Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 117: "Playing Everywhere" (Part 1)

In the dark alley where the sewage flows, you can vaguely see the signs of blackened and broken wooden boards next to the torches. The broken and erroneous windows reveal the light and noisy laughter-there are men and women.

Outside the door of the tavern stood a few obviously "not so friendly" guys, holding arms and torches in their left and right hands, or leaning against the door with their shoulders, scolding fiercely.

The figure in a black robe squatted on the eaves on the side of the alley, and the black pupil under the hood carefully looked at this cold-looking tavern-the broken one was more like a shack, even even living in it. That little hotel is a hundred times stronger than it.

But in any case it is also a "building", the second floor does not seem to have compartments and windows, which means that the gate of the tavern is the only exit. In other words, on the premise of not causing extensive damage, he infiltrated silently, killed the "copper board" boss, and then was not aware of the possibility of escape ... infinitely less than and equal to zero.

What's more, the entire "Assassination Plan" is probably a trap used by Festno to pit himself. As for why ... In fact, for this group of gangsters, there is often no reason to want to toss or kill someone, perhaps because of yourself. Did not give them a face, maybe it was because they did n’t look good, or they collected somebody ’s money ...

In short, the reason is the least important. What matters is how you can grab his tail, and then let the whole crutches become your own thing.

Anyway, it must not be easy to say.

"It's too dangerous. It's too late to let go ..."

As if talking to another self, the dark-haired wizard muttered to himself. The figure hidden on the eaves began to move, and fell silently into the alley.


A croup standing outside the gate seemed to hear something, holding a torch and walking towards the alley where the sound came. As a result, there was nothing but a few wandering mice.

Probably a few poor ghosts who didn't know there? The dejected mumble murmured a few words. When he turned and left, he stepped on something, and one stumbled into the sewage ditch.

"His Grandma's Holy Cross!"

The whole body was soaked in the sewage, and the angrily slurred scolding, just preparing to leave, a flash of fire suddenly flashed behind him!


Splashing flames accompanied by a screaming scream, the pub door has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and there is also a chaotic and noisy screaming and roaring sound inside, and the lie in the sewage is stunned and speechless His mouth kept making a gurgle ...

Suddenly the back ridge was cold for a while, and before the **** pulled out his weapon, he was directly covered by the person behind him. The cold dagger rested on his throat. The palm was like iron tongs, and it couldn't be broken.

"I advise you not to move."

A creepy voice came close to his ears, stopping the bully from struggling, shaking his hand and throwing away his weapon.

"Very well, I need you to do me a favor now." The black-haired wizard smiled and said softly: "Tell the boss of the" Tongpan Tuan "that there is a wizard who wants to see him. Tell him, I'm outside the tavern Wait for him. "

The black-haired wizard had just let go, such as Meng Amnesty's chaos, and immediately ran away, almost "crawling" out of the tavern door with his hands and feet, and desperately smashed the door, as if the murderer was behind him.

"Open the door, I see the **** wizard, let me in!"

……………… “So the wizard that Fosterno said the fox killed all of you ... except you?”

In the box on the second floor of the tavern, a man with a scarred face sitting on a broken chair sipped ale while speaking coldly.

"Yes, everyone is dead, except me ... He asked me to tell you a word." The confounder shuddered paralyzed on the ground, staring helplessly at the dozen or so heavily armed thugs in the box, his eyes dazed: "He said he wanted to see you, just outside the tavern!"

"I was carried by a knife and didn't run. I even knew I would come back to deliver the letter." Scarfaced man sneered. "It's really loyal. Should I boast about you?"

"No, don't use it!" A smirk barely squeezed out on the frightened face: "It's all about it, it should be ..."

"So how do you do it?" The scarred man's smile became more and more unwilling: "Otherwise, wouldn't you just run this trip in vain? Still trying to dress up as my men, how can I just let you do that? Let's go ... right, His Excellency Ein Rand ?! "

"Ah? No no no ... I'm not, I'm really not, believe me ah-!!!!!!"

The unfinished words were blocked in the throat, and the paralyzed scumbag was picked up from the ground by the thugs on both sides, and the throat was cut with a knife, and the dead body was thrown on the ground, twitching in the blood plasma. With.

"Useless waste!"

The scar-faced man took a sip towards the ground, staring fiercely at the cronies around him: "The **** wizard must have been mixed into the tavern, and it is no longer safe-let the brethren below go out to see if there is anything Make a face, no matter who it is, do it for me! "

"Boss, is this too dangerous?" A cron on the side couldn't help but ask: "What if this is the trick that the wizard used to deceive us so we can take the opportunity to kill the brethren one by one? Or close the door? safer……"

"Shut up for me, what do you know, a little pup-let the following brethren go out on patrol, or I will let you go out, have you heard ?!"

The Scarfaced man glared squinted, and asked him to put the rest back, and obediently left the box.

The door of the room was closed again, and the grumpy, scared man sat back in his chair, drinking the ale gulp, staring at the closed door alertly, as if waiting for something.

He is different from these dog legs, and he still knows a little about this sudden wizard-since the other party can appear in the camp of the crutches without any movement, it is not difficult to mix into this tavern.

There was no movement outside the room, and no sound could be heard. The scared face man in anxious mood kept drinking, and he couldn't help thinking, so he pretended to be fierce eyes on the faces of his close friends. Sweep up, as if the wizard had mixed into the box.

The following gangsters have left one after another, and now there is no one else in the whole pub except himself and his cronies. No matter how the wizard wants to mix in, he will be exposed as soon as he appears.


It was another explosion. The people in the box gathered their eyes on the door almost at the same time. The fragile door was slammed open. The cronies who had just rushed out ran back again:

"We have found him, and the wizard is now outside, surrounded by brothers!"

"What are you guys doing ?!" The scared man who was surprised and surprised immediately shouted at the cronies behind him: "I haven't hurried to catch the wizard yet, and I have to tell you what to do ?!"

The thugs who got the order left, like the wolf dog released from the cage, waving a dagger and rushed out of the box door, and there was no one left.

Except ... the one who just came back ~ ~ what else are you doing here, deaf or stupid? ! "Scarfaced Man growled:" Don't want to live, don't hurry up and grab the wizard, otherwise this dead idiot is your end! "

"Faith" didn't pay any attention to the threat of the scarred man. Instead, he closed the door again and turned his back to his "boss". His voice was low as if he was whispering:

"You really should follow his advice and block the entire tavern."

The bottle slipped from his hand, and the scarred man with wide-eyed eyes no longer had the fierceness he had just taken, stepping back in horror, sitting in a chair behind him.

"You, you, you are that ..."

"I am the wizard who has said that he is coming to see you, but it seems that you are not going to leave here, so I have to come in."

With a smile on his face, Loren Turin, who picked up the dagger from the ground, put the blade on the nose of the scarred face:

"Let's have a good chat."

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