solved a major problem, and now he was a lot easier, as long as he faced the king in the end. 【First Release】【First Release】

"The position of supreme, not far from me." Ye Tian's dark eyes, at this moment, seemed like two suns, bursting out with bright brilliance.

For countless years in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, countless young talents broke into the Nine Heavens Palace, such as the Blood Demon Sword Lord, such as the elder of the Burial Heaven... These talents have also ruled over one side, and the young generation is invincible.

Every familiar genius, through the hard work of generations, has not succeeded except for Mu Bingxue's success in one of the sacred palaces by accidentally opening his talent.

This is a tragedy and a shame.

Although the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea did not say anything, in their hearts, all of them were very aggrieved and unwilling, because this meant that all of them in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were waste.

"In the ancient times, the martial arts were vast, and we can't compare with the eighteen countries of Beihai."

"But this time, I, Ye Tian, ​​must seize the position of supremacy. People in ancient times can do it, and I can do it Ye Tian."

Ye Tian stood on the tall city gate, staring at Tianyi City in the distance.

At this time, the king had already returned to Tianyi City, because Song Haoran took people to support Chongding City, and Yan Haotian also took people to support.

Under the advantage of the huge number of people, all of the king's men died tragically, leaving him alone unable to capture the heavy cauldron.

Moreover, he also had to guard against Ye Tian's attack on Tianyi City.

As a last resort, the king can only return to Tianyi City.

"Brother Ye, you have already captured two cities, and the king only captured one city. Even if we don't fight the king, we won this time." Li Lanshan's laughter came from the side.

According to the rules of the virtual world, the one who attacked the most cities won the final victory, and now Ye Tian has captured the most cities.

Although the king is powerful, his subordinates are not strong enough, and the number is too small to capture the second city.

Even if it is dragged, it can be dragged until the king admits defeat.

However, Ye Tian shook his head. He looked at Tianyicheng in the distance, and the divine light burst into his eyes. I don't have the courage to him, I'm still fighting for some supreme position."

After all, Ye Tian ordered everyone to go to Tianyi City.

Li Lanshan frowned and said, "Even so, you can wait until the last battle. Then you can still fight the king. Why do you advance now?"

"Because I want to break through, only by fighting the strong, coupled with the rapid improvement of the virtual world, can I have a huge motivation to move forward. (Starter

"As long as I can break through, then ten kings, I am sure to defeat them."

"In this supreme battle, my breakthrough is of utmost importance. Without a breakthrough, even if I win the present, I cannot make it to the end."

Ye Tian took a deep look at Tianyicheng, then turned and left.

Li Lanshan frowned, thoughtfully, for a long time before he sighed slightly.

"We laymen only yearn for the ultimate victory, but what they want is the position of supremacy, ha ha! It is enough if Li can be ranked among the top five arrogances one day."

Li Lanshan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Soon after, Ye Tian took the only remaining men and horses and set off towards Tianyi City.

At the same time, Yang Shaohua, Song Haoran, and Yan Haotian also took all their horses to a round with Ye Tian and others in front of Tianyicheng.

Gathering all the young talents of the three major cities, a full army of more than 60,000, all standing in front of Tianyi City at this time, it was extremely magnificent, which made all the young talents in Tianyi City "colorful".

Before that, as a member of Tianyi City, all the young talents did not say anything because they were backed by the big tree of the King, but they still had a sense of superiority in their hearts. They thought that the final winner was definitely them.

But who knows Ye Tian's sudden rise, first defeated Zhao Wu strongly, then killed Wufeng in a battle, and then combined Yang Shaohua and Song Haoran to become the strongest force.

This is something the king did not expect.

"Not reconciled..." The king stood on the city gate, staring at Ye Tian's army below with a gloomy face. He looked at Ye Tian standing in front, his fists creaked.

He was defeated, not by being defeated, but by the situation.

Even though he was confident that he could defeat Ye Tian, ​​he didn't have this chance. Because of the rules of the virtual world, he couldn't beat Ye Tian, ​​who had a large crowd.

"If I attack the city, he will break my city first."

"If I defend the city, I will drag it to the end, or he will beat me by one."

The king's face is very ugly, even if he has the strength of ten thousand enemies, he is helpless at this time. Because as long as he leaves this city, then this city cannot resist Ye Tian's attack.

Enter and lose, retreat and lose.

This is where the king is now.

In a word, he was defeated.

But the king was not reconciled. He waited for a long time and worked hard for the supreme battle. This time in the Nine Heavens Palace, he finally made a breakthrough, and was about to enter that dream state.

But it turned out to be like this.

The king roared in his heart, full of unwillingness and despair.

Compared to the younger generation, he is already very old. If he can't take the position of supreme this time, then he will never have a third chance.

