Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 149: "Unexpected" Discovery (Part 1)

"Sir Ain Rand, this is what the villagers said before.

The hunter holding the torch stood in fear outside the cave, tightly gripping the sword handle around his waist, as if it could bring him a lot of courage.

"Very good, thank you for bringing us here." The little wizard's face barely showed a smile, and his frowns were not relaxed for a moment. Even the right hand holding the wand was sweating: "Master Lord Ruben Will definitely reward you. "

As soon as the words fell, the "hat" that followed her immediately threw a purse to the hunter. The man who hurriedly hurriedly shoved it into his arms, nodded his head and bowed desperately towards the little wizard, and then left without looking back.

When the hunter ran away, Ain Rand turned his eyes to the depths of the cave again, as if lurking in the dark shadow, waiting patiently for the moment she stepped in.

After Loren almost left Fallinburg almost without saying goodbye, the small wizard took the initiative to assume his responsibilities and became a wizard advisor to the Earl of Fellenberg and the heir to the Duchy of Gallotel.

At first, the count was suspicious of the little wizard, but soon his concerns were dispelled—although he could not help much in governing the territories, if you compare all the knowledge related to the wizard, the two are not one. Hierarchical. By contrast, Loren is simply a knight in a wizard's cloak.

At the same time, because of the previous friendship between Ain and the Morning Star Forest Elf, she also became a "bridge" between Lotel and the Ancient Wood Forest Elf, responsible for the communication and exchange between the two sides.

In the words of the female elf Liya-"All ancient wood forest elves who have fought blood in the big tree wall are obliged to die once for Ain Rand!"

This is "treatment" that even Loren never received.

Although Ai Yin is not good at these things, she still has to take responsibility for a "damn bastard", even if these have nothing to do with her.

But what she didn't expect was that she didn't even have a month, and she encountered a place she thought she would never encounter again in her life, and it reminded her countless times.

An ancient pagan temple.

Although it is almost ruined, it is still intact-even more complete than the one where she and Loren met in Wild Dog Village for the first time, and they walked in together, and even vaguely saw the ancient runes on the door.

Ancient ruins like this are rare even in Lotel, but each one is extremely dangerous. Maybe it's a powerful void residue, maybe some kind of scary ancient alchemy item, maybe some kind of scary monster ... No matter what you see, it's not surprising.

Just like the time she met Loren, the villagers and robbers who entered the cellar were all lost among those "treasures" and could never leave there again.

"Listening to the hunter said he found it with a caravan from Ebden." The hat that followed followed suddenly said: "What kind of subject ... what kind of ..."

"The Corona family, Ebden's giants, have a pivotal position in the Nine Stars Wizarding Tower-Dean Peter once mentioned this surname."

The murmured little wizard's expression was even heavier, no matter how the Corona family found out, and why they came here—they certainly didn't mean to pass by unintentionally, and the picture was not small.

"Are you really going in?"

The silent female elf who had been silent next to her suddenly opened her mouth, and her owl-like eyes stared closely at the entrance of the temple: "I have a hunch, what's in it ... not so clean."

"I'm a wizard consultant in Shenlinbao, this is my duty." The little wizard clenched his teeth, and the azure blue pupils shone decisively. "No matter what, I must figure it out."

"Then I'll go in with you." Lia, who spoke in silence, lifted her spear to her side: "You are too dangerous alone."

"Thank you." Ai Yin looked at each other with a small smile. She knew that the female elf would protect herself completely because of the **** guy in Loren, but she still thanked her very politely.

"Then, do I have to ..."

"You just stay outside." Liya waved her hand at the hat with her legs trembling casually, and the boy with a long sigh of relief sat directly on the ground, with a very happy look.

A glance at the female elf behind the guard, the little wizard clenched his wand in his hands, waved a "firefly curse" towards the hole, and the nervous two walked into this ancient pagan temple together .

Almost just stepped into the door, a familiar ice cold came to us!

"Be careful!"

The little wizard with a sober expression waved his cane and stopped the female elf who wanted to go deeper, tolerate the disgusting breath in the air, and looked around with the white light of the "Firefly Curse".

Something is not right ... Ayn frowned tightly. She used to enter the pagan temple with the wild dog village with Loren. The powerful void force can even distort reality and even confuse people!

Although the force of the void here is also very powerful, it has not reached such a point, or it is just like "dead", just the remaining traces.

Was it because the Corona family destroyed this place, or what did they take away?

Ain once heard from Dalton Kant ’s mentor about a treasure called the “Holy Grail” held in the Nine-Man Star Wizard ’s Tower. It ’s said that the power it sheds alone is enough to form an illusion of distorting reality So far no one knows where the real "Holy Grail" is.

Could it be said that there was once a treasure comparable to the Holy Grail that was taken away by the Corona family?

The little wizard in contemplation looked around, like a cat in the dark night, widened his eyes like sapphires, and looked very carefully for clues.

Compared with Ain who has had an "experience", the fear of the female elf is much stronger than her. The indescribable nausea, panic and confusion almost tormented Liya's heart all the time and made this old pride The incomparable war dancers even trembled, and they had to tighten their spears to have a sense of security.

Is this the same loren, the enemy he confronted in the tree cave of Yongye?

Almost instinctively, the female elf stepped backward step by step, and suddenly felt what she touched, and the back ridge was cold!


The silence in the shrine was broken by the sudden noise, and the two turned their eyes almost at the same time-only then Liya could see clearly that she had just encountered a sarcophagus!

And ... has been opened.

"Me, am I ... what did I do wrong?"

The war dancer who used to be calm in the past, panicked at the moment, looks like a shy little girl, looking at the opened sarcophagus with a bloodless face, and the coffin cover that has fallen to pieces on the ground!

"No ... the contents inside have been taken away, you just happened to bump into it." After checking the empty coffin a little, Ain hurried to comfort, and then seemed to suddenly wake up: "So it is, so There will be only a little residue of the void power here, is it because things have been taken away? "

No, no ... If it is really a treasure, why must it be placed in a sarcophagus? And not burying the dead but enshrining them in the temple is one of the very old customs among the Lothal people. As early as the time when the doctrine of the Holy Cross spread to www ~ ~, it was already abandoned.

Lother ’s native Ain Rand knew the customs of this land better than a dark-haired wizard, as well as ancient and **** legends-the ancient temple hidden in the deep forest, and the empty space that was suspected to be enshrined. Nothing sarcophagus ...

Could it be said that what they found was not a "treasure" but a resurrected evil spirit? !

Ain, who had experienced the battle of the big tree wall personally, knew a little about "Mezka", and she almost immediately remembered the evil **** who used blood to sacrifice "the advent" of the ancient wood forest!

"This caravan is the Corona family of Ebden." The little wizard who suddenly recalled something widened his eyes and looked in horror at the female elf: "You once said that the guy of Loren went to Ebden Right ?! "

"Yes, that's it." Liya reflected almost at the same time: "Is he in danger ?!"

"Not just him, but the **** arrogant Isaac ..." Ain Rand stared tremblingly at the empty sarcophagus:

"The whole Ebden is in danger!"

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