Shadow of great britain

Chapter 398 The two-faced man Stendhal


Stendhal didn't know how long it had been since he heard this surname.

In France, this surname has almost become an unspoken taboo. Some people hate it, while others respect it like a god.

Stendhal obviously belongs to the latter category.

He had relived the scenes during Napoleon's expedition to Russia countless times in his dreams, and recalled the scenes during the retreat from Moscow.

As Napoleon famously said: "From the great to the ridiculous, there is only one step."

For Stendhal, who witnessed Napoleon falling from the altar with his own eyes, the pain had even reached an unbearable level.

His life was deeply bound to the rise and fall of Napoleon's empire, and both had both glory and disgrace.

When the news of Napoleon's death came from St. Helena in 1821, Stendhal felt as if the sky had fallen.

He was expelled from Italy for sympathizing with the Carbonari Party. When he returned to Paris, he was repeatedly suspected of being a Bonapartist.

The painstaking work "Red and Black" was banned by the authorities, and no publisher was willing to publish it privately. Some of the savings he had saved in the past were also spent. Before coming to London, he could barely afford the rent.

If Arthur had only read Hugo's letters to "The Anglican", then his knowledge of Stendhal might have been limited to that.

A true Bonapartist, a fervent supporter of the Emperor, this sums up his life.

However, is this really the case?

Unfortunately, Arthur also obtained a document describing Mr. Stendhal's early life from Mr. Vidocq.

Like Julien, the protagonist in his novel The Red and the Black, Stendhal was a man of considerable contradictions.

He is a Bonapartist, but he is not as pure as other Bonapartists.

In essence, Stendhal recognized himself as a Republican and regarded Napoleon as a tyrant who stole state power and deprived citizens of their freedoms.

But on the other hand, he also enjoyed the status, money and honor he enjoyed during the Napoleonic period.

This is as contradictory as his view of the people at the bottom.

As early as when he was 11 years old, he attended a gathering of the Revolutionary Party, but the impression left on him by that gathering was not entirely positive.

"In short, I was the same then as I am today. I loved the people and I hated their oppressors, but living with them would be a never-ending torture. They were dirty, smelly, talked obscenely, and behaved vulgarly. And I My tastes were very aristocratic, and they remain so today. I would do everything for the people and try my best to make them happy, but I would rather spend two weeks in jail every month than live with shopkeepers. Together."

Stendhal agreed with the republican ideals, but was unwilling to live with them. He did not approve of Napoleon's behavior from the beginning, but in order to live, he still had to be tied to the Bonapartists.

He originally wanted to be a world-famous playwright, so when his cousin arranged a position for him in the heavy cavalry regiment, he resisted taking the position for half a year.

And when he discovered that he had no talent in that area, he hoped to become a baron of the empire, a knight of the Medal of Honor, and a department head with a salary comparable to that of a prince.

In 1804, when Stendhal found that he was in urgent need of a job, he even had the audacity to forge a letter of recommendation from General Michaud, bragging about how brave he had fought in the cavalry regiment.

However, after Vidocq's verification, Stendhal spent those years in Milan reveling in luxury, so it was absolutely impossible for him to have participated in those battles.

In addition to becoming a baron of the empire, Mr. Stendhal also had a rather grand ambition. He wanted to become a great lover.

But unfortunately, God did not give him an appearance that could charm thousands of girls.

As far as the person Arthur saw in the editorial office was concerned, this gentleman was a bit short, slightly fat, with short legs and a long body. He had a big head with thick black hair, brown eyes and thin lips. He was really... Nothing to do with handsome guys.

If there was anything to admire about his appearance, it was that his skin was as delicate as a woman's. But unfortunately, according to the documents provided by Mr. Vidocq, Mr. Stendhal was also as shy as an ignorant girl in terms of emotions.

But even with so many disadvantages, Mr. Stendhal will still make adequate preparations for his goals.

He will ask those experienced in love for tips on how to pick up girls, and he will also solemnly record the advice given to him by the other party. Then he chases women strictly according to the rules he recorded, and his behavior is quite academic.

Regarding Stendhal's eccentricities, even Vidocq, the head of the security department, couldn't help but joke: "Due to his sensitive identity, I was ordered to follow him for a period of time. Although I don't want to insult a person like this, But this gentleman's romance was almost a joke. He was pursuing an actress at the time, who found his behavior ridiculous, and he was deeply insulted. The actress spoke out about his remarks. There was no sincerity, but the guy was shocked because he didn't write this question in his little notebook. Seeing his funny behavior, even I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. "

However, Vidocq's judgment of Stendhal was not just contempt. From the perspective of ability, Vidocq still recognized this guy who pursued fame and wealth.

Although his position in the munitions department was found for him by his cousin Count Pierre Daru, Stendhal himself actually did a pretty good job in the munitions department. During Napoleon's humiliating evacuation from Moscow, Stendhal, who served as quartermaster, showed unusual calmness and composure.

