Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Broken negotiations (below)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

It really is ... sucks!

The indifferent Edward couldn't help but sigh. The tip of the sword in his hand and the heart of Bishop Farnesis were only separated by a thin priest's robe.

Everyone's expression was ugly to the extreme.

Just in the blink of an eye, the seemingly slow-moving guard knight first opened the arrow of the little wizard, and then forced to retreat Vera, the blood-stained sword ran across Liya's neck.

Staring at the long sword, Vera, hesitant, gritted her teeth; Ain raised the falcon bow, and she never released her bow string; and the "ace" among the four-the war dancer in the ancient wood forest, Now it has become a "hostage" in the other's hands!

As for himself ... The eyes of the night watchman's eyes narrowed into a slit, and the Fanesis in front of him was completely in a fearless posture, as if he was not in front of him a piercing knife, but only a ridiculous toy for children!

He determined that he did not dare to kill him ... Yes, although the people of Ebden never take the church seriously, if a bishop dies here, it would become the Holy Cross Church. It ’s best to break through the door of Ebden Excuse.

That ’s right, I ’m just a night watchman. The life and death of the Eboden people have long been irrelevant to me. But if such a big mistake is committed, the adult Rut Infinite will really do his best to protect himself?

No, he will smile at himself, patting his chest to ensure that nothing needs to be worried, the night watchman who works for the empire need not be afraid of the threat of the church ... Then, when the time is right, he will be used as a bargaining chip and sold to his own life. People.

"It turns out that ... I just heard a few rumors before."

Fearless, with no fear, raised his head and looked at Edward, who pointed his sword at his heart: "Unscrupulous hunters, omnipresent hunters, night watchmen who serve the royal family of De Salion, actually exist!"

"You just gave me a reason to have to kill you, Master Bishop. [Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu]" Edward was expressionless.

"If the Holy Cross needs my sacrifice, then I will be fearless." Farnesses' gaze was unwavering:

"Do it!"

Suddenly, there was a trace of decisiveness in the emerald green eyes of the female elf, and her tight right hand grabbed the barrel of the gun-this distance was not enough to pierce the knight's helmet, but it could win opportunities for Ain behind him.

She has heard the bowstring behind her!


The night watchman roared with all his strength in the middle of the street-the knight's sword against the neck of the female elf, and the lance against the helmet left a dent on it.

The roaring arrows flew across Fanesis' cheeks, the cracked wound was dripping with blood from the white priest's robe, and it was extremely dazzling.

Edward confirmed one thing, the adult bishop in front of him is really not afraid of death!

"I came to destroy the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars. To destroy the ambitions of the wizards, death is no longer worth mentioning to me!"

Farnesses murmured: "I used to be like you, full of ambition and desire, but after seeing the truth of this world, I understand that this will be a long and cruel war."

"And Holy Cross will eventually win the final victory; those who stop will be turned into dust!"

At this moment, his expression was like a martyr.

Edward has never had a headache like now. In places such as Ebden, he has seen lunatics, gamblers, sensible wizards, nobles whose interests are the benchmark, fanatics and hypocrites full of scriptures ...

But a rational, ambitious but crazy, full of scripture fanatics, really met for the first time!

"Tell me where is Loren Turin, and where is the Holy Grail of the Nine-Mounted Star." Farnesses once again showed his humble smile in the past:

"You know, what you do is not only to save your soul, but also to save the lives of yourself and your companions."

It's ironic ... obviously his sword is on his chest, and clearly he is the one with the most people; but the Bishop of Fanesis can still threaten himself without scruples.

Indeed, how can you threaten a fanatic who doesn't care if he is alive, or even everything around him? !

Ain trembling, Vera hesitant, and Liya ready to die ...

What should I do? !


The cracking sound of rubble and dust sounded, and the whole ground seemed to start shaking; everyone looked subconsciously in the direction of the roar, but what they saw was a huge shadow.

No ... it's not a shadow, it's piles of bones and flowing plasma. It's so huge that it easily destroyed monsters on half a street.

Evil God's body!

The soaring smoke obscured everyone's sight. Almost as soon as the shadow of the corpse monster approached, there were howling wolves around the street.


The spark was accompanied by the sound of metal striking. The dancer who was supposed to be cut by a long sword leaped to the top of the guardian's head. The cold spear broke the helmet, exposing the guard's cheek.

It was only the next second that the female elf had just landed, and the spear that had been split with full force was blocked by the sword ridge!

Angrily Liya stared at the expressionless face, and the bright red blood ran down from the guard's forehead, still unable to make him frown slightly.

The roar of the mutant monster is getting denser and closer to the street, and the body of the evil **** in the distance is also pressing.

"If there is no iron shell." The elf gritted her teeth: "Just just that shot, you can pierce your head!"

The guard knight looked at her silently, as cold as a rock.


Another house collapsed, and countless mutant monsters poured into the street like gravel, but were buried alive by the collapsed rubble the next moment.

Struggling, howling monsters, like the prisoners who escaped from prison, ran desperately, and the sound of howling alone could tell how much they feared the huge Evil God's body.

But this is not the time for these monsters to be pitiful at all-when they come up, everyone is dead!

At this moment of confrontation, the guard knight heard the bowstring sound behind him again. He resolutely forced the dancer back, then turned back with a sword, blocking the deadly arrowhead.

But when he turned around, the archer who was supposed to be behind him disappeared.

not good!

Swinging the sword back, the female elf was no longer behind him, and no footprints were even placed on the ground, as if disappearing out of thin air.

The deserted streets were left with only two guarding knights and fanesis, and monsters who had swarmed there.

"They ran, but still not far." The knight said coldly:

"Master Fanesses, I can get them back."

"Your loyalty to the Holy Cross is impeccable, but this time you don't need it." Fanesi raised his right hand, gently touching the scar on the cheek, rubbing the blood on the fingertips:

"I already know the exact location of the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars!"

In the eyes of the guardian knight, there was neither surprise nor take for granted, but there was a trace of fear. Fanesis looked at him and nodded heavily:

"Yes, the devil of Lothal has been completely released by Lorenz Corona; I can feel the wicked power surging ~ ~ is inflating madly-in the nine stars Before the Holy Grail is taken by them, they must be stopped! "

The words will fall, and Fanesis's footsteps have already gone to the entrance of the sewer, but the guard knight remains motionless, staring at the body of the evil **** that is raging not far away.

"Are you hesitating?"

"That monster with corpses ... If no one stands up to stop it, it is not only Ebden that will be destroyed." The guard knight's expression struggled as if to convince himself:

"Are you really watching this happen just like when you were last in Wimpal ?!"

"This is war, there will be sacrifices in war, you must do whatever you can! You are right, if you don't stop it, the entire Ebden will be destroyed; but if you waste time on this kind of thing, we will lose the only time. Chance to destroy the Holy Grail! "

There was a trace of pity in Farnesses' eyes, but he didn't hesitate:

"May the Holy Cross save their souls!" Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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