Seven World Martial God

Chapter 454: Merchant Shipping News

Following the elder Wu, Ye Tian and Zhou Long were taken into a room with a strong guard at the door. 【First Release】

"Young Master Ye, this is what I told you. According to our Fenghuangzhai rules, we will return to record every five years to prevent enemy spies from coming in. Those who have not returned for more than five years will be subject to review." Zhou Long said.

"This can reduce the chance of spies coming in!" Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

The two of them just waited, and after about three hours, a mad voice came in.

"Is it really Zhou Long? I haven't seen that kid for nearly 70 or 80 years. I thought he was slaughtered. I didn't expect to be alive. Fortunately, I shed some tears for him."

Ye Tian in the room looked at Zhou Long and found that Zhou Long's eyes were immediately wet and his face was moved.

"It's Ou Sheng, I remember his voice, this is my best friend." Zhou Long said with a trembling voice.

Ye Tian patted him on the shoulder with understanding, and said, "Take me to Phoenix Village. If you have done a great job, when I get out of the Smog Strait, stay here if you like it."

"Really?" Zhou Long looked at Ye Tian in surprise.

"Do I still lie to you?" Ye Tian said lightly.

"Thank you, Young Master Ye!" Zhou Long immediately thanked him with tears.

At this time, the sound from outside was getting closer, and there was still a sound of footsteps.

"Is it Zhou Long, you will recognize it carefully later, and don't let spies come in." This is the voice of Elder Wu.

"Don't worry, Elder Wu, I joined the Phoenix Village together with Zhou Long. Even if he turns into ashes, I will not forget." The rough voice laughed.


The door was pushed open, and two people walked in from the outside. One of them was the elder Wu and a middle-aged man, with a firm face and loose hair, looking bold and unrestrained.

"Zhou Long!"

"Ou Sheng!"

Almost at the same time, two surprise sounds sounded.

Immediately, Zhou Long and the middle-aged man named Ou Sheng hugged fiercely, with excitement and excitement on their faces.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong, Ou Sheng, this kid will be handed over to you, and the elder has to leave beforehand." Seeing this scene, Wu Honglei suddenly knew that Zhou Long was not a spy, and smiled immediately.

"Elder Wu go slowly!"

Ou Sheng and Zhou Long said quickly. 【First Release】

The two brothers hadn’t seen each other for decades, and they had something to say. However, Zhou Long still restrained himself. He introduced to Ou Sheng, “Brother, this is Ye Gongzi. If there is no help from him, I’m here. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in my life."

"Thank you Ye Gongzi for saving my brother. If you have anything to do in the future, please tell me." Ou Sheng held his fist solemnly at Ye Tian.

"With a little effort, Brother Ou doesn't need to be like this!" Ye Tian smiled faintly. He has a good impression of these two casual cultivators. In such a cruel sea of ​​three swords, it is rare for them to maintain such a friendship.

"Brother, Young Master Ye is also going to join our Phoenix Village. Let's take him through the formalities first." At this time, Zhou Long thought of Ye Tian's intentions and said quickly.

"It's a trivial matter, you follow me." Ou Sheng smiled when he heard the words, and immediately led the way.

Along the way, several people talked and laughed.

"I said, brother, what happened to you? You haven't come back once in these years, but your cultivation has improved a lot, and you are almost catching up with me." Ou Sheng asked as he walked.

"It's a long story..." Zhou Long slowly said when he was arrested by someone from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce as a slave.

Ou Sheng was so angry that he coldly snorted: "What a Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, I remember this hatred, and I will avenge you again when I have a chance."

"Brother, please don't be reckless. The Wind and Cloud Chamber of Commerce is powerful, second only to the three martial sects. You'd better not provoke... Hey, you have reached the tenth rank of the Martial King. Why are you so fast?" Zhou Long wanted to stop Ou Sheng, but suddenly discovered Ou Sheng's cultivation base could not help but shocked.

Ye Tian smiled clearly on the side. He had long discovered that Ou Sheng had a tenth-level martial artist, and he was considered very powerful in casual cultivation, second only to the dozens of martial emperor powerhouses who had only achieved great results.

"Hey, brother, thirty years ago, I had an adventure. I not only got some martial arts, but also a lot of spirit stones. The spirit stones have been used by me, and I will pass on those martial skills to you in the future." Smiled proudly.

"Brother good luck!" Ou Sheng was full of surprises. He and Ou Sheng have known each other for a long time and have a good relationship. They joined Fenghuang Village together. As long as it is what they get, they are basically divided equally, even martial arts are the same.

There are many friends like them who support each other in casual cultivators, but definitely not many, because people are selfish, and not many people have such good feelings as them.

Several people flew away from the small city, but entered a larger city, which occupies almost one-tenth of the entire island. It looks very horrible, extremely spectacular, comparable to the emperor capitals of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

"Young Master Ye, this is Phoenix City, the base camp of our Phoenix Village." Zhou Long proudly introduced Ye Tian.

Ou Sheng on the side interrupted and said: "Phoenix City has a village master and twelve elders sitting in town. In the smog strait, it is the safest place. As long as Brother Ye joins our Phoenix Village, he can practice safely here in the future. ."

