Shadow Apostle

Chapter 123 It’s very expensive (middle chapter, the chapter in the evening will be at least nine o’

"Give Way."

Monica went against the crowd and tried her best to move forward on Lilac Street.

Relying on the physical fitness of the awakened person, he continuously pushed away the oncoming pedestrians and cleared a path.

Behind her, Horst held a pocket watch in one hand and a cane in the other, closely following Monica's footsteps, occasionally avoiding passers-by who bumped into the pocket watch.

Justice Square is one of the most crowded areas in Mingyue City.

At this time, three to four thousand people had gathered on the other side of the blockade. The police who were blocking the blockade were gradually letting people in, allowing more and more people to gather inside.

And from all directions, more people poured into Lilac Street, which brought huge obstacles to the two of them.

But the greater obstacle comes from the mysterious guidance itself.

Unpredictable, this is the biggest feeling for the two of them at this time.

The pocket watch had an effect, but the effect was quite strange.

The pendulum axis is indeed tilted at an angle, but this angle keeps swinging slightly and is never pointed in one direction.

In other words, it always points to a range, not a fixed position.

The range is not large, and it is still acceptable.

The two of them followed the guidance of the swinging pendulum pocket watch and ran along Lilac Street.

At the end is the Plaza de Justice.

At this time, there were almost no people left in the square.

Most of the pedestrians went to Lilac Street, and even the stalls of many vendors in the square were unattended.

Only a few priests of the Just Church were left, still looking out from the Just Cathedral.

He seemed to be wondering where everyone had gone.

Standing in the empty square, the two of them had to stop.

After the swinging pocket watch guided me to the square, I could no longer confirm more detailed directions.

It was as if some force had been pulling on the pocket watch.

Is this how the mystery of the awakened person interferes with the results?

Horst remembered Andrew's instructions, sighed, flicked his wrist, and put the pocket watch into his palm.

The rest is just guesswork.

Square, square.

Holding his pocket watch, Horst spun around in circles several times.

He kept mumbling this word.

If that tabloid reporter had really deliberately chosen a cafe before, he would have only had two things in mind, either because it was close, or because it had a good view.

If it was close, her new location must be closer.

The only thing that is closer is the inside of the site.

But I looked for it just now and couldn't find it yet.

Then you can only consider the visual field effect.

Indeed, although the cafe is close, there are often obstructions, making it difficult to see what is going on inside.

So where the view is better, if eyesight is not considered, there is only...

The two people's eyes turned to the Tower of Justice almost at the same time.

The 33-meter-tall Tower of Justice is a little shorter than the 35-meter-tall spire of the Cathedral of Justice.

It symbolizes that the authority of the mortal world does not dare to overstep the majesty of the gods.

The huge Bell of Honesty hangs high on the top of the tower. The twenty-four main gods are arranged along the bell body, rotating one to the top every hour and one circle every twenty-four hours.

At the top of the bell tower is an open viewing platform, which is open to the public every festival, offering a sweeping view of the city.

The two people's eyes fell on the top of the bell tower.

Looking at each other, the two nodded to each other.

It could only be there.

"You are the only one with a good mind." Monica punched Horst on the shoulder hard, and while he bared his teeth and screamed in pain, he shouted, "Horst, let's go."

Saying this, he pulled Horst's arm and the two rushed into the Tower of Justice like a gust of wind.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you here to protect me? Why are you more anxious than me? I would rather let you undergo special physical training."

Horst felt that his arm was about to break, and he was being dragged and fluttering in the wind.

This crazy woman didn't stop until she entered the Tower of Justice.

"I almost forgot. Special physical training starts today. No. 103, No. 85, Vera Street. I will wait for you at the door."

"Wait, I moved. I really moved. I moved to a far away place. You can't find me."



"Stop talking nonsense, now is the first lesson of special training, climbing stairs."

The corner of Horst's mouth twitched and he looked up at the spiraling stairs with almost no top visible. Not only did he feel a spasm in his calf muscles, but also a spasm in his heart muscle.

Are people in this world sick?

It's not that he didn't think about running up through the shadows, but on the shadow plane, running on the slopes was more tiring. He could only hold a cane and run along the steps, and from time to time he had to endure the urging and scolding of Monica behind him.