"I'm not reconciled..." The king roared in his heart, but at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, looking at Ye Tian flying up from the crowd below with a face full of disbelief.

If I shot at such a close distance, he would definitely die.

The king's heart jumped, and he couldn't help but want to make a move. This might be his last chance. But don't know why, he didn't make a move, and waited until Ye Tian flew to the opposite void that was level with him.

"King, you already know the current situation." Ye Tian stood in the void, looking at the king on the opposite side. This was the first time he looked at the king head-on.

As the first person of the young generation, although the appearance of the king is not very outstanding, but the inexplicable demeanor is much inferior to Wufeng, Zhao Wu and others.

This is the strongest of the young generation of the 18 countries in Beihai!

Although the warrior did not seize the supreme position, he is invincible after all, and that momentum is not much worse than the real Wuwang powerhouse.

This is an exciting opponent, Ye Tian's bright eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit.

"Are you here to show off?" The king also flew into the sky, his eyes were like torches, and there was a hot flame in his eyes. He snorted coldly, "You know, if I make a move now, you will definitely die, and it is not always certain who wins in the end. "

Over the sky of Tianyi City, the two pinnacle powers oppose each other.

Everyone below closed their breaths, staring and watching, no one dared to make a sound, the space seemed extremely silent.

"Show off? Haha!"

Listening to the king's ridicule, Ye Tian smiled faintly, then shook his head.

"Huh?" The king frowned, and he could see that Ye Tian is not the kind of person who likes to show off, so what is his intention?

Suddenly, the king was "confused".

At this moment, a ray of light flashed in the hands of Ye Tian on the opposite side, and a terrifying murderous aura swept across the entire sky. The huge magic power made the king on the opposite "colorful".

"It's so strong... This is the blood demon sword of the king's weapon. It's worthy of being the sword worn by the saint of the blood devil sword."

"The king, like no wind, you and I will fight at the top, and the winner is the king. This is your last chance." Ye Tian suddenly raised the blood magic knife and pointed at the king.

At the moment Ye Tian took the bleeding magic knife, the king had already guessed what Ye Tian wanted to do, and he was a little excited and emotional. But then they calmed down. He stared at Ye Tian on the opposite side and said softly, "You will regret your choice today."

"Look at me, your fate will be the same as Wufeng and Zhao Wu." Ye Tian said coldly, and the huge murderous aura escaped from the Blood Demon Sword. Behind him, a sea of ​​blood formed, and the evil spirit rushed into the sky.

"Zhao Wu is a trash, no wind is a bit capable, but defeating them does not mean that you can also defeat me. Well, since you give me a chance, then I will use the strongest strength to fulfill your supreme fighting intent."

While the king was speaking, his clothes had no wind, and the terrifying king's power erupted from him, like a big world, coming towards Ye Tian's suppression.


At the same time, an invincible power of the king also erupted from Ye Tian and greeted the king's great world.

The sky suddenly sounded like thunder, violent energy fluctuations surged over the entire sky, and terrifying power spread throughout the world.

The ground in the virtual world was shaking unceasingly, as if there was an earthquake.

All the young talents felt their bodies tremble, as if they were carrying a large mountain on their backs, their whole bodies being suppressed and unable to move. Even strong men like Yang Shaohua, Song Haoran, and Yan Haotian felt suffocated, and their hearts were full of oppression.

"This is the strength of the strongest young generation, and the gap between me and them is still too far." Yang Shaohua originally defeated Li Junhao and ranked one of the five great arrogances, feeling a little proud. But now that he really saw the strength of Ye Tian and the king, he knew that he was still too far away.

Song Haoran and Yan Haotian also sighed with emotion. These strengths have already surpassed the older generations, and only the kings of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea can overwhelm them.

The younger generation, if able to do this, will definitely become the king of war in the future.

Looking at the two great powerhouses opposing in the sky, a group of young talents were full of admiration and envy. They are all geniuses, and they hope to have this day of dominating the world.

"Ye It seems that I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have stepped into this step...You are indeed qualified to be my opponent."

High in the sky, the king's body was glowing, and his skin was full of brilliance and shimmering. Two sky-shaking sword intents bloomed from his eyes, forming two heavenly swords, killing Ye Tian.


Ye Tian let out a loud roar, his whole body killing sword intent skyrocketed, condensed into a heavenly sword in the void, greeted the king's two heavenly swords, both sides shattered in the vast void.

"I used my fist to defeat Zhao Wu, Wufeng, and Gongsun Xuanxuan, but no one knew that my strongest trick... was actually a sword!"

After the king said, he pointed to the sword, the terrifying sword aura, tore the sky, with a monstrous power, to kill Xiang Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's face was solemn, he knew that the king was telling the truth, because he felt from the opponent that sword intent was even more terrifying than his killing sword intent.

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