The casual cultivators were very sad in the Three Swords Sea and were often intercepted by big forces and disciples of the martial arts, so Ou Sheng thought that Ye Tian wanted to find a safe place to practice when he joined the Phoenix Village.

Of course, other casual cultivators are like this. Because of this, they are united so as not to be bullied by outsiders.

Soon after, the three entered the city. In a hall, Ou Sheng went through the formalities for Ye Tian to join the Phoenix Village, and Ye Tian also received an identity token.

"In this case, I can be regarded as a casual cultivator with an identity." Ye Tian couldn't help but smile while holding his identity token.

"Young Master Ye, I am happy today, shall we go have a drink?" Ou Sheng invited.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not object. The three of them entered a restaurant in the city together, ordered some wine and food, and drank until dark before leaving.

Ou Sheng, a tenth-level powerhouse of King Wu, had a large courtyard in Phoenix, where Ye Tian and Zhou Long lived at night.

The next day, Ye Tian asked about the location of the mission wall and went there alone.

"The Sea of ​​Three Swords is too messy. Although I have a map, it is not safe. Moreover, I have offended the Heavenly Swordsmen. Maybe they will encounter it someday."

"Before that, let's talk about improving some strength in the Haze Strait."

Ye Tian walked towards the mission wall. He hoped that he could receive some missions that could earn a lot of spirit stones. Unlike others, as long as he had enough spirit stones, his cultivation level would rise quickly.

If he could be promoted to Emperor Wu, his safety in Sandaohai would undoubtedly be guaranteed. At the very least, as long as he was not a powerful man at the level of Emperor Wu, he would not be afraid.

However, after reading the mission wall once, Ye Tian was disappointed.

There are indeed many missions on the mission wall, and most of them can earn spirit stones, but even the most advanced missions can earn up to a dozen high-grade spirit stones.

"At this speed, even if I do decades of missions, it is not enough for me to cultivate!" Ye Tian frowned. This group of casual cultivators are even poorer than he thought, and they earn this little spirit by doing missions alone. Stone is not enough for him to cultivate.

"I need too many high-grade spirit stones, except to find the veins of the spirit stone, otherwise I can only start from those martial arts disciples." There was a trace of killing intent in Ye Tian's eyes, and he finally understood why Sandaohai was so cruel. , If you don’t kill and loot, how can you quickly improve your cultivation?

With disappointment, Ye Tian was ready to go back.

At this moment, a casual shaver ran in anxiously and shouted at the crowd: "Good news, I found the behavior of a merchant ship. It is said that it was filled with spirit stones. The courageously prepared guy, This time we have done a lot."

"A merchant ship mission?"

"Great, I can finally make a fortune this time."

"Made, although it's a bit dangerous, I will fight for the spirit stone this time!"

"Copy guys, people die for money and birds die for food, do it!"


Near the task wall, the eyes of a crowd of casual cultivators were hot, and they suddenly screamed.

The entire mission hall was in an uproar.

Even Ye Tian squeezed forward excitedly, intercepting and killing the merchant ship. This was a good opportunity to earn spirit stones, and he naturally didn't want to let it go.

This incident caused a sensation, and soon a Martial Emperor-level elder rushed over in person and asked the San Xiu in public.

"It's the merchant ship of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce. I heard some of their crew members talk about it. They said they were going to transport the Lingshihui headquarters. According to their route, they would definitely pass through the Pentagonal State. We could completely lie in there." San Xiu said excitedly.

"Very well, if the news you brought is true, I will reward you with at least 30 high-grade spirit stones." The elder of the Phoenix Village was also a little excited, and he couldn't wait to report the news to the village owner.

The rest of the casual cultivators also left, looking for companions, and preparing to do a big job.

Ye Tian also went back and told Zhou Long and Ou Sheng the news. The two were overjoyed, especially Ou Sheng, and they decided on the spot: "Okay, if I made a lot of money this I'm away. The realm of Emperor Wu is one step closer."

"Pentagonal State, I know, if we rush now, we can definitely ambush there in advance, what a good opportunity!" Zhou Long took out a map and said excitedly.

"You wait, I'll ask the elders to find out when to leave." Ou Sheng ran out impatiently. He has a tenth-level cultivation base of King Wu, second only to the elders in Phoenix Village, and naturally has something to do with him.

Ye Tian suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said solemnly to Zhou Long: "Have you encountered merchant ships in the past? Don't you need to confirm it. What if the enemy deliberately leaked the information and caused you to be fooled?" He was vigilant and very careful.

"Young Master Ye can rest assured that in such a thing, the casual cultivator who reports to us will be temporarily controlled. If he dares to deceive us, it is definitely better than death. Moreover, we have the rules, only the qualifications in Phoenix Village are very good. Only deep casual cultivators can be trusted. If it is the news brought by other newly added casual cultivators, we will definitely verify it carefully.” Zhou Long said indifferently.

Ye Tian frowned. He was not very satisfied with this answer, but he decided to take a risk for the sake of Lingshi. He believed that as long as he didn't encounter a Wudi level powerhouse, no one should be able to stop him from leaving.

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