Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 534: Rescue operations

Shepard’s new ship Normandy, which was hacked by Cerberus into the Starlink’s system, stole the design drawings of the original Normandy and upgraded it with the latest cutting-edge technology. This ship Hyun The submerged fast assault cruiser, which is the'SR-2', was silently leaping into the orbit of planet AN-5367 in a short distance in a stealthy and silent posture.

Then, after it carefully adjusted to the synchronous orbit, it shut down the main engine so quietly, as if it did not exist, quietly floating in the orbital high altitude of this barren mining planet that has been temporarily abandoned by the Star Federation. Above, silently scanning this huge planet.

"The track has been set up, no abnormalities have been found!"


"The surrounding star field has been scanned, and no hostile or unknown spacecraft has been found!"


"The planetary scan continues, and no threatening targets have been found!"

"No other spacecraft jumping around..."

"The IES stealth system is working normally...because the heat generated by the blue shift is slowly being discharged..."

"The Tantalus modified drive core works fine!"

"The lithium heat dissipation system is normal, and the time that our ship can continue to be invisible is... six hours!"


"Report to the captain! Everything is normal on our ship and the surrounding star regions, please instruct!!"

When the data reported by the crews in all important positions on the bridge was collected on the holographic interface of the Normandy II First Officer, he immediately walked to the Shepard ship wearing an N7 gray-black armor and standing straight. Long reported in front of him.

"Continue to observe and stand by!"

Shepard didn't say much, just waved his hand coldly and asked him to continue to go back to his post.

Since the last time she was attacked and killed by Shepard’s Normandy One when she jumped out, she has been overshadowed by the practice of jumping or flying with mass repeaters, and always let the spacecraft first. Stealth, and then start to move and jump, for fear that when your new spacecraft jumps to the other end of the destination, there will be those guys who run out to beat him in ambush.

However, for the time being, the things she worries about the most have not happened yet, and they have not found anything wrong here! Here on this planet, it seems that there are no traps specifically aimed at her Shepard or other human ships.


Standing here on the bridge, frowning at the huge tawny planet outside the Xuan window.

This planet is not the same as the azure and beautiful earth of human beings. This yellow-brown ball always looks gray and the air is full of suspended dust, so it fills the entire planet. The atmosphere...then, large and small storm vortices continued to wreak havoc, stirring the thick clouds of this planet like mud...

Above the orbit of the planet, if you rely solely on the naked eye, you can't see anything on the planet's ground at all!

Therefore, Shepard did not continue to speak, she just waited silently, waiting for the Normandy intelligence officers and other CICs to use those chaotic holographic displays connected to various detection instruments to analyze and receive the intermittent The distress signal sent out so that they can lock to the exact location of each other.

"Miranda, what do you think of that distress signal?"

Since the other party's distress signal has disappeared for a long time, and the Normandy that just jumped out can not be located, the technicians have to wait and wait for the other party to send the next time before they can capture the accurate location of the other party!

Therefore, Shepard can only wait patiently now...

After thinking about it for a while, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, she turned to look at her companion, Miranda, a black-haired and black-eyed beauty in black and white tight-fitting cosmic light uniforms and asked aloud. Tao.

"Shepard, I've been thinking about..."

"This planet AN-5367 should have been cleaned up by the collectors as early as a year ago...I just checked the information of the Star Alliance, and it shows: this planet, except for those remaining Apart from the semi-life and semi-mechanical transformation monsters without self-awareness, there should not be any living people!

Miranda, like Shepard, was silently staring at the huge tawny planet outside Xuan's window.

She herself feels a little uneasy now...because, after watching the video calling for help before, she agreed with Shepard to come here for rescue at the time, but looking back now, she felt that It's incredible!

She herself... when did she suddenly become so sympathetic? She unexpectedly agreed that Shepard would not implement the important and difficult recruitment task, but instead came to this deserted and tattered planet with a little girl who had never known each other? !

"About a year ago, a small rescue fleet of Star Alliance came here."