However, it is worth noting that Stendhal claimed that after Napoleon abdicated in 1814, he declined the important position offered to him by the restored Bourbon dynasty. This is not consistent with the official documents in Vidocq's hands.

According to official records, instead of refusing any position, Stendhal betrayed Napoleon at the first opportunity and immediately swore allegiance to the restored Louis XVIII.

The reason why he did not continue to stay in France was simply because Louis XVIII did not like him.

When Stendhal left Paris for Milan, he actually saved a lot of money. After all, this guy had worked in the oil and water department such as the Munitions Department for many years, so it was impossible to have no savings.

As for why he later became impoverished in Milan, we have to mention Mr. Stendhal’s failed creative career and his consistently bad emotional line.

Before "Red and Black", Stendhal had published many monographs. One of the most successful was "On Love" published in 1822.

How successful is this book?

According to Vidocq's careful investigation, "On Love" sold a total of 17 copies in the ten years since its publication.

One of these seventeen books has been sent to Arthur along with Vidocq's letter.

However, despite the bleak publishing sales, Mr. Stendhal did not lower his consumption level.

As soon as he arrived in Milan, an old lover of his in Milan had a falling out with him.

The lady told Stendhal that her husband was jealous of her relationship with Stendhal, and she wanted him to leave Milan and break off the two.

In order to prove himself, Stendhal gave his old lover three thousand francs to travel in one breath.

Afterwards, Stendhal also bribed the maid next to his wife, hoping that she could put in a good word for him.

As a result, the maid told Stendhal that in fact, what the lady said to him were all lies. The lady's husband was not jealous of these things at all. The reason why the lady said that was because she was afraid that Stendhal would bump into some of her new loves.

Stendhal, who did not believe in evil, hid in the wardrobe of his wife's temporary residence in the countryside under the arrangement of the maid that night, and confirmed with his own eyes the conspiracy played by the woman against him through the keyhole.

When Arthur saw this, he had almost imagined Vidocq's unbearable smile in his mind.

"If you want to get something out of this gentleman, just invite him to drink. As long as you drink enough, he can tell you anything. Don't be fooled by his reserved appearance. This guy is just like Julien in his works. He was literally cut from the same mold. But he didn't have Julien's handsome face, nor did he have the courage to risk everything. Although I don't have any definite evidence, I heard that he once tried to seduce his sister-in-law, the one who helped him She is the wife of her cousin, Count Daru, who has obtained the position of quartermaster. Unfortunately, he failed in the formula test.

By the way, ideologically speaking, Mr. Stendhal hated clericalism. But when he was in Milan, he had been helping the Pope. The Pope sent him to work in the Consulate in Trieste, but because he supported liberals and could not control his mouth, the Austrians who controlled the area were unwilling to accept him. The gentleman ran back to Paris in anger, intending to pick up his pen again and continue his dream of being a great playwright.

The Security Service would be happy to keep this gentleman in London. Although he is not a threat to our work in Paris, his mouth is really annoying. I know he doesn't have the courage to be revolutionary, but he likes to associate with revolutionaries, which makes us have to send people to monitor him. I've told you all the ways to control him in my letter. It's up to you to choose.

Finally, my dear friend, for the sake of all the conveniences I have given you, do not send M. Dumas and the Bonaparte boy back to Paris at this juncture. If you must let them go, please tell me in advance and preferably include the time and place of their landing in France. I will send a car to pick them up. "

Arthur was still thinking about how to deal with Stendhal's problem. As soon as he came back to his senses, he saw that this guy was already kneeling on one knee and kissing Louis' hand as a sign of loyalty.

"I...I really didn't expect to see you in London. France has been far away from the glory of Napoleon for a long time. You don't know how many people in Paris are thinking about being led by the purest Bonaparte like you all the time. France moves on.”

The red devil looked at Stendhal, whose face was full of excitement but without any emotion. He patted his thigh and laughed loudly: "I have seen Julien himself today. Arthur, you must learn more from him."

Arthur didn't pay attention to the red devil. He just glanced at the flattered Louis, then lit his pipe, opened the door and walked out.

He was not interested in participating in such travesties, although he would occasionally do so, but seeing someone who was worse than himself still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Stendhal's experience was not useless to him. At least it allowed Arthur to see more clearly what the subtleties of the French Revolution were all about.

Everything has changed, but it seems that nothing has changed, it's just that the people have changed.

It is of course important to have good slogans, but as long as the price is right, most people, whether they are Republicans or Bonapartists, can flexibly switch camps.

There are very few people who are single-minded like Alexandre Dumas.

He leaned against the wall and smoked with his head down, wanting to be alone, but before he could clear his thoughts, he saw a white dress in his sight.

