Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Meet (on)

The house of the Corona family is not difficult to find. Even if the little wizard came to Ebden for the first time, after a little inquiries, it was easy to get to this exquisite garden-like courtyard.

At this moment, Ain Rand completely lacked the calmness of the past, his golden hair stubbornly raised, his breathing cheeks swelled up, and his teeth were grinded fiercely, like a "little lion" who would suddenly bite .

Just on the way to the side of the hall, she had just heard another rumor from the mouth of an alchemist who was called "Belise" hysterically, that **** arrogant, Isaac. Grantham is actually in the house of the Corona family? !

These two mindless idiots, I am really crazy and actually thinking to save them! Not a bit wary, being pitifully miserable by the beautiful rich lady, just flattering a few sentences would actually be able to obey all of them, and then disarmed and surrendered. Are they stupid?

Yes, they are such stupid!

Anyway, the little wizard would never admit that she was angry because of certain "jealousy" reasons. Everything was the fault of these two fools, and the damaging self rushed from Shenlinbao to Ebden Come.

But when it was really outside the door of the mansion, the little wizard finally discovered a very important issue that he had not considered in the beginning.

"How do we ... get in?" The elf pointed to the whole row outside the door, and the guards were patrolling, already watching the two guards with a very alert eye:

"Although I don't understand, will these people let us in easily?"


For a moment, the little wizard who had been stunned by anger suddenly calmed down.

This is indeed the case. If you say that you are a friend of Isaac and Loren, it will definitely cause the Corona family to be vigilant; but if you don't do this, what reason should you use to let the guards let yourself in?

"Would you like to give it a try?" The female elf suddenly suggested, looking at Ain with a staring look: "If you do it now, I can at least entangle these people, and then you rush in to find the two of them and we will ..."

"Absolutely not!"

Seeing the female elf more and more excited, Ayin finally came to her to stop her busyly: "We don't know yet, we can't just go in here ... Moreover, here is not an ancient wood forest or a deep forest castle, even if you can put it How can they escape from this city when they are rescued? "

"How to escape?" The elf did hesitate for a moment. After all, this is not her familiar forest, but a city of human beings. The row of buildings and narrow streets make her very uncomfortable: "Isn't Loren inside? There must be a way for that guy ... "

"..." For a moment, the little wizard really wanted to ask the female elf if she had also relied on the idea of ​​"Lorren would have a way" before she was willing to follow the **** to expedite Yongye Lin. of.

When the two hesitated, they realized that some of the wrong guards had come up, and the female elves who heard the footsteps behind them clenched their spears at the same time-just wait for the other person to be within two meters, you can take their throat!

"Sorry, please tell the owner of the Corona family, said that there are guests led by Prince Sacran!"

Just before Liya was ready to start, a fiery red-haired noble boy suddenly stood in front of the two, with a sloppy smile on her face, inadvertently pushing the guard away from the point where the gun pointed: "You just tell it, he will understand, can you please help this?"

"Of course you can, please wait." Although the other party's words were a little vague, the delicate lilac lace dress and sterling silver buckle cloak would not be deceiving, and some sighted guards glanced I recognized it, and this line was in the crown of Prince Sacran, and only the nobles could wear it.

When the guard left, the little wizard standing behind hurried forward: "I'm sorry, Mr. Brandon, I'll ask you to help again."

"Oh, you're welcome, aren't we friends?" The aristocratic boy who turned around quickly seemed to be ignited at any moment: "Moreover, the two of them surprised me a little bit-I didn't expect our purpose The same place, even the same person you are looking for. "

The same person is looking for ... This is not just Ain, even the female elf is alert, staring at the little wizard behind him: "Who are you looking for?"

"Well, let me think about it--black hair, black eyes, a wizard and a spellcaster, a graduate of Wimpar College, I do n’t know if it is a Lotel, and there is a very special surname that once helped The elves of the ancient wood forest are said to have come to the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower and have a close relationship with Miss Ariel of the Corona family ... "

Brandon pinched his fingers one by one, frowning frowningly, and murmured in the face of the two for a long time, then suddenly snapped and clapped, suddenly realized:

"Oh ... I remembered that the person I was looking for was Lord Loren Turin!"


For a moment, the little wizard almost thought that the **** **** was standing in front of him, and the female elf beside her had the same view.

But this is not the most critical point. Ai Yin frowned slightly: "I'm sorry, but can you please tell me, what is the reason you are looking for Loren?"

That's right, the little wizard was already suspicious when he met this guy who called himself Brandon Sally and Miss Fitrone.

According to the female elf Liya, Loren was forced by a guy before she had to come to Eboden to play for him-and the person in front of him is so familiar with Loren now, is he also persecuting Lo What about Lun's people?

"What's the reason to find Lord Loren Turin?"

At first surprised, but then Brandon Sally, who had no normal shape, suddenly stood upright and looked at Ayn and Liya with a solemn expression:

"Of course it is for him to save the world with me-!!!"


"Look for me?" Loren in the garden raised his eyebrows. "Is this the guest's original words?"

"No, it was Miss Ariel who ordered me to tell you." The servant said: "There are four people in total, two young noblemen from the Prince of Sacran, a wizard from Lotel, who claims to be the deep forest. Wizard Advisor to Fort ... "

Before the servant finished, the dark-haired wizard with wide-eyed eyes suddenly rushed out, his calm expression changed constantly, and countless thoughts flashed from his mind.

Ain would never have come to Ebden for no reason, so something must have happened-was Rut Infiniti not following the agreement, or did Liya tell her about it?

No, if this is the case, she should understand how dangerous Ebden is right now ~ ~ And the relationship between Lotel and the Ancient Wood Forest still needs her to maintain, so there must be some Unexpected situation.

Is it true that the head of the night watchman feels that he is "negatively idle", so I want to use this method to supervise and remind myself-really an ugly guy, I thought that even if he had a little bit of morality, at least he would Observe the following conventions on the bright side.

First, the middle informer, Birdleer, and then directly to the door now, it seems that the relationship between the night watchman and the Corona family is really "very good."

When I came to the gate of the mansion, I saw a small, dark-haired wizard who stopped walking. He was gradually nervous with a bit of surprise in his nervousness, and his expression gradually became cold.

Because a guy with a smiling face is approaching him from the side of the little wizard, and it seems he knows each other?

"Sir Loren Turin, I should have remembered my name correctly, right?" The noble boy's face was extremely bright and he extended his right hand to the black-haired wizard: "It's an honor to see you here. Brandon, Brandon Sally.

Uncle Ruth Infinite introduced you to me and I came here for you this time. "

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