"According to the mission record, they have scanned the entire planet. When they found that the several colonies above did not show any life or worthless enemy targets, they had to temporarily announce the end of the rescue and gave up here."

"So, I don't understand now. After a year, what happened to the little girl who suddenly signaled for help more than an hour ago?!"

"If it weren't for the fact that no enemies have been found here until now, I almost thought this was another old trap of interstellar pirates!"

In short, according to the information Miranda herself checked, and what she had been thinking about after jumping here, on this planet, except for the remaining semi-mechanical monsters transformed by humans by collectors, they are still on the planet. Apart from being active, there shouldn't be any living people!

But now, what happened to the little girl who sent the message for help, and how did she live to this day? Anyway, she didn't quite believe that a little girl could survive for so long in this harsh planetary environment.

Therefore, she originally wanted to remind Shepard to be careful with the other party, but now, after seeing that the other party did not seem to be confused, and after she became vigilant, she did not speak any more, just said what she thought Some things and my own confusion.


"Miranda, you may not believe it, I am thinking about this interesting question..."

"I don't even know why I gave the order to abandon our original mission and make the spacecraft jump to this barren mineral star to save the little girl..."

"If I think about it now, at the time, I felt like I was hypnotized by the other party..."

"That's a weird feeling... Maybe it's from my own intentions, maybe not?"

Shaking his head, Shepard was a little bit dumbfounded to say how he felt at the time.

Perhaps, this is the sequelae of her resurrection. Her reason and ability of judgment have begun to decline, and she has become more easily emotional?

Before, she only remembered that when she saw the holographic video calling for help and the little girl crying in it, her brain suddenly became hot, and she instantly lost the ability to think, but she directly ordered Normandy II to go full speed regardless. Go forward and jump over to prepare for rescue.

But now, after she finally calmed down, thinking about her previous behavior, she always felt a very devilish and evil feeling.

That little girl, something is wrong...

If there is really a problem here, then they might have fallen into the enemy's trap now! If that was the case, it would not be conducive to her fulfilling the arduous mission on her shoulders.

"You have this strange feeling too?!"

Miranda exclaimed directly, and looked at the human heroine next to him, the ghost of the former **** castle, with some surprise. She had just thought that Miranda had that kind of weird feeling, but Shepard did not think so?

"You mean ‘also’?"

"Very good! If you had this feeling just now, I think things seem to be very interesting today... But anyway, since you are here, you might as well investigate it first. !"

Looking at the planet underneath, Shepard's tight face suddenly laughed.

She felt that there must be a problem with the video of the little girl calling for help! Perhaps this planet is a trap set against rescuers, and the little girl's call for help must have some strange element of hint, hypnosis or temptation that they don't know?

"How is the scan and analysis of the call for help video? Are there any special findings?"

Shepard realized that he was not an exception, he was relieved, and started to look at a member of the CIC combat intelligence processing team, and asked him.

"Report sir!"

"After many scans and analyses, everything is normal in that call for help video. Neither I nor EDI found any special bands or hints of sound and images that are mixed with biological interference!"

"I'm sorry, sir! My judgment on the call for help is: everything is normal!"

Soon, an intelligence officer of CIC, after operating for a while, turned his seat innocently, and cautiously said to Captain Shepard who was standing behind him in the middle of the bridge.

He used all the equipment and technology to conduct an in-depth study of the image, and even decomposed it into the most basic digital code, filtering the sound, image, etc.... Anyway, in the end, he did not find any additional !


"Sir, is it because you think too much?"

The former helmsman clown of Normandy One who was sitting idly at the helmsman's position suddenly turned his head and asked his old officer.

He had just been paying attention to eavesdropping on the conversation between his high cold chief and the great beauty Miranda, but he, who had watched the video before, didn't think there was any problem! He felt that, like that cute little girl, it would be impossible for anyone to abandon her after receiving the crying signal for help.

Therefore, the clown finally couldn't help but ask beyond his authority.