The bottom floor of the Tower of Justice is a twenty-meter-high hollow structure, and the ground can be seen directly from the stairs.

After climbing up, there is an eight-meter closed structure, which is filled with parts of the Honesty Bell. Only maintenance personnel can enter.

After running up nearly thirty meters of stairs, Horst stopped panting at the end of the closed stage.

Sweat broke out.

Monica passed by him lightly, patted him on the shoulder, and rushed to the top platform first.

Horst gritted his teeth, pulled out Serena, raised his cane, and chased after her.


As soon as he emerged, he heard a metallic collision.

When he looked around, he saw two daggers holding Monica's sword away.

"Wow, you guys came here. It's really amazing. I even deliberately obscured my existence, and you still chased me. How did you find me?"

Sure enough, there was only one person on the top of the tower, and it was the petite and exquisite Isabella Naven.

He was still wearing the same plaid suit, wearing a visor with a brim, carrying a package like a drawing board on his back, holding a dagger behind his hands, and the smile on his face was as cunning as ever.

"Huh, huh, you guessed it." Horst gasped and blocked the stairs. "What on earth did you do? What happened to those people below?"

Ms. Naven showed a look of astonishment for a moment, but it was immediately replaced by a weird smile. She blinked narrowly, put the dagger in front of her lips and hissed: "This is a secret, I haven't lost yet, how can I... …”


Before he finished speaking, the dagger blocked the stabbing sword again.

Monica didn't pay attention to her words at all. Taking advantage of the moment she turned her head, she quickly approached and stabbed out several swords like lightning.

But Ms. Naven's dagger was as fast as lightning, and she had already caught Monica's stabbing sword without even seeing the swing process. Then she turned around and appeared behind Monica. The daggers were drawn out, pointing at Mo. Nika's waist.

When the person in front of her disappeared, with her rich experience, Monica had already taken two steps forward with her long legs, avoiding the dagger behind her in time, and turned the stabbing sword to her forehead.

"Characteristics, Judgment."

"The first charge is to incite the people and create trouble."

As the characteristics were activated, Monica was once again covered with a halo, her steps moved laterally, and she turned sideways towards Naven at a much faster speed.

However, Naven just smiled: "Oh, that's why I don't like the judgments of you impartial believers the most. The basis of judgments is always your own perception, and it never cares whether it is true or not."

As soon as she finished speaking, Monica's halo dimmed and her movements slowed down a lot.

"Haha, the will of judgment may have been shaken. His characteristic is the wind of swiftness."

One ebbs and another, while Monica's movements slowed down, Naven suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared on the viewing platform. When he reappeared, he was right behind Monica, wiping the dagger towards the back of her neck. Go up.

That's when Serena opened fire.

Within seven steps, the gun was accurate and fast.

Naven had no time to continue the attack, so he shrank back and left Monica at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Monica, I'll do it."

Realizing that the opponent's speed seriously restrained Monica's fighting characteristics, Horst raised his cane and moved a few steps away from the stairs.

At the same time, Monica continued to retreat, just taking up the position Horst gave up.

Seeing that Monica was already in place, Horst moved a few steps to the side, picked up his cane and drew a few circles around him, but there was always a shadow under his feet. Suddenly he felt a surge of air behind him, and his clothes had been touched. Te's windbreaker shook and he immediately escaped into the shadows.

Very timely.

Ms. Naven’s wind-like speed suddenly stopped.

A dagger was inserted into the afterimage left by Horst.


Ms. Naven whispered in surprise, there was a sound of wind behind her, and a metal rod hit from behind.

Then it passed through her head and body and waved directly over.


Realizing that he had also hit the afterimage, Horst didn't even think about it. His body reacted instinctively and quickly returned to the shadow to avoid it. Ms. Naven's dagger just passed through the afterimage.

It's just one step away.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, the two sides continued to appear and disappear, appearing behind each other repeatedly, but they could never catch the corners of each other's clothes.

After staggering six or seven times in a row, Naven flashed and appeared on the edge of the platform, stepping on the guardrail of the platform. It was too dangerous there, and neither Horst nor Monica dared to go near it for a while.

