Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 201: Attacking Ghost Agent


After three more standard Earth days and seventy-two hours, the huge interstellar colonization spacecraft Hope has gradually approached this mysterious planet named jno.3 by them.

This earthy-yellow planet revolves around a star in the planetary system. Its revolution period is about 500 Earth days, and its rotation period is between 30 Earth standard hours. It also has a gravity environment that is 1.3 times the standard Earth’s gravity. The strong acidic ocean with more than 80% of the ground and the corrosive atmospheric steam...

From that perspective, it seems to be very unfriendly to human beings from afar!

Now, the reason why Hope has come here and this planet full of maliciousness to humans is because, on this planet, there are precious energy materials urgently needed by Hope: high-energy gas and high-energy crystal mine!

This is the only one among the more than twenty best planets detected by the Nostalgia that has a large number of these two rare energy minerals at the same time, while the other planets detected are not at all!

I have to say that this is the luck of Hope

Otherwise, they can only find a suitable planet within the navigable distance, and then begin to colonize life with difficulty. Without the hope of energy, they may only be reduced to a large size. Fortress city and landed on the surface of the planet

After there is no advanced energy for interstellar navigation, it can only rely on the irradiation energy of stars and nuclear energy for navigation in the galaxy.

Through the high-strength space glass window in the upper bridge of the Hope, looking at the huge planet in front of it, surrounded by the earthy yellow atmosphere, and the brown ocean that occupies more than 80% of the area, Leo Captain Na couldn't help but frown slightly.

I don't know why, she doesn't like this planet very much!

Because, she seemed to be able to feel that some kind of faint hostility from above gave her an impulse to order the Hope to change its direction and enter the warp speed and flee...

If it weren't for the energy minerals on this planet that they urgently need now... they would definitely not take a second look, let alone come here.

Compared to this sinister earthy yellow planet, Leona preferred their original earth.

That is a beautiful and habitable planet suitable for human habitation. Until now, Captain Leona still clearly remembers that when the earth was seen from outer space: it was a continent and island with beautiful white clouds and brown. , And the blue gem-like ocean...

If she was looking at the earth from a little farther away, she could even see: the earth is actually a fascinating planet that appears blue as a whole, and nearly 78% of its surface is covered by the ocean. A thick blue atmosphere...

It's a pity that these people on their Hope, I'm afraid they will never return to their former homes in their lifetime.

That was the long distance they had traveled at a speed for more than 100 years...

I’m afraid that no one remembers the so-called “criminals” who were expelled on the Hope Hope after generations of reproduction on the current earth.

And, more importantly: Now, they don’t even have the coordinates of the earth...

The vast universe, in the infinite sea of ​​stars, where do they go to find that little earth

It's all those **** new coalition governments on Earth, those upl bureaucrats, those **** bastards, ugly dictators! Leona felt that all of them should go to hell!

"Captain Leona! Hope has already begun to cut into the synchronous orbit of planet jno.3, and it is expected to be completed in ten minutes. Please give instructions!"

While Captain Leona was wandering into the sky, thinking of the remote and beautiful earth and the bureaucrats cursing the new earth coalition government upl, the navigator on the bridge of Hope began to report loudly to her .

"Very well, maintain the synchronized orbit, pay attention! We don't need to land, just stay here."

Captain Leona recovered, nodded, and then directly ordered to the navigator.

Once again, she frowned and looked at the huge khaki planet outside Hyun's window. Leona exhaled and turned to look at the first officer Doug standing next to her.

"Doug, how is the preparation of the colonial command center"

Captain Leona attaches great importance to this command center!

You know, on their No. 5 interstellar colony ship No. 5, there are only two colonial command centers in total.

This kind of command center that can land on the planet to carry out production and colonization activities is an extremely precious non-renewable resource for their current Hope!

Judging from the current energy and material reserves of Hope, once it is lost, it is absolutely impossible to recreate it! Therefore, for landing and landing on this planet, we must be more cautious and not tolerate the slightest mistake!

The colonial command center is an extremely important service unit for all human outposts, mining areas or colonial bases on the earth.

In the beginning, it was designed as a resource recycler to patrol the federal mining area. It can move the piles to the new high-energy crystal or high-energy gas spring. Of course, if the energy and materials are sufficient, they come with it. The interstellar industrial base machine also has the ability to manufacture scv, accept and reserve resources, and construct other buildings.

Simply put, as long as the materials and energy are sufficient, plus enough manpower, it can build a mining base on its own!

