Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 174: Before stepping into the abyss (below)

"Dear Loren, won't you really believe what he said?"

A teenager who was lying behind his desk with his cheeks on his back seemed to guess when Loren would return to the room. He appeared in the room at the moment he opened the door, like a clear spring-like eye. There are a few innocent tears:

"Don't you rather trust an outsider who has only known each other for a few days, rather than trusting your closest friend? Do you really feel sincere, kind Asriel, who will carry you and an older person to one Chapter 174-I mean what is the strange relationship between the old man who hasn't appeared yet ?! "

"... Of course, if this" close friend "never tells the truth, or ... complete truth." The black-haired wizard who was not impressed by his acting skills shrugged his shoulders:

"Not to mention that Peter is also my friend, so why do I not believe it?"

"I'm jealous!"

Loren couldn't help but rolled his eyes-it seems that after the incident of Mezka, this guy became a little bit wrong, and the legendary figure of the polite young boy ... increasingly different Too.

"People always change ..." The pale boy's mouth twitched with a chuckle: "Politeness or good looks are just tools to win the trust of strangers-dear Loren, you It should be very experienced with this. "

"Really." The black-haired wizard sneered and looked at him: "Then let me put it another way, just like Metzka when I was in the ancient wood forest ...

How much can you tell me about the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars? "

"Dear Loren, you must tell me one thing before that." The vampire boy's eyes shone with strange luster:

"Do you want it to be for yourself or for others?"

Loren narrowed his eyes slightly, but slowly raised his mouth in silence.

"Very well, it seems that we need to continue talking." The boy's face once again showed a humble and reserved smile, but there was a little more greed in his expression: "Since you really want it, then I also I will do my best. "

"I guess your help ... shouldn't it be free?" Loren's expression remained unchanged, as if looking at a cunning fox ready to bargain with himself.

"How can you say that, isn't it appropriate for friends to help each other?"

Asriel laughed and said: "Of course, when Asriel needs help, dear Loren, you will certainly not stand by, right?"

"When the holy grail appears, I will tell you its specific location, and will also clear the obstacles on the road for you, no matter who is in front of you!"

Even now, Loren still cannot absolutely believe in Asriel-there are not many reasons, just because his uncertainty is too high, betraying himself to the next second will not let Loren have the slightest Doubts.

Therefore, how much credibility he said can only be determined after careful screening; of course, anyone ’s words may only be part of the fact, whether intentional or unintentional, they will always hide part of it.

After all, this is human nature.

"Still that question, about the Holy Grail ... how much can you tell me?"

"As for this, Asriel thinks it's better to go and see Loren himself." A smile flashed on the delicate face, and the scarlet eyes of the teenager became more mysterious:

"The premise is that you are ... are you ready to know the truth?"

.................. "Are you ready?"

The voice of worries and inquiries interrupted Loren's contemplation softly before he noticed the little wizard who appeared suddenly behind him.

The black wizard's robe was replaced with a smock and a set of leather armor-even arm armor, elbow pads, knee pads, battle skirt ... All are available. The key parts are connected by fine chain armor, which slightly improves the protection. Without adding too much weight, the thick linen hood hid her entire small head inside.

Although still a bit thin, but also extremely capable, the blonde hair tied into a pony tail protrudes from the right side of the brim, decorated with simple but close armor like a shoulder ornament.

Behind the little wizard was a brand new Lothal Falcon bow. The most important part of the night watchman ’s stronghold was all kinds of weapons. As long as there is money in Ebden, there is nothing you ca n’t buy; waist. A light hand crossbow and a quiver hung on the side, a large and small potion bottle was stuffed on the shoulder belt, and all the labels were carefully attached.

Plus the left-hand "caster"-now Ain Rand, is already a fully armed night watch assassin!

"This is a very novel design loaned by the gentleman named Edward!" The little wizard who sensed Loren's gaze raised his left hand: "It's really Ebden, this kind of" magic wand "has detached from the" magic wand " Concept! "

Apart from being amazed, Ain didn't forget to take a peek at Loren. She remembered that Loren had had an identical "magic wand" very early, which seemed to be given to him by Dalton.

Is it because of this reason that he was blackmailed by these people?

But Ai Yin is Ai Yin, neither Isaac nor Liya. After all, she didn't open her mouth, she only put her doubts and worries in her heart, and forced a smile to let others rest assured.

"Good fit!" Loren, who also had a smile on his face, nodded, as though curiously serious: "When did you learn archery, I don't think Dalton knew it?"

The little wizard was very proud of his small chest and put his hands in his waist: "Loutel's arrow skills are well-known all over the world, especially for Eagle Hunt Castle and Shenlin Castle!"

"Do n’t forget, I ’m from the Deep Limburg. The Rand family is obliged to provide the count with seventy archers. Hunting and archery are things that have to be learned from childhood!"

Looking at the playful gaze of the dark-haired wizard, Ai Yin, with a slightly cheeked face, was a little shy and didn't overdo it: "Let's go out quickly, others must have been waiting."

"That's right, they can't be anxious." Loren made a very exaggerated gesture: "If they are misunderstood again, then it's troublesome!"

Without waiting for the little wizard to react, Loren had already taken the first step and closed the door—this is important, otherwise he was not waiting for a silly alchemist, but a genuine, blown lion:

"Lorren Turin, you actually made such a joke-!!!!!!"

…………………… At the end of Xicheng District, looking at the south of the street opposite the ruins, and there are only the broken lines left by the broken lines, a dozen trembling patrol guards. Slightly sighing, Loren turned around, clutching a brand new rye in his hand.

Behind him stood the morning star war dancers from the ancient wood forest, the alchemist of the deep forest, the night watchman from the gutter alley and the port area ... of course, there was some Lothal hiding in the shadows Evil God.

These are all he can recruit. All the friends who can willingly step into this **** are the people who really deserve their lives.

Of course, a young evil spirit is still open to question.

Not only the dark-haired wizard, but their expressions were also very serious, but they saw no trace of fear, clutching their sharp blades and spears tightly, waiting for the dark-haired wizard to say that order.

The eyes are gradually bright and sharp ~ ~ Like a hunter about to step into the jungle.

They knew that they could not look back at this step; but they still determined and believed in themselves wholeheartedly.

And he must not fail them.

The dark-haired wizard who finally made up his mind raised the wine bottle in his hand: "There is a very old tradition in my hometown ..."

"Okay! Say the same thing twice, is it nauseous?"

Frowning Liya stepped up, and the looted Loren had disappeared without opening the bottle in his hand.

The heroic bite off the cork, the female elf raised her neck and sipped it down, drank a clean bottle of rye in front of everyone, and the delicate earthenware bottle shattered on the ground.

Gently taking a long sigh of relief, Liya turned back to stare at the murderous eyes and waved the spear in her hand:

"set off!"

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