Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 154: Heart hanging 1 line (below)

"Lorren Turin ... we meet again."

When the smiling young priest in a golden-red church costume walked into the side hall, the pupil of the dark-haired wizard suddenly shrank.

Once, he thought he would never see this difficult priest again.

Of course, the more important thing is that in the confrontation of the Wimpar College, he really pitted him once; and then the ancient wood forest, he indirectly hindered his plan to establish a "elf parish"-imagine and It is known that this Master Fanesis must be willing to devour himself alive, tied to the torture rack and burned into coke to relieve his hatred.

But what surprised him most was that Fanesi would become the bishop of Eboden. It is well known how much this priest-admired hates wizards. The Church of the Holy Cross brought this “radicalism” to the home base of the wizarding world ... has it reached the point where Tu Qiong sees? !

"Salute to you, Master Farneses." Loren stood up and bowed his head in salute, saluting Aalto Bellini's unparalleled triumph: "Or should I call you 'Master Bishop Farneses'?" "

"As long as Farnesses can do it, we have no difference in front of the great and glorious Holy Cross." Farnesis, with a chuckle, waved his hand slightly and walked into the room like his master: "All are holy crosses. servant."

"Please sit down, my two ... friends." Walking to the center of the long table, Fanesi said in an unquestionable tone: "Slightly more casual, today is just a banquet between friends, isn't it? "

"Of course, Lord Fanesis." Aalto Bellini, who raised his mouth, stared at the dark-haired wizard on the opposite side with the look of a dead man, and the silent silence of the other person was in his eyes, like It was a prayer before the death sentence was pronounced.

Loren saw something else.

Alto Bellini's purpose of inviting Fanesis was to use this to demonstrate and pressure himself-not only the Bellini family, but also the Holy Cross Church as a virtue behind him.

To put it simply, a little wizard of his own is absolutely impossible to make a comeback in this situation-there is no choice at all except to hand over Isaac Grantham.

But one thing Aalto certainly didn't know ... A little sneer lingered on Loren's face.

The alliance between the Bellini family and the Church of the Holy Cross has long been confessed to by his respectable master of Verlo Bellini, which is not a secret that no one knows.

The only thing that surprised Loren was that only the person who came was actually the Lord Fanesses ... At the same time, because of him, his identity was also exposed, and Alto caught the flaw.

So have the Bellini family already ambushed at the Nancheng Gate? Under the long table, the dark-haired wizard's right hand was slightly taut, his face still holding the initial surprise, and humbly nodded to the sitting Fanesses.

Calm, there must be no confusion-Isaac is protected by five night watchmen. Even if he can't retreat smoothly from Ebden, there is no problem to ensure his temporary safety.

"I came here today to resolve a contradiction." Fanesi said softly, turning his eyes to Alto Bellini without hesitation: "So ... can you tell me what is going on? One thing? "

"Dear Lord Loren Turin, not only joined the Nine-Mansions Wizard Tower as the fake" Ain Rand ", but as my guest, destroyed a large amount of precious research materials I have in my possession, trying to destroy me experiment of!"

Aalto's expression is like a poisonous snake, and his eyes are getting colder and colder: "But! Even as a friend, I am willing to give the respected Lord Loren Turin a chance, and not the veteran of the nine-pointed star wizard tower We lie through his lies in front of us, as long as he is still willing to be friends of the Bellini family ... friends, not enemies. "

"Well, this sounds very forgiving, and very generous." Farnesses nodded slightly, and his hot eyes turned to the dark-haired wizard on the other side: "I believe that His Excellency Loren Turin will not refuse such generosity. 'S proposal, right? "

Loren's expression changed slightly, and things didn't seem right. The "Bishop" of Farneses in front of him seemed a little too ... kind.

Based on his understanding of the bishop, Fanesis is definitely not a person who can easily swallow his voice, and he is not a man who has not directly torn himself alive!

After listening to these words, Aalto also turned back suddenly and looked at the "gentle" bishop in amazement. How surprised he was.

There seemed to be some accidents that interrupted their plans?

........................ "Stay, don't panic, turn in front to enter the alley." Even though the whole body was tight, the indifferent Edward was still calming Vera beside him with plain words that could not hear emotion: "Can't be noticed by them."

The silent red-haired girl's back twitched slightly, clenching the reins in her hand, and nodded without trace.

The crumbling carriage was still running smoothly on the street, and several people in the carriage were holding their breath, waiting nervously.

Except for a certain guy ...

"These people are here to catch me?" Isaac, suddenly surprised, couldn't help raising his mouth, looking very proud: "So ... I'm important?"

"It's very important." Peter Farsha, who patiently endured the heart that was madly accelerating, patiently nodded: "Your life is more important than the five of us!"

"I'm really the first time ... Uh, of course, my intelligence should really be more important than some brain-irrigated potatoes! We might as well go out and discuss with them, maybe we can make a deal with them. ,such as……"

Before waiting for him to finish, Peter Fassa finally couldn't help but sighed for a long time, his round eyes looked at the "genius" in front of him sincerely, and his expression looked a little hairy in his heart:

"You, what are you doing?"

"I really don't want to do this, I really don't want to." Peter's tone was unparalleled regret: "But now I can only say sorry!"


Isaac hadn't figured out yet, Jiawen and Ivan sitting on both sides of his head hit the back of his head at the same time. Rolling his eyes, he collapsed straight into the carriage.

The carriage went around the street, turned into the alley, and the walls just blocked the sides of the carriage-if those people were assassins, now is their best chance!

The beggars who always followed the carriage to ask for money suddenly speeded up and followed the alley, which looked just like the tramp on the street.

If they do n’t have weapons in their hands ...

"They are catching up!" Vera looked at Edward.

"Don't panic." The sword in the hands of the indifferent night watchman had been slightly sheathed, and the eyes under the hood showed killing intentions: "Wait for Peter Fassa's order."

The red-haired girl who was clenching her teeth stared at the front, and a signal came from behind the car, double-tapping, and then a moment-Vera, the wide-eyed eye, threw the reins without warning!


The broken carriage made a loud noise like it was about to fall apart, and the painful packhorse began to run wildly.

I realized that the exposed assassins finally no longer covered up ~ ~ pulled out their respective weapons and rushed towards the carriage, and a person directly behind jumped directly from the side and jumped into the air!

Someone on the roof? !

Suddenly, Peter looked up and pressed Isaac to the ground. The unconscious genius wizard had a "close contact" with the head of the car-but also avoided a sword that pierced the roof.

Do n’t these people come to take him away, but are they going to kill him? !

There was a bit of anger in Peter Farsha's startled eyes: "Edward, do it!"


The sharp bayonet was like a poisonous snake. The assassin on the roof hadn't pulled out his weapon. He fell in amazement, covering his blood-sprayed neck, and the twitching body rolled off the carriage.

Edward, who withdrew the sword, looked back, and a dozen figures were turned out behind the walls on both sides of the alley. They began to attack from the front and the back, and the look of the night watch was cold.


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