At the beginning, he was saved by the brave and fearless officer Shepard, who managed to escape from the escape pod of Normandy One. Because of this, he didn't feel that there would be something wrong with his beautiful and righteous old officer who came to this planet to rescue a little girl. This was originally a normal thing.

His old commander, Captain Shepard, was originally a hero and heroine who had saved the galaxy!

"Please do your job, Lord Clown!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to interfere with his decision, Xue Pode stared at the other party blankly, holding his arm.

"Okay, you have the final say, Captain!"

After shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands to indicate a helpless move, Joker, as the helmsman, stopped pointing fingers at his beautiful lifesaver and master captain, and honestly turned back to his position. , Continue to be alert to any information on the orange holographic screen.

He actually has nothing to do now. Now they have turned off the main engine of the Normandy II spacecraft this week, and are flying silently and stealth on the planet’s orbit. All things naturally have artificial intelligence to perform the most subtle manipulation. He doesn't need to do more, just continue to stare at the screen interface and keep an eye on the state of the spacecraft.


After waiting for a while, discovering that the intelligence officer still hadn't been able to locate the specific location of the signal source, Shepard, in secret surprise, simply called the artificial intelligence EDI of the Normandy II.

The full name of artificial intelligence EDI is ‘Enhanced Defensive Intelligence’. It is an artificial intelligence defense program developed by Cerberus specifically for the Normandy SR-2, which was not available on her original Normandy One.

It is said that Yitty's'she' is not only very helpful for the crew's daily inquiry information, but also provides a lot of key information, or provides the best practical plan for each task, etc.

‘What’s your order, Captain Shepard? ’

A holographic image of a woman in silver, wearing silver and gray tights, appeared on the bridge in an instant, projected directly in front of Shepard, and smiled at Shepard, the captain who called her, was waiting for further orders from the other party.

"Is there any way for a little girl to survive in that harsh environment for more than a year in the destroyed planetary mining colony of AN-5367, while still successfully evading the collector monsters? Raids and attacks?"

"Also, for the distress image we received, tell me your judgment!"

Shepard, who always felt that her brain was disturbed by some unidentifiable factor, finally thought about it seriously, she could only ask for help and generally asked about the Cerberus study that she had always found to be unreliable. Artificial intelligence program coming out.

Now she can’t do anything about it. If there are some factors in the image that interfere with their judgment, then the pure artificial intelligence in front of her will definitely not be disturbed, and it will definitely be able to give her. Fair analysis.

‘Of course there is, Captain Shepard! ’

'According to the information I obtained: As early as 2142, when the Gagarin Space Station, the space equipment called the "jump point", began construction outside the orbit of Pluto, the humans on Earth were able to navigate the long universe After arriving outside the solar system for colonization, we started to develop a low-temperature dormant device! In order to be able to immerse human astronauts in a deep sleep state, in order to realize that remote and long space travel in the limited life of human beings. ’

‘This type of low-temperature dormancy warehouse was quickly developed. The initial code name is D-101, and a series of upgraded models have been derived from it...’

'But later, in 2148, when prospectors accidentally discovered the Plossian ruins in the Prometheus Plain of Mars: a Plossian observatory that had been in operation for fifty thousand years... In 2149, the deciphered Plossian The data allowed humans to find the Charon mass repeater in the solar system. Subsequently, the galaxy alliance began to establish and coordinate the survey, security and colonization of planets outside the solar system. ’

In 2152, based on Charon quality repeaters and other repeaters almost all over the galaxy were discovered one after another. With a faster and more efficient navigation method that can be reached almost instantly, the low-temperature dormant warehouse project was finally abandoned. . ’

‘Today, Star Alliance only retains a small number of medical life-sustaining dormant warehouses to satisfy the life safety of the severely wounded or the wounded in certain special conditions who are too late to be rescued in the battlefield hospital, when the number is very small. ’