Arthur subconsciously took off his pipe and prepared to put it out, but before he could make a move, he heard the other party say: "Mr. Hastings, you don't have to worry about this. I don't hate the smell of tobacco that much. I may be the same as everyone else." Some women are different, I just feel relieved when I smell the smoke."

It was Mrs. Shelley who spoke. Arthur raised his head and looked at this strange woman in London.

She wears a high-waisted snow-white dress, a loose blouse with lace decorations, a simple soft hat on her head, and simple accessories, except for a silver ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

Arthur smiled and asked: "Mr. Shelley, did he also smoke during his lifetime?"

Mrs. Shelley just nodded slightly when she heard this: "Occasionally, but let's not mention him today. Actually, I don't really want to talk about his past with others, because the memories are not always happy."

After hearing this, Arthur did not continue to press: "I am very happy that you can continue to move forward. To be honest, when our editor discovered your confession letter in "Prometheus Unchained", everyone was shocked. I was worried about your mental state for a while. You were able to get over your grief, focus on publishing and writing, and focus on your children's education. This is more important than anything else. Having said that, I seem to have met your son before."

Mrs. Shelley was surprised when she heard this: "Have you seen my little Percy?"

Arthur nodded: "Your son seems to be in the same school as the two children of Officer Tom in our hall. When Officer Tom was out on business, I went to pick them up from school. The two kids told me that they were next door. There was a child in my class whose father was the great writer Shelley, and he pointed out the child to me.”

When Mrs. Shelley heard this, she smiled at the corners of her eyes: "What do you think of him?"

Arthur smiled and complimented: "Study very hard and diligently. When I went there, I happened to see him asking for advice from the teacher. I am very sure that he will become an extraordinary big man in the future, an outstanding person like his father." poet."

Arthur thought this would make Mrs. Shelley happy, but her smile immediately faded when she heard this, and even her tone became quite stiff.

"You must have made a mistake. I ask God to just let him grow up to be an ordinary person. Even if he wants to stand out, he should become a police officer like you, reliable, upright, and steady, instead of doing What a poet."

When Arthur heard this, he immediately felt something was wrong. He seemed to have heard similar words somewhere.

He frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

Byron! Yes, Byron's wife Lady Milbank seems to have said the same thing.

Not only that, her biggest requirement for her daughter's husband is that he cannot be a poet.

Considering the close relationship between Byron and Shelley, the answer to why Mrs. Shelley said such a thing is almost ready to be revealed.

Could it be that Shelley was also a playboy?

Although Arthur has no evidence for the time being, this is the only possibility for now.

Mrs. Shelley was stunned when she saw Arthur being scolded by her. Then she realized that she had lost her composure, and she quickly apologized.

"Sorry, Mr. Hastings, I...I didn't mean to get angry at you. I understand your blessing for the child, but for a mother, the child can grow up to be a decent, kind, and responsible person." The most important thing is a gentleman, I don’t care how many fans he has or how successful he is in a worldly sense.”

Arthur didn't dare to continue to ask what the problem was between the Shelleys. He usually asked others to inquire about such matters in a roundabout way. The only thing to blame was that Elder was not here, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to step into the minefield with just one step.

Arthur joked: "Although you don't care how many fans your child has, it is too much to let him be a policeman. In our profession, we have to face the hatred of thousands of people every day. If you can, I suggest you arrange for him to be a company clerk, or a banker, stockbroker or something."

Mrs. Shelley shook her head and said: "If I have that ability, of course I also hope that he can have a good future. But... you may not know that my little Percy has been burdened with the union between me and his father. His fault is that he has neither the support of his mother’s family nor the support of his father’s family, and I am the only one supporting him behind the scenes.”

"Oh..." Arthur smiled: "Then he can really consider becoming a policeman, because I don't even have the support of my mother. I just relied on luck to get to where I am now. What I can do, with him, You’re smart enough to do it.”

Mrs. Shelley also smiled when she heard this: "It was because I heard about your experience that I thought he might be a policeman in the future. All the ladies in the Blue Stocking Club are full of praise for you, and everyone feels sorry for you. You have rarely attended our book salon recently, but we all understand that you have more important things to attend to.

Rest assured, no matter what the newspapers say, we ladies have your back. Only those who have been with you know what a quality young man you are. If I had not known your personality, I would never have shamelessly asked you to meet Elizabeth. "


Arthur then remembered that there seemed to be such a thing, and he asked with a smile: "Is this the name of my enthusiastic reader? I happen to be free today. If it is suitable, we can go and meet her now."


Mrs. Shelley seemed a little embarrassed when she said this: "Although it is rude to say this, I hope you won't be too surprised when you see her later. Because she..."

"What's wrong with her?" Arthur took his hat from the coat rack and put it on his head.

Mrs. Shelley grabbed the hem of her skirt and said as if she had taken a lot of courage: "She is a girl who can't walk."

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