Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 176: "Appetizers" (Part 2)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"What is the next plan?"

The attic was so quiet that only the "squeak" of the wooden board could be heard, and the group of people who had just arrived from the street and reached the "temporary stronghold" were busy with the work at hand-squatting by the window, paying full attention to Edward and Liya who were watching, pale Sweaty, but still trying to wind the bow, trimming the arrows, the little wizard ...

And Vera, who was squatting in the corner and bored the night watchman, had to look at the fiddling, dark-haired wizard who seemed equally bored: "Aren't we going to find the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars?"

"Yes, and now we have completed the first step-find a temporary stronghold that is hidden enough to observe the surroundings." The perky black-haired wizard replied casually: "The location is safe, and It is also possible to monitor half of the civilian areas in the south of the city. It can be said that so far, everything is going well. "

"Oh, what's next?"


Ugh? !

"The presence of the Nine-Manged Star Holy Grail is premised. Before it appeared, all we did was useless work." Loren, who closed his eyes slightly, focused all his attention on the "caster" in his left hand. : "For this reason, there is no good way other than waiting."

"Since this is the case, aren't they all the same?" Vera, who was still not convinced, retorted: "Why do I have to break in?"

"That's because although we know that it will definitely appear, no one knows exactly when and where." The person who explained this time was replaced by Edward: "If you can't find it in the first place, then Meaningless. "

"For the first time?" The expression of the female night watchman was more confused: "Anyone but us, who wants to grab the Holy Grail of the Nine-Man Star?"


Edward, who responded slowly, turned back, but his deep eyes were fixed on Loren Turin, and there was no lack of intent to say: "There are many people who want to get the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars."

It wasn't until before departure that Edward knew that Loren Turin did not intend to fulfill the agreement with the night watchman and the Corona family to find the Holy Grail for them, but was ready to **** it from the Corona family!

This work is far beyond his duty as a night watchman, and it seems to be very unwise to help any party.

But he still chose to stand on the side of Loren Turin-compared to Corona's ambitious and very unstable ally, Edward is more inclined to help their black-haired wizards.

There was only one thing that made Edward always feel a little skeptical: According to what Peter Fassa told him, the reason why the Corona family would want to **** the nine-pointed star holy grail, and finally convinced the wizard tower all the battle is because They got the help of an evil god!

The Holy Grail of the Nine Stars belongs to the creation of the previous era and exists similarly to the ancient Evil God, so only Evil God can find and find its specific location.

If Loren Turin is not ready to fulfill the promise, then why did he **** it in front of the Corona family and get the Holy Grail of the Nine-Mansions?

There is another question. For what reason did he decide to break with the Corona family with the help of evil spirits, but he was not prepared to turn to the Holy Cross Church?

Staring at the dark-haired wizard who closed his eyes and meditated, Edward's forehead left a drop of cold sweat ... He felt as if he had vaguely guessed the truth of the matter, but he couldn't be completely sure.

There was silence in the attic, and bored Vera squatted in the corner, the little wizard still shaking his teeth with his hands still shaking. Too calm atmosphere makes Edward can't help but want to speak:

"Luo ..."

"someone is coming!"

The tense voice broke the silence, and the war dancer Leah, who was lying by the window, had clenched her spear and stared at the street outside the attic.

Almost at the same time, Vera and Ain climbed up from the ground. Loren, who closed his eyes and meditated slowly, waved at the female elf and motioned her to calm down.

Edward, who originally wanted to ask questions, had to give up temporarily, pulled out the sword from his waist, and lowered his body to prepare for the raid.

"Quiet, don't move."

Loren, who was surrounded by the center, slowly squatted down, his eyes flashing: "How many people?"

"Thirty to fifty, probably no more." The female elf's ears tremble slightly and look at him with a serious expression: "It should not be a mutant monster, but a fully armed human."

"And, the skill is very good!" Liya added a sentence that seemed to be worried about the other party's wrong judgment.

"How do you know this?" The little wizard was asked.

"The sound of their footsteps is very heavy, indicating that they must be wearing armor, and their arms will not be light-but such a heavy footstep is not messy at all, and even in order."

The person who explained it was Loren: "Prove that they are trained and well trained."

"They are crossing the street and coming here." The female elf frowned, her expression getting more and more nervous: "It seems, it seems to be in the same direction as when we came!"

Who is it?

When more than forty figures appeared at the end of the street, this question no longer made sense.

"Sir Loren Turin, please come out yourself, I know you are here."

A well-cut lace robe, wearing a smile like Alto Bellini going to a banquet, walking on the corpse-filled street with blood and stinky water, dignified and elegant, as if Is a poet who does not eat fireworks on earth:

"Will you always forget me?"

Standing behind him were more than forty well-armed wandering knights in elaborate armour and armed with epee swords. The stiff expression is like more than forty dead people armed.

Obviously, corpses on the ground and traces of destruction along the way have exposed them.

The dark-haired wizard in the attic looked at him with several people, nodded tacitly, and walked out of the attic alone, drawing out the sword and confronting Alto Bellini.

"Very well, I thought I would like to invite you out." With a chuckle, Aalto continued to say: "I wonder if I can ask you a question?"

"Can I not answer?"


"What else do you ask?" Loren shrugged: "Wouldn't you know where this is? Continue to drag on, even if you have a hundred mercenaries behind you, those monsters won't blink more. . "

Aalto's smile was stiff and his expression twitched abruptly. He gritted his teeth as if desperately suppressing his anger and said: "Very well, you are still so arrogant, then I will say it directly-I know the purpose of your coming here, and you know your relationship with the Corona family. "

"So ..." Loren snorted softly.

"So, I hope you can change the court and serve for me, that is, for the Bellini family." Alto Bellini's voice grew colder: "As long as you can find the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars, and get it for me It-whatever the price, the Bellini family can afford it! "

"For example ... you are a wizard, what is the lifelong dream of a wizard, to get a manor and a wizard tower? It ’s easy, just in your hometown Lotaire, I can help you in any one The castle builds a wizard tower that belongs to you ~ ~ and connects you with the Holy Cross Church. No one dares to trouble you! "

"Or do you think Lotel is too remote and not as prosperous as Ebden? That's fine, just one sentence, the six estates of the Bellini family outside the city, and the two mansions in the city are yours to choose from! We will also give you our full support 'S research will make you a master of curse science that can be passed down to the world! It is not impossible to even convince the Nine-Man Star Witch Tower to open a branch for you and the spell science! "

After talking, Aalto looked at him with a determined look, waiting for the final reply of the dark-haired wizard.

"It's really generous, to be honest ... so far, you are the most generous of all the people who offered me the price."

Loren could not help but sigh with a smile and blinked: "What if I said ... I wouldn't do it?"

"Reluctant ..."

Aalto's eyes were fierce, and he slowly looked back at the wandering knights behind him:

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