‘But according to my database, Star Alliance should also have a low-temperature dormancy emergency rescue dormant cabin that was once issued to colonial colonies. Its code name is D-257. Although a bit old, it should be able to freeze humans entering the life-saving warehouse at a very low temperature in an emergency, and eliminate vital signs to almost nothing, so as to maintain it until rescue comes or avoid certain dangers. . ’

Having said this, the artificial intelligence EDI of the silver short-haired beauty girl looked at the captain Xue Bode. When it saw the other party’s clear and general expression, it knew that the other party should understand the content of his statement and the meaning he wanted to express, so, It went on to say:

‘If the AN-5367 planetary mining colony had such a rare and backward dormant warehouse, the success rate of the little girl from successfully avoiding the sweeping attacks of the collector monsters would be as high as 50%. ’

'Through my analysis of the AN-5367 planet just now, the results show that the planet has too much atmospheric dust and extremely low visibility, although it has the minimum environmental requirements for humans to breathe directly, so that humans can be without protective gear. To breathe and survive, but it will endanger the health of the upper respiratory tract mucosa. I don’t recommend staying in that environment for more than three hours without wearing protective gear. In addition, infrared monitoring shows that the lowest temperature on the planet’s surface is -20 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature is 12 degrees Celsius, without protective gear, will make humans feel very uncomfortable, and the little girl described "very cold" also! ’

'In summary……'

'Although it is impossible to analyze what caused the rescue capsule to automatically release the hibernation and release the little girl, based on the results of my logical thinking and the polygraph of the distress images, the conclusion is: that little girl, she The truth of the statement can be as high as 99.999%. ’

‘So, Captain Shepard, you can go to the rescue as soon as possible! ’

‘I received the distress signal again, confirmed the specific location of the other party, and also scanned the other party’s vital signs, which is definitely a human being. If you set off now, there is a 52% chance that you can successfully rescue the opponent and complete the rescue operation! ’

‘Now the mission counts down to 20 minutes. If you cannot reach the rescue target within 20 minutes, then I suggest you cancel the rescue operation and leave here. ’

The artificial intelligence EDI of the holographic image stretched out his finger, and after operating on the holographic 3D model of planet AN-5367 it projected for a second, she successfully marked a small green dot, the green dot on it. , It was the exact place where the little girl in the red skirt sent the distress signal, in the middle of an abandoned mining colony.

As Itty continued to zoom in on the holographic image of the planet, Shepard and Miranda on the side finally succeeded in discovering the tiny figure that seemed to be curled up in the corner of the ruined room in the ruins of a colony.


Seeing that his advanced Normandy II actually scanned a living little human girl hiding in the ruins, Shepard’s breathing could not help but become a little unnatural. Up.

Although she couldn't see the specific appearance of the other party from the holographic image magnified by EDI, from the green digital figure, she was sure that the other party must be crying helplessly and shivering there now? It is really rare for a little girl to calmly send out a distress signal and hide in that environment.

"Wait! Itti!"

"I don't understand, why we only have a 52% chance of successful rescue? Why is it not 100% for such a simple thing?!"

Now, Shepard has decided to rescue him! However, for this unreliable artificial intelligence that they only have a 52% chance of successful rescue, it makes her a little bit incomprehensible.


At this moment, without waiting for the artificial intelligence EDI to answer, the clown helmsman who had been taught a little by Shepard just turned his head and reported to the doubting captain.

Because, at this moment, on the map in front of him, he saw three big red dots moving at high speed towards the ruins of the colony where they found the small green dot.

"Captain Shepard, I know this question! It's because: Now there are remnants of enemies on the planet pouring into the ruined colony, three different mass effect low-altitude aircraft and nearly three hundred collectors transformed it. Kind of monsters, cyborgs, zombies are on their way!"

"There are still many mechanical monsters that follow..."

"It is expected that they will reach the little girl's hiding place within twenty minutes! Our Normandy II can't force landing operations in this planetary environment, because it will cause huge damage to the stealth camouflage and engine!"

"If you don't start quickly, the chance of a successful rescue later will be zero!"