"The game became boring and I lost interest."

"Then first tell us how the people below can restore them to normal." Horst asked hurriedly.

"How do I know? I didn't put the medicine. You looked in the wrong direction." Ms. Naven looked gloating and pointed to Lilac Street in the distance. "I only know that you are too late, hehe."

Horst and Monica's hearts sank.

Sure enough, the crowd below had begun to commotion, which was a sign that they were losing their patience.

The situation is getting out of control, and it seems that Princess Sofia can't delay it any longer.

"This scene is very interesting. I am very satisfied with it. Let me give you one last sentence. This is the simplest and lowest form of spiritual secret medicine. It is so low that it has no effect on the awakened person."

Ms. Naven suddenly pulled the ‘drawing board’ cloth behind her, and the white cloth floated out of the tower like a big bird.

A structure inside that is relatively folded together, like a rectangular wooden plank, is exposed.

The surface is covered with gears and belts of different sizes, and it looks like it can expand and contract.

Monica and Horst realized something was wrong and rushed towards Naven.

"Characteristics, unruly style."

Ms. Naven jumped backwards lightly, jumped out of the thirty-three-meter-high Tower of Justice, and floated in mid-air outside the bell tower.

He smiled narrowly at the two of them, as if he was saying come after me.

The two of them rushed to the fence at the edge of the platform, but they could only watch Ms. Naven raise her hand in the air and draw a mysterious circle in the air.

"Goodbye, you two. Remember to call me next time there is news."

After drawing the symbols, Ms. Naven waved to the two of them, took out a handful of fine sand from her pocket, and raised it casually. The fine sand sprinkled into the sky and fell like falling rain.

"ka-ta-su-na~~dust wind."

Suddenly there was a gust of wind on the top of the tower. With the breeze, the 'drawing board' behind Ms. Naven unfolded to both sides and turned into a shortened hang glider. Her body seemed to have lost weight, and it was like a glider. The wings carry it and fly quickly into the distance.

"Hey, wait a minute. Damn reporters, they're running too fast."

Monica slapped the guardrail hard, but was unable to do anything. She could only look angrily at the Lilac Street below.

At least several thousand people have gathered in the area within the blockade.

At this point a commotion began among the thousands of people.

And the commotion has spread to the nearly ten thousand people left on Lilac Street outside.

Under the influence of the commotion, the crowd had begun to move.

It was a chaotic mess, as if they were about to start a march down the street.

But Horst did not panic. Instead, he looked at Lilac Street outside the platform with a thoughtful expression.

"I understand, look."

Monica followed his finger and discovered that black smoke was billowing out of the city.

Very normal thing.

Each block of Mingyue City has its own main steam engine, which emits thick smoke day and night, causing Mingyue City to fall into thick foggy weather from time to time.

But it was different now. The black smoke not only spread in all directions into the building complex where thousands of people gathered, but also spread to the Lilac Street outside and was spreading towards Justice Square.

That was the thick smoke from several mobile steam boilers sent by the border guards.

Vehicles were parked in different locations and thick smoke just covered the entire area.


Monica took a small breath.

"No wonder, fanaticism and chaos began to erupt from that area, and then slowly spread outward, because the smoke emitted by the steam engine contained spiritual secrets. However, we want to put a few people under the control of the military. I’m afraid it won’t be easy if all the mobile steam engines are shut down.”

"There is no need to shut down the phone, just know that it is a mental influence." Horst showed a strange smile, "Just like fire is a mysterious nemesis, mental influence also has a natural nemesis, especially the most basic ones. Influence."

Monica thought for a while: "Water?"

"Yes, if you throw a basin of water on your head, or if there are many people, it will rain directly, and any mental impact will be gone."

"There's no water now, and it won't rain heavily."

"If it doesn't rain, it won't prevent us from artificial rainfall. I heard that steam engines store a lot of water."

Horst stared at the airship floating above the blockade:

"And there just happened to be one floating there."

"Hiss... you have thought about it."


"Airships are very expensive."


The first historical event is over.

It seems that no one is very interested in historical events.

From now on, I will try not to describe historical events in such large lengths.

If you have any opinions, please put them forward directly in the chapter and give me feedback in the group.


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