After all, it was designed according to this when it started.

But later, due to its heavy armor and gravity engine flying capabilities, coupled with its reliable development and resource recovery and smelting functions, slowly, it gradually became a military forward base or colony for all mankind. One of the most important buildings!

Whether it is an army or a colonial starship, it usually sets off with this important strategic resource in the fleet, relying on it to gain a foothold on a strange or dangerous planet.

"Report Captain! The command center is ready. It is equipped with five T-280 scv space engineering vehicles. The heavy armored transport ship ys001 has also carried all the members of the Cobra Squad, and can follow the command center to land jno. Planet 3, and provide it with the necessary protection!"

The scv space engineering vehicle is one of the standard equipment of the command center. It is an engineering machine that can adapt to multiple operating environments.

Because it can perform a variety of tasks, whether it is building new buildings, or collecting and transporting energy minerals, or even directly operating in space, it has shown extremely strong adaptability and reliability.

Therefore, they have gradually become the main force of colony construction and construction. Sometimes, they even have to follow the army to the battlefield, build outpost military attack positions, and contribute an extremely important role to the colonization of space for the earth and humans. An indispensable and important part of the star.

And now, Hope is ready to land on this planet and carry out the mission of producing and collecting resources. They rely on a command center fortress and five scv engineers who are initially going to build, and ten are responsible for defending and scouting the surrounding terrain. One of the Cobra Marines.

Under normal circumstances, only scv engineering vehicles and marines are required to work outdoors, and the commanders in the command center and the engineers responsible for manufacturing various standard units will certainly not leave this fortress easily. Protection of the building.

"Now, how is the recruitment of recruits and new engineers going"

Then, this is the second thing that Captain Leona is more concerned about.

Later, after they put the command center and marine squad on the ground of this planet, the five scv engineering vehicles are only responsible for building basic small bases and initially collecting some energy crystals. Later, they need a steady stream of Hope. Dispatch various personnel to the ground base below in order to complete various follow-up tasks.

Whether it is a large number of scv engineering vehicles or the follow-up marines, the Hope will spare no effort to support!

After all, near this star field, there are alien warship wreckage, as evidenced by the rescue capsule of the little girl Annie who was rescued by them!

After orbital calculations, they also initially calculated the approximate location of the alien warship wreckage, which seems not far from here. Therefore, no one dares to be optimistic about this planet with a lot of energy.

Who knows, will there be aliens on this planet?

Therefore, the necessary armaments for ground bases are absolutely indispensable!

They Hope, they must deploy a small colonial production base on this planet as quickly as possible. After collecting enough energy and producing enough warships, they will quickly leave this seemingly dangerous place!

In this regard, the time limit given by Captain Leona is: about one hundred standard Earth days, within this time limit, the colony on planet jno. 3 must give her enough energy to collect Planting other mineral resources, of course, and the battlecruiser fleet she had planned long ago!

Leona never wanted a colonial spaceship as large as the Nozomi to run naked in space. She must have enough defensive power.

Whether it is transport ships of various sizes and models, various types of fighters, space aircraft carriers flying on fighters, and at least ten large battlecruisers, Leona will do it all!

She wants to set up a small defense fleet in the shortest possible time with the rich energy of Li Yong on planet jno.3.

If it were in the Old Earth era, it would be a wishful thinking to complete so many difficult tasks in such a short period of time, and it would be an impossible task.

It's like an important unit in the universe: battlecruiser! If you were in the old earth age, it would take less than ten or eight years to build such a warship, so don't even think about it!

However, it is different in this interstellar age!

Now everything is modular and standardized production! As long as Starport is successfully set up, it will be easy to produce a medium-sized space battlecruiser in ten days and a half, provided that various resources are sufficient!

And if you go all out, build a sufficient number of starports, and each starport individually completes a certain part of the battleship, and the overall assembly line production, it is not a problem to spell out a battlecruiser for you in three or five days!

Of course, the various manipulators and logistical supplies on the battlecruisers need to be handled by the Hope. They can only produce empty shells. After all, no matter how good the weapon, But they all need to be manipulated by humans.

If you want to ask how long it will take for a Starport to be built, then the head of the engineering department can tell you very responsibly: allocate hundreds of scv engineering vehicles to him, plus enough resources, three to five days If you build a huge starport, it is not a problem at all, it is done!

This is the efficiency in this StarCraft era!