As the helmsman, Mr. Joker, who is working for CIC, exclaimed at this moment, and yelled at Captain Shepard anxiously and urged him.

He didn't want such a cute little girl to be searched out by a group of monsters to be killed and transformed. That kind of thing, thinking about it, feels cruel!


"Those guys, why did they spot the little girl and circle her place?"

"Is it... is this really a trap?"

Some things, once you start to doubt, it is difficult to gain absolute trust again...

Therefore, Shepard did not rush to make a decision right away, because they still have a lot of time. She still doesn't understand why the monsters created by the collectors will be dispatched on a large scale when they find the little girl, as if they are forcing them to go down immediately?

The more she thought about this matter, the more it felt wrong!

"Report to the captain, this is definitely not a trap!"

Mr. Clown, who is still the helmsman, hurriedly spoke. Seeing that he was impatient, he seemed to want to land on the planet himself and grab the collector monsters, and save the little girl?

"Speak your judgment, Mr. Helmsman!"

Captain Shepard expressed his dissatisfaction with a certain guy's unauthorized speech! If it weren't for Normandy No. 2 that doesn't need the other party to control, she would have to scold the other party well!

"Because that little girl just sent a message for help using the entire channel without any restrictions, she will definitely be received and discovered by the enemy!"

The clown felt that it must have been caused by the little girl who was frightened and hesitant and helpless. Think about it, too, a little girl, in that kind of environment, can persist until now, and still think of launching a signal for help, that is already incredible.

"Itti, is that what he said?"

Shepard looked at the hologram of the artificial intelligence EDI that was still standing in front of her, and asked.

‘Yes, Captain Shepard! ’

‘The other party did not use the encrypted band that only our human ships and instruments could receive as before, but changed it to a full-band transmission! ’

‘So, you still have eighteen minutes and twenty seconds... Eighteen minutes and eighteen seconds...’

The artificial intelligence program EDI confirmed with a blank face, and gave Captain Shepard a time countdown, which was the arrival time calculated by ‘she’ based on the speed of those enemies.

If this time limit is exceeded, there is no need for rescue.


"Now let the hangar prepare a UT-47 Kodiak landing aircraft!"

"Miranda, you immediately go to A and I to take a trip to this planet AN-5367!"

After confirming that it was not the enemy's conspiracy, Shepard had nothing to hesitate. She walked towards the gate behind the bridge on the spot, and gave her own orders to Miranda.

As for another Jacob, who was experienced in fighting, she didn't intend to take it with him. Because that was just rescuing a little girl. As long as you land on the colony as fast as you can, find someone, and then turn around and leave, there is no need to mobilize the crowd and send out too much combat power.

"Yes, Chief Shepard!"

Miranda didn't talk too much nonsense, nodded, turned around and ran out quickly. She needs to equip her armor and weapons, and of course, her universal tools.

‘Good Captain! ’

‘UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft Kodiak is ready, the system has been self-checked, the shuttle landing craft is in good condition and ready to set off! ’

Behind Shepard, the artificial intelligence EDI sounded without the slightest feeling of electronic synthesis...

The somewhat crowded cargo compartment of Starlink’s UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft can generally accommodate twelve soldiers. If it is crowded, two more can be packed in the cab. Compared with the official name of the Star Alliance ‘Kodiak’, this small shuttle landing craft, the Star Alliance team prefers to call it ‘Battle Cockroaches’! Because it has a flat appearance and is as durable as a cockroach, it is not easy to damage and malfunction.

The powerful and excellent environmental sealing technology and armor of this special landing spacecraft makes it rarely expose the fragile components inside! According to Starlink’s official test results in Venus’ sulfuric acid cloud and extreme temperatures: ‘Kodiak’ can forcibly land in absolute vacuum, high pressure, and temperatures close to absolute zero to more than 900 degrees Celsius!

