Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 188: The 9-man star in the heart (Part 2)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Behind the gate is the dark corridor hall, under the two sides of the column is a burning brazier, the burnt ashes are scattered in the air to the end of the patio.

In a white dress, the naked girl stood underneath, looking up at the black sun in the dome.

Silently silent.

Crisp footsteps sounded, and the dark-haired wizard who stepped into the promenade also didn't say a word. Only the thin girl in the sight was left, and the left hand wearing the "caster" had clenched the "bright silver".

"The Holy Grail of the Nine Stars, right behind this ..."

The sound was floating in the air, but it didn't seem to come from the girl's position.

"But Ariel won't let Loren get it, because that's not the suffering that Loren should suffer ..."

Approaching slowly and slowly, the eyes of the dark-haired wizard gradually fell silent, like a hunter approaching the hunting target; the silver-plated dagger fell into his right hand, and flew up and down on the fingertips, recalling that before stepping into this place, a teenager finally "Warning".

"Dear Loren, by now you should be able to understand that we exist because of the" legend "of this world, and borrow the power of that name to come to this world; similarly, our actions and images must also conform to our" legend " It will do. "

"Mezka uses the most brutal way, and its legend is also simple and easy to understand-in the ancient wood forest, its image and strength are the grim beasts that devour the souls.

Therefore, it is terrible, grim, but stupid. "

The dark-haired wizard approached step by step. At the end of the promenade, the girl isolated under the patio turned slowly, with a bleak expression as if she had just cried, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes, even though she could not cry at all.

"But that fake is different.

The same bloody, vicious, grim ... but there is no doubt that she is definitely not a stupid beast like Mezka.

Or, more cruel me? "

In the line of sight, Ariel stared sadly at her "sweetheart", her lips opened slightly, and she said the affectionate words:

"Sorry, Loren, it may hurt."

At the next moment, a piercing crackling sound penetrated Loren's eardrum!

The dark-haired wizard with a cold face widened his eyes and immediately squatted down and pressed his left hand to the ground, opening the magic circle.

"Rock Will" ——!

At the moment when the stone wall appeared, the roaring sound came as scheduled, the braziers on both sides of the hall were instantly extinguished, and Loren hiding behind the wall would not be blown away by inserting the steel sword under his feet, the explosive air wave trembles The entire promenade hall.

The trembling walls, the roaring between the stone cracks, seemed to be trembling wailing!

The wind stopped in the blink of an eye, and the stone wall serving as a "shield" was finally overwhelmed and collapsed, before Loren finally saw Ariel in front of her.

Or ... a girl who used to be.

The crystal-like eyes were soaked with ink, the original thin body was constantly twitching and twisting, the original white dress was also transformed into a black wide-sleeved robe, and the unknown pointed hood covered the long white hair.

"Uh ... ah ... Loren ..."

Ariel murmured with her arms wide open, her body suddenly pushed forward, and a pair of bone-like wings flew out of her body, slowly spreading behind her, and the unknown black smoke surrounded it as if it were substantial. Around her.

This thing Loren has only seen on one guy ...


The once-thin girl floated in midair, her naked arms folded, her open wings fluttered slightly, her beautiful face under her hood was filled with sadness and desolation, and her eyes soaked with black seemed to have a trace of pity.

The beam of light from the patio enveloped her, surrounded by black smoke.

Icy, lonely, like an angel ...

Unfortunately, this is a dead angel.

Ariel floating in the air looked at her dark-haired wizard who looked up at her. There was no fear in his eyes, and there was no trace of trembling in his hands.

The calm and calm expression, the figure that was already ready to go, seemed to be the one who was hunted and the one who should be afraid.

Sure enough ... this is what Loren Turin, the person he loves should be, even in the face of a mortal situation, there will still be no retreat and the courage to pull the sword.

Not to mention, he does have the power to hurt Ariel ...

The girl's figure suddenly shuddered, like a brief absence, and then the look became decisive again.

No ... Loren should n’t bear such a cursed fate, and become the doll of Asrell ’s mean guy, to bear so much pain.

Dear Loren, no matter how much ambition you have, how many pursuits and dreams, what fate ...

Right here, let Ariel finish it.

She moved!

Without any hesitation, Loren, who broke the blue rune, immediately turned on "Beyond Awareness", and flicked a fire forward while sliding back!

"Fire of Turin"


The flames exploded into a dazzling golden color, and the dust was fleeting, and there was no girl under the patio.

The pupil of the dark-haired wizard suddenly shrank, and he didn't dare to stop and move quickly to the other side. The enhanced vision kept searching around.

He was not stupid enough to think that a high-level spell would kill the evil spirit!

But why are you gone, clearly yourself ...

"Here it is"

The gray-blue sword on the left hand, and Loren without hesitation turned around and chopped!


Missed? !

A strong hunch came to mind, and at that moment, Ariel appeared again behind him.


The sound of metal collision echoed in my ears, and the sword of the knight on the right broke instantly in front of the wings of the girl!

The black-haired wizard immediately threw away the hilt and raised his sword to meet the enemy while retreating-although the girl didn't seem to kill him immediately, he watched Loren slip away from him.

This time he didn't fight back immediately, but calculated the distance between the two sides, waiting for the moment when Ariel shot, the "bright silver" in his hand stood in front of him, and the sword pointed at the girl.

Come on, let me see your tricks.

Just in the blink of an eye, the dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes and opened them suddenly.

He saw the girl under the hood, a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if an illusion of sight appeared, and Ariel, who was just a few steps away, appeared in front of him in a flash.

It's too late to raise the sword!

The enhanced vision can even see that the palm-like bone wings are grabbing towards you, and the next moment you will head to the ground, and the only thing you can do before death is to stab the long sword in her hand to her.

is it possible? !

Thinking for a moment, even the dark-haired wizard who was too late to wield his sword flicked his fingers.

"Rock Will" ——!

"Ah?" The scene in front left Ariel stunned-not for defense, but for the black-haired wizard to take advantage of it, and the whole person was directly flew out by the suddenly raised stone pillars, like a sandbag. Landed on the ground, rolling awkwardly for several laps before stopping.

"It turns out that you have been relying on the high-level magic spells used by the magic circle. In fact, you have already mastered it?"

"Cough cough ... to keep two backs."

Loren coughed softly and laughed.

"But since it has been found, then it is useless, right?" The right index finger tapped the lower lip, and the girl's delicate face showed a trace of "confusion."

"It's not necessarily ... don't forget, I'm still a night watchman." The left hand clenched the "bright silver", while calming his breath, he took out a black leather booklet from the mezzanine:

"Peter Fasha's spell book ~ ~ I borrowed from him-a high-level curse belonging to the night watchman, not just beyond perception!"

Ariel's dark eyes finally showed a touch of touch, and a warm smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth:

"You know? Loren, every time I see your expression, it will make Ariel feel for a long time ... there is no chance of winning, and I can still be so confident!"

"Unfortunately, Ariel's heart stopped beating long ago."

Loren suddenly felt an inexplicable unknown ... The cold touch swept the body, his limbs were stiff, and he could even hear his own heartbeat, faster and faster!

The broken and disintegrated bone wings floated in mid-air and were combined like alive, turning into a two-handed sickle in the girl's hand.

"Dear Loren, don't be afraid."

You will soon be able to interact with this cold world ...

Farewell forever! "Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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