Whether it is construction or production, all tend to be highly efficient automation, modular standardization, and the time required for production and construction are all compressed to a minimum.

"Report to the captain! The recruitment of personnel is already in full swing, and the citizens of HMS Hope are very cooperative!"

First Mate Doug quickly gave a set of data. At present, whether the training is for new marines or a large number of scv engineering vehicle operators, they have been carried out in an orderly manner.

"Doug, if I let you be the commander-in-chief of this command center and ground base, will you be competent?"

After thinking for a while, considering the arduous nature of this task, Captain Leona asked his first officer.

Now, I am afraid that the entire Nozomi is more capable and can coordinate a ground base. Maybe, it’s only his first mate.

As for the others...

It's all a bunch of recruits, she really can't expect too much...

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

When Doug heard the captain's words, his eyes lit up, and his feet were brought together, his head raised and his chest was raised and he gave a standard military salute.

Being able to serve as the commander-in-chief of a ground base, this is the captain's trust in her and recognition of her abilities, of course she has no reason to refuse.

Besides, she Doug had seen the blueprint for the future development of the HMS Hope designated by Captain Leona. If, by then, it can be realized one by one, she will take up this important position now, which will have unparalleled significance for her future development.

Now participating in the first development operation of the Nozomi and serving as the commander is a valuable qualification!

"Very well, you can go and prepare now! Now this planet is still in the dark, you still have three hours of preparation time, and then, when the light of the stars shines here, you start to set off!"

Captain Leona’s finger touched a point on the equator of the planet on the 3D holographic map. Here, it is a large island, located on a high ground with its back facing the sea. It is not only easy to defend and difficult to attack from the terrain, but also nearby. There are a large number of high-energy crystals and high-grade gas resources, making it an ideal place for colony construction.

In the dozens of locations detected before, although this is not the most mineralized, it does seem to be the most suitable and safest!

If all goes well, they only need to stay in this location for more than a hundred Earth days, and then they will be able to get everything that Hope needs urgently from this planet!

"Yes, Captain!"

The First Mate of Hope, Doug, paid another military salute before turning around and walking to the second mate on the other side.

Regardless of the envious and jealous eyes of the other party, Doug directly used her terminal to transfer the authority to the other party, and then resolutely turned and left.

Now, she Doug is going to pack her bags and prepare to be the commander-in-chief of the base on planet jno.3 below. The authority of the First Officer Hope and some unfinished tasks naturally require her to be handed over to the second officer. deal with.


Good luck, Doug...

Watching the opponent leave the bridge and disappear behind the automatically closed hatch, Captain Leona began to pray silently to the opponent.

I don’t know why, when she turned her head again and looked at the huge earth-yellow planet in front of her, she always felt that she was just like facing a wild beast, with an inexplicable heart palpitation.

It seems that there is a great danger waiting for them below

I hope... this is just her illusion.

However, thinking about the destroyed alien warship calculated in this star field before, Leona's brows have become even deeper.

What kind of existence is it that caused a seemingly powerful alien warship to be destroyed here. Did they pass by or were destroyed by the original forces here?

That alien battleship, it’s impossible not to discover this planet with huge energy reserves, right?

So, are they the same as themselves, thinking of collecting materials on the ground of this planet and then... after discovering that there is a danger, they rushed away, but in the end, they were still destroyed by the enemy

Thinking of this possibility, Captain Leona's heart couldn't help but feel terrified.

If they hadn't really had a choice, she would never approach this strange star field, let alone stay on the synchronous orbit of this planet!

But now, they really have no other way. Even if they don’t venture to land on this planet, their remaining little energy will probably not be able to get out of this star field.

Therefore, I can only take a risk!

This is why she only gave Doug only one hundred days of collection and production time!

This is already the minimum time limit that she has compressed!

If she didn’t feel that there was some kind of danger in this star field, she would definitely collect all the energy from this planet and create a huge fleet before she started space voyage and search again. A livable planet suitable for the survival of human beings on the earth.


"Wow! Where are you going to fight?"

Little Annie, who was wandering in the Hope’s military zone, when she walked to the Marines’ combat readiness zone, she saw Galen’s large cobra team, wearing their powered armored combat uniforms and testing each with the help of smart machines When planting weapons and equipment, Little Annie's big blue eyes lit up immediately, and then she rushed forward.

She felt that looking at this situation, they must have something fun. Well, the omnipotent Queen Anne didn't want to miss it!