In addition, ‘Kodiak’ is still a true mass effect anti-gravity vehicle, and its essential elementary core can even allow the spacecraft to directly levitate and fly in the powerful gravity of the planet! It can also actively shield the enemy’s scanning or engage in a certain degree of electronic confrontation with the enemy. There is also a powerful kinetic energy barrier system that can defend the enemy’s kinetic energy weapons. Therefore, it is very suitable for concealed airborne marines. Gradually became the main equipment of Star Alliance.

Of course, Cerberus prepared four of these excellent landing craft for Shepard on the Normandy II spacecraft, even if the unit price of each of them is as high as three million stars.



Shrinking in the corner of this dilapidated ruin, Annie first threw the leftover food box away, and after a few inhalations, she gave a can of the sweet and sour energy drink from the Kepulusian area to a sip. After the light, he hiccuped with satisfaction, stretched out and took a breath.


After eating and drinking, she directly picked up her little bear, curled up her knees, and returned to the corner. Now, she needs to lean on this fairly clean place and digest it well. If no one comes to pass a house, I'm afraid she will release her spacecraft and try to leave here.

Because... it's dirty here, it's not suitable for her to sleep in after she's full and drinking!


(Lovely and charming little master, the kind of useless trick you just saw, will someone really be fooled and come here to "save" you?


More than an hour has passed, and Tibbers feels that no one will come here to rescue its miserable little master! )

"Why not?"

( ̄▽ ̄)?

Annie was a little sorrowful. She had just eaten and drunk, and now she is chatting with her little bear, saying that it doesn't matter what to say to pass the time, anyway, she is idle.

(Because you just lied! If someone really receives a signal from you, a test will definitely know that you are lying!


Anyway, Tibbers feels that no one will come, so he should release his spaceship early and walk around in the universe. If he can't find a place where there are living people, then he will continue to encourage his little master to change the world. What)

"I didn't lie just now!"

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

(Why not?!)


"Tibbers, look at it..."

"Just now, I was really cold, hungry, and sleepy! Also, the sky outside was originally gloomy and looked dark, so where did I lie?"


(But you are not scared at all. You just pretended to be scared and sent a distress signal. Isn't that a lie?

Σ(っ°??°;)っ! ?

"I didn't!"

"I was really scared and scared just now..."


(The little one didn’t see you with the slightest fear!)


"I have it!"

"I was just now... I was really afraid that no one would come after the signal was sent! Look, isn't it scary? If there are no earthlings, crooked stars or monsters coming, then they might not have fun. !"

"So, people are really scared, so they didn't lie or pretend to be!"

( ̄︶ ̄)


(You really do, the little one admits defeat...)



"Aha! Tibbers, they are really here, did you find out?"


Suddenly, Annie, who seemed to have sensed something, suddenly jumped up from the ground and began to cheer.

Because, she just sensed that in the sky, there seemed to be a landed spacecraft that was swiftly breaking through the atmosphere of this planet, rubbing the air and rushing toward her! On the other side, on the north side of the land, there seemed to be a group of bad guys who were malicious towards them, rushing forward aggressively. If this happened, she would have fun soon.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't want to say anything to the little girl who is trying to fiddle with those weapons on the ground while hoping for others to'save' her.)

"Tibbers, look, how about this sniper rifle?"

Holding a long weapon that was a little taller than herself, Little Annie asked her little bear excitedly.

Starlink standard weapon: M-92MantisSniperRifle, code name, Mantis!

A powerful sniper rifle is very accurate in long-range combat! However, the rate of fire is relatively slow, and it is very effective against armor targets, but it is not effective against shields and biochemical barriers.

(Don’t you have your own ghost suits and weapons. Those customized for you should be better. Why use these weapons?


Tibbers looked at the messy little master who was fiddling with weapons and ammunition while putting a troublesome universal tool on his hand, and then experimenting with the universal tool to keep those ammunition away and asked. )

"If you use your own weapons, it will be troublesome to explain later, let's use these here, anyway, they are thrown all over the floor, there are many outside!"


Annie naturally has her own thoughts about what she does, so don't Tibbers care about it!


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