Seven World Martial God

Chapter 438: Meet Sun Yun again

"It's not a force from the Chinese mainland!"

Ye Tian was immediately shocked. 【First Release】

He never thought that outside the mainland of China, there are still forces, the universe starry sky?


Too science fiction!

Ye Tian couldn't help but looked at the Dragon Emperor with a puzzled face. The Dragon Emperor was not very clear. He said: "I only learned from some ancient books that in the ancient times, countless powerful people from other worlds invaded the Chinese mainland. Because at that time, the Nine Heavens Palace. The most powerful, so it suffered the most violent attack. The other martial arts also suffered heavy attacks, with heavy casualties."

"Another world expert?" Ye Tian was even more puzzled.

"Have you forgotten that many Valkyrie have left the Shenzhou Continent, where did they go? In fact, there have been speculations early on that there are other continents in this world," said Dragon King.

Ye Tian was suddenly stunned.

In the ancient times and ancient times, many Valkyrie powerhouses left the Chinese mainland and naturally went to another place, perhaps that is another world.

Or, there is more than one in this alien world, there are more.

"This world is too vast. I don't even see the mainland of China now." Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh. He was too small. Only when he walked out of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea did he know that the world was so vast.

After coming out of the palace, Ye Tian went to the Jintai Mountain round as agreed, and the two went to Long Island together.

Of course, Ye Tian is not very interested in visiting Long Island. He just wants to inquire about the outside world from Jintai Mountain.

After all, Jin Taishan had gone out to experience, and he knew far more information than Ye Tian, ​​a hillbilly, especially Ye Tian wanted to go to the mainland of China, and the places he needed to pass were many dangerous. He had to prepare in advance.

"The Beihai area is the world of our Jiaolong clan, so it is very safe. From Beihai, you have to go through the Three Swords Sea before you can board the Tianfeng Empire, which is the nearest here." Jin Taishan carefully described Ye Tian.

Ye Tian listened carefully, it was related to his safety, so he couldn't help but not take it seriously.

"You have to pay attention to the Three Swords Sea. In addition to the Three Martial Arts, there are many small forces here, which are very chaotic. Great wars often occur here, and there are countless small wars. If you are not careful, you will be implicated. There is no Emperor Wu. Basically, you can't get through here." Jin Taishan smiled bitterly. He had encountered a lot of dangers at the beginning. If he hadn't been strong, he wouldn't be able to return.

In addition to some elders of the Jiaolong clan, currently only Prince Long has left from here and entered the mainland of China.

Ye Tian was very worried after hearing this. He thought of the king, Wufeng and others who left before him. It would be difficult for him to pass the Three Swords Sea safely, and he could not save some lives. [More exciting novels, please visit]

However, this was also their choice, Ye Tian couldn't control, so he could only sigh.

"Holy Son, it's not OK!" A loud shout suddenly came from a distance.

Ye Tian and Jin Taishan suddenly looked back and saw the anxious Fire Dragon King flying over, and there were two Dragon King guards beside them.

"What's the matter?" Ye Tian asked quickly, he suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Jintaishan was also a little surprised.

"We have a team of soldiers patrolling outside. We brought back a human warrior from the eighteen countries of the North Sea. This person knows you. He said he is called Sun Yun." Fire Dragon King said.

"Sun Yun? What's wrong with him?" Ye Tian asked quickly when he was surprised.

"Seriously injured, if it weren't for the treatment of Lord Dragon Emperor, he would have died." Fire Dragon King said solemnly.


His voice did not fall, and Ye Tian's figure had disappeared.

"Let's go!" Jin Taishan shouted and walked in the direction of the hall.

When he arrived at the hall, Ye Tian saw a familiar person from a distance, Sun Yun.

However, Sun Yun was very miserable at this time. Ye Tian's eyes reddened as soon as he saw it, and his heart was full of anger and sadness.

Sun Yun in front of him was pale, his body was covered with scars, both cuffs were empty, one eye was sunken, without eyeballs, scarlet blood stained half of his face.

"Ye Tian?" Sun Yun couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise when he saw someone outside the hall.

"Brother Sun..." Ye Tian trembled. He wanted to hold Sun Yun, but he didn't know where to put his hand. Sun Yun not only lost one eye, but also lost his arms.

Thinking of the graceful hero of Xiongwu County, but now a cyclops with missing arms, Ye Tian couldn't help his eyes red, and his heart was full of killing intent.

"Who did it?" Ye Tian said coldly, eyes full of endless killing intent.

Destroying one eye and breaking off both arms made him more uncomfortable than killing a warrior.

"Haha, it's okay, I will be blessed if I survive this catastrophe. You see, I have realized 50% of the will, and it won’t be long before I can be promoted to King Wu. Even the five great arrogances at the beginning are not as fast as I am. ." Sun Yun laughed and said, there was no hopelessness, but Ye Tian knew that he didn't want to worry about it.

"Who is it?" Ye Tian looked at Sun Yun's eyes with a firm expression on his face.

"I accidentally encountered a powerful beast, but fortunately, it made me escape. And between life and death, there is still a breakthrough, hehe." Sun Yun shook his head.