Besides, she is the best at fighting and fighting or something!

"Go go, find a place to play by yourself! I can warn you, little Annie, you must not make trouble! We are preparing to land on planet jno.3 and carry out more than 100 days of combat on the ground Mission, this is not a fun thing, there is nothing to do with you, you stay on the Hope!"

Captain Galen, wearing his armor, checked his 8mm-caliber spiked electromagnetic rifle, and waved his hand to let Little Annie leave here, and don't come and mess with him.

After several days of getting along with each other, Galen and the other Marines understood very well the nature of the little devil, Annie, and the temperament of this little Nizi, sometimes, but very bad!

After testing his weapon and confirming that there were no problems, Galen nodded slightly.

Regardless of whether the ground on planet jno.3 is in danger or not, this urgent basic work of inspecting weapons and equipment is still necessary to do well. This is the basic operational process and should not be sloppy.

Now the working conditions of their equipment, the performance of their weapons, and everything are in place. Once the time is up, they will land on the planet in a transport spacecraft for a hundred-day combat mission.

Galen only hopes that there won't be too much danger on the ground of this planet.

Presumably... it shouldn't

In Galen's view, it is unlikely that creatures will survive on such a harsh environment.

Early exploration vehicles and satellites also proved his conjecture, but since the captain has designated this mission as a second-level dangerous mission, he must be extremely careful!

This second-level danger level is not far from the first-level state of war. It is said that only in front-line bases where there is no combat, will there be a second level alert. So, is there some invisible danger on the planet below?

"Landing on the planet is such a fun thing as the big yellow planet outside, how can it not be my part! I must go!"

Little Annie's eyes brightened when she heard that she was about to land on the planet she saw outside.

This is landing on an unfamiliar planet. This kind of thing that is very interesting just by listening to it, how could she be missing?

In any case, she is going to have a play, she will go if she doesn't go!

"Go away, go away, don't get in the way!"

Seeing little Annie stepping in front of her regardless, Galen impatiently used his mechanical armor arm to gently push her away.

"We are going to fight! We are not going to play, how can we bring you"

This time, it's not a simulated confrontation, it's a real battlefield mission!

How could he bring a little girl to talk about? He Galen is just a captain of a small Marine Corps, a second lieutenant in the rank, where is the authority to bring a little **** the HMS Hope, basically he has no voice Too!

Moreover, even if Galen has this permission, he doesn’t want to bring a little **** the battlefield. That’s dangerous.

"When it comes to fighting, I'm much better than you! In three simulated confrontations, none of the 20 of you can beat me. Don't you dare to admit it?"

Speaking of the war, Little Annie is even more daunted!

She fought fewer battles, whether it was the dangerous world of Azeroth, or the ordinary and mysterious Caribbean Sea, the people she killed, the monsters she killed, the undead she killed, but she said that they don’t believe it. !

Besides, the several simulated confrontations in the past few days have fully explained that the great Anne's individual combat ability, even if she does not use magic, can be completely exploded by relying on the ability of ghost equipment alone. These useless uncles and sisters of the Marines!

(Ahem, seriously, Master Anne, if you didn't use me to cheat, you wouldn't have won so easily, uh...-Tibbers finally couldn't help but vomit, every time you fight , She has to cheat to watch the holographic map, coupled with her strong physique and stealth ability, so that she can win the opponent every time.)

To shut up! Tibbers!

Little Annie hugged Tibbers, who was holding her left hand, into her arms, and then tightened its neck with both hands.

"All right! My little ancestor, my Lord Anne! Can you stop mentioning this, we have already accepted the defeat, what else do you want?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Captain Galen couldn't hide his face.

They dignified the twenty most elite marines on the Hope, all of them were planted under the hands of a little girl. It is estimated that this kind of thing has spread to more than 100,000 people on the Hope.


Think about it that day, after losing to Little Annie for the first time, they naively thought that she was just taking advantage of the confrontation between the two sides to make the fisherman profit.

So, afterwards, in the second three-way confrontation, Galen and Dreyers shamelessly did not do anything or plant mines, but directly united and rounded up Little Annie on the map.

But the result is still that after harvesting twenty heads, Xiao Annie easily won the final victory of the second Triwizard Contest!

Then, it was the third game...

This time, in order to hunt down that nasty ghost, they once again shamelessly asked the referee to reduce the size of the island, but in the end... the end was still a fiasco...

It is precisely because of this that their twenty Marines have become the laughing stock of the entire Nozomi.

Even if they had tried their best to protest, they tried their best to prove to others: how powerful and cunning is Anne, the little devil! But after all, it still failed to change the fact that their 20 adult fighters lost to a little girl.

The reality is so cruel, and the lost face may never be taken back.

"I don't want anything! As long as you take me to play on the planet below, that's fine!"

Although little Annie does not need their consent, she can teleport to the planet below by herself.

It’s just that the magic power in this universe is too thin, and the recovery of magic power is relatively slow. It is difficult to replenish the power she consumes from the natural world. So, she doesn’t want to be casual without knowing how long she will stay here. Then wasted his own magic.

This matter, Tibbers Bear has told her many times: as long as it is not necessary, try to use less magic.

Having wandered so many worlds together, Annie felt that her little bear’s advice was sometimes quite reliable. Therefore, she decided to use less magic in this world if it was not necessary.

"This is absolutely not possible! The planet below is very dangerous! Besides, we don’t have a power armor suit for you, let alone a ghost suit for you. On the planet below, it’s not like the environment inside the Hope. With armor, it would be deadly!"

Other conditions may be fine, but Galen would never agree to this request.

They are going down this time, but they have to perform difficult combat missions. Where can they bring a little girl down to play?

This is not a play house, nor is it a simulated confrontation game. I don't even think about it. Galen believes that whether it is the captain or Commander Doug of this mission, he will definitely not agree to Xiao Anni going down and making trouble!

"I just want to go!"

Little Annie glared at Galen with her cheeks bulging.

Even if the other party pulled on the glass mask and armor plate, she could no longer see the other party's hateful face, but she still stared at each other furiously.

"Annie, if you really want to go, I can take you!"

While Little Annie was facing off with Galen, First Mate Doug Jones, the commander-in-chief of this mission, was carrying a sci-fi-like bag of hers and walked into the Marine Corps combat readiness room.

After a while, she will go to the command center from here to officially launch this landing operation.

So, when she heard that Little Annie was clamoring to go under the planet, she remembered Anne’s record in these few competitions, and then think about the assessment of the safety level of the little girl by Sugon Brain in the past few days. Whether it was the opinion of the Marines or the evaluation of Hope’s brains, their reports all showed: this girl, she has no malice against Hope.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chief Doug directly agreed to the other party's request.

Presumably, this is what Captain Leona wants to see.

Otherwise, the captain would not order the equipment production department to work overtime and tailor a miniature ghost suit for Little Annie.

Even the weapons are tailored to the special physique of this little alien girl

Thinking of the powerful and powerful large-caliber sniper electromagnetic rifle made to order, Doug was embarrassed... If he doesn't have a good physical fitness, I'm afraid that most people really can't use it.

"But, First Mate Doug, Little Annie doesn't have armor. It would be too dangerous to go to the environment below! In this case, even if she goes down, she can only stay in the command center. What's the difference going on?"

Seeing that First Mate Doug actually agreed to Annie's request, Galen was a little anxious.

After spending so many days together, these people like this little alien girl.

Although she was a bit more mischievous and mischievous, it was not too much. Therefore, for safety reasons, he still suggested not to take Little Annie to the dangerous planet below.

"Uh...who said Annie doesn't have the right armor"

Doug smiled mysteriously at Galen. Of course, she also knew that this task was very difficult, and because of this, she wanted to bring this little alien girl.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the opponent is already obvious to all of Hope!

In the face of confrontation, a little girl can actually explode the terrifying individual combat ability of twenty Marines. On the current HMS Hope, I am afraid that there is no more powerful existence than her. Bar

"Come on, laugh Annie, come here, I will now take you to put on your exclusive Ghost Agent armor."

After putting his salute carefully, Doug smiled and waved to Annie.

She now plans to take the other party to the special equipment area on the other side of the military to take the set of specially produced urgently, and the set of precious little gifts tailored to the other party.

"Hey, the armor of the Ghost Agent is really for me!"

Does it really have its own armor like the ghost suit in a simulation confrontation game?

Hearing this, Little Annie was a little surprised, can she really have a ghost armor?

Therefore, she quickly stepped forward and followed the big sister Doug.

Annie has now secretly decided: for the kindness of this big sister Doug, in the future, she will no longer call her aunt in person, at most... in private, just scream secretly.

That's right, it was decided happily! (Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey" only represents the views of the author, Shadow Bear, if it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position is only to provide healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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