"You lied!" Ye Tian yelled coldly, his eyes fixed on Sun Yun. If it were a powerful beast, he would eat Sun Yun directly. How could he brutally blind Sun Yun's eye? Isn't this unnecessary?

"Well, I know I can't lie to you." Sun Yun couldn't look into Ye Tian's eyes, lowered his head, and sighed: "I was the second group to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai. At the beginning, I was with a dozen friends. Entering the Sea of ​​Three Swords, but not long after, we encountered a group of powerful beasts. After losing, we fled to a nearby island. But unexpectedly, this island already had a master, and it was a famous Sea of ​​Three Swords. The forces. They treated us as slaves and beat and scolded us arbitrarily. I finally managed to escape, and the others were still locked up there, doing things for them."

"Do you still know Lu?" Ye Tian asked, his eyes cold, and his heart was murderous.

He is also from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, and Sun Yun is still his friend, but now he looks like this. If he doesn't take revenge, is he worthy to be a warrior of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea?

"There are a lot of them, there are many strong King Wu, and a few strong King Wu..." Sun Yun hesitated. He concealed the fact just now because he knew Ye Tian's character, so he didn't want Ye Tian to die.

"Even Emperor Wu will die too!" Ye Tian said coldly. He is now powerful, and he doesn't care about a few powerful emperors, unless it is a powerful emperor.

"But..." Sun Yun knew that Ye Tiancai had not been promoted to King Wu, even if he could leapfrog the enemy, he couldn't kill Emperor Wu!

"Nothing, but you take me there right away." Ye Tian said, looking at the Dragon King on the side, and asked with some worry: "Dragon King, how is my friend's injury?"

"It's okay, but I can't restore his broken arm and eyes, unless it is a strong martial artist. Of course, there are some treasures that can restore his broken arm and eyes." Dragon Emperor said.

"Thank you Dragon Emperor!" Ye Tian nodded gratefully.

He also knew that some treasures had unimaginable powers, like Wu Sheng's essence and blood, which had a function derived from flesh and blood, enough to restore Sun Yun's broken arms and eyes.

In addition, some powerful heaven, material and earth treasures also have the same effect.

However, these treasures are very precious, even if the Dragon Sovereign has them, it is impossible to take them out, unless the injured person is Ye Tian.

Ye Tian naturally understood that he had already obtained enough benefits in Longdao, and of course he would never ask others for such a treasure again, he would not export it!

"Dragon Emperor, I have disturbed you during this period of time. If you have anything to do with the Dragon Clan in the future, please don't hesitate to tell me. Ye will not hesitate!" Ye Tian said goodbye to the Dragon Emperor. He not only wanted to take revenge, but also rescued the Eighteen Kingdoms Companion.

"Holy Son, are you leaving now? Don't you wait for the Dragon Tomb to open?" The Dragon Sovereign was surprised.

"Dragon Tomb is the secret place of the Dragon Clan after all. I am an outsider still should not enter, and if I delay for some time, my companions will be more dangerous." Ye Tian shook his head. In fact, he was getting the ancestors of the Dragon Clan. After his inheritance, he didn't want to enter the Dragon Tomb.

He already owes a lot to the Dragon Clan, and he still has to enter the Dragon Tomb and seize other people's treasures. This is impossible to justify.

Ye Tian's face was not so thick yet.

Moreover, Ye Tian did want to hurry to save people. After all, those people would definitely implicate the rest of the people because of Sun Yun's escape. If they didn't hurry, they might be in danger.

"So... Saint Son, do you want me to send a few elders with you?" The Dragon Emperor pondered for a while and said.

"Don't bother a few elders, Ye can solve this little thing by himself." Ye Tian shook his head, he didn't want to owe more favors to the Dragon Clan.

"Okay!" Dragon Emperor sighed helplessly. He knew that people like Ye Tian would not change it once they decided something.

Moreover, he didn't worry about Ye Tian's safety. With the inheritance of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan, coupled with the inheritance of the Taiji Sacred Palace, it would be difficult to kill Ye Tian unless he was a powerhouse of Emperor Wu.

"Holy son, let me go with I just want to go out and practice." Jin Taishan came from outside the temple.

"And me!" The Fire Dragon King also said.

"Forget it, the strength is too bad, we can only drag us back." Jin Taishan said unceremoniously.

"You..." The Fire Dragon King suddenly became anxious.

Ye Tian interrupted them quickly, and said, "The two are kind, but this is a matter for the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea. Ye still hopes to solve it by himself."

"That's good... Saint Child, take care!" Jin Taishan didn't continue to entangle him, but nodded, but Ye Tian didn't notice, a sly flash in his eyes.

Ye Tian immediately bid farewell to Dragon King, Fire Dragon King and others, took Sun Yun and left Long Island.

Not long after he left, Jintai Mountain also secretly followed. His cultivation was far beyond Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian couldn't notice it at all after he followed Ye Tian.

Dragon Sovereign turned one eye to this, with Jin Taishan following, he didn't have to worry about Ye Tian's safety.

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