Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 193: Let's stand together (on)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"Ayn ?!"

The moment the little wizard appeared, a surprise flashed across Loren's face.

Her trembling hands held the silver short sword tightly, and looked around with alertness and calmness, with unstoppable fear in her eyes.

"Lo, Loren, are you ?!"

At the moment of hearing the voice of the dark-haired wizard, the scared little wizard immediately shouted to the surroundings, "Where are you ?!"

"It's too dark here, I can't see you ... Loren, where are you ...?"

"Tell me, please? Or ... is this just an illusion?"

The black-haired wizard was shocked, and slowly retracted his outstretched hand without saying a word.

Just a few steps away, Ain couldn't see him or even know where he was; he just groped around in the darkness, looking for the source of the dark-haired wizard's voice.

Of course she couldn't see ... This is already Ariel's "Dream World". She was forced to drag her in. The only ending was to drive Ain completely crazy.

"Loren should thank others."

The calm-looking girl said softly: "If it weren't for Ariel, the strong and poor Ain had been eaten by the monsters now."

Silent silence.

Even without saying a word, Ariel can feel the anger rising in the body of the man in front of her, burning uncontrollably!

"Dear Loren, please rest assured that Ariel will never hurt poor Ain-she loves you so much, such a deep, unreserved love, you can even do everything for you Things, even if she never had the courage to do it. "

"For someone who loves Loren deeply, Ariel will never hurt her ..."

"Because Ariel is also deeply in love with Loren."

Loren didn't answer a word. His murderous eyes were silent, staring at her coldly.

The girl wielding the bone scythe is still expressionless, but with a trace of sadness:

"All Ariel wants to do is just to let Loren understand that it makes no sense to continue struggling. This is a battle you cannot win. The goal you are striving for is destined to end in failure, pain and sorrow . "

"The beloved one covers his face and weeps ..."

"The things cherished are fragmented ..."

"Even in front of Ariel, you still can't protect the person who loves you, and you will even feel angry and desperate." Ariel's voice became more and more sad:

"When you face the more terrible, cruel, and ruthless evil god, how helpless are you?"

"When you have to be alone and face the Holy Cross, it will be ..."


The hoarse voice nearly interrupted the girl's words, and Loren gritted his teeth fiercely: "I've had enough of you bullshit!"

"So I'll trouble you to listen to me!"

"Maybe one day, I will fall to the point you said, but even then that is my choice, and it is the way I walked out."

"this point is very important!"

"Then ... you made a very serious mistake." The black-haired wizard, as always ... slowly raised his mouth:

"Who told you that Ain Rand is my burden and needs me to protect?"

"You're wrong!"

Ariel's expression moved, and she seemed to feel something abnormal around her.

"Isaac, Ain ... then me. The most talented and the worst of them ..." Loren Turin sneered with a chuckle.

"It's actually me!"

The voice fell, and the dark-haired wizard's left hand softly snapped his fingers.

A crisp crackling sound came from all around, and the incredible girl widened her eyes: "Dream invasion ... what, when exactly?"

"Just when you are delaying time." Loren said indifferently: "You shouldn't think that, I really just follow your plan there, can't get rid of the blood puppets?"

The cracked cracks spread around at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dream world belonging to Ariel is rapidly collapsing and replaced by "Loren Turin"!

As long as the will and power are strong enough, false dreams can be twisted and destroyed as well-yes, it may not be possible with Loren alone, but if you add the power of Asriel, it will be enough!

"Want to drag me into your dream world?" Ariel said softly. "But it's a pity that Lorraine can't do it now."

"Yes, but at least the one that can crush you." The dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes:

"that's enough."

A huge roar came, and everything around it quickly collapsed and collapsed like a glass, revealing the real "Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower", although it was no different from the previous one.

This is also the cunning point of Ariel at the beginning-because there is no difference, so that when Loren stepped into the corridor hall, he did not find it at all, and walked into her dream world, so much so Fall into the trap of "Blood Ritual".

The collapse of the dream world also has another purpose.


In a flash, Ain, who was suddenly "brightened" around her, immediately spotted a blood-stained black-haired wizard and a young girl named Ariel Corona, holding a sickle.

The little wizard without hesitation immediately ran behind Loren, but his shocked eyes were still looking around with the remaining light, without asking what happened or where it was around.

It only needs to know that he is alive and needs her help, which is enough for Ain.

As for Ariel Corona in front of her ... Although I do n’t know why, she is undoubtedly the enemy!

"are you afraid?"

Inquiries from the dark-haired wizard came, and Ayn, who was biting her lip, shook her head vigorously, and the short sword in her hand pointed at Ariel, who was still motionless.

"Remember our original agreement?" Loren said softly: "It's like ... like ..."

"Martin?" The little wizard suddenly said the name of a robber.

"You still remember?" The black-haired wizard couldn't help laughing, and Ain's cheeks flushed.

"But it was very similar to that one. We must fight together to defeat this Miss Ariel before we can live." Loren looked at the little wizard in front of him sincerely:

"I won't lie to you this time, Ain, I have a plan, but I can't do it alone, I need you."

The little wizard who seemed to be touched shuddered, staring at the "sincere" eyes.

It ’s true ... obviously I ’ve been tricked by this guy more than once, but why ... why myself ...

Will you believe him so willingly?

"give it to me!"

……………………"Is what you said true?!"

At a certain corner of the tunnel, the three people who were chased by the monster had just been thrown away by Ain Rand's "sacrifice". At this moment, he was hiding in awkward rest.

And now a certain night watchman who has just been very opposed to it now proposes to go back!

The female elves don't know how to describe this guy-sometimes timid like a mouse in the gutter, and sometimes more impulsive than the most impatient elves.

"I just made a more reasonable judgment based on the existing conditions." Edward said indifferently:

"If you really found the traces of Bishop Fanesis and the knights around him, as you said, then there is no doubt that they went to the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars and Loren Turin."

"And our" responsibility "is to stop them ~ ~ No matter what Loren is doing now, they can't let them pass!"

"Don't you still disagree?" Liya said coldly and contemptuously: "If you pursue, I will do it alone!"

"But the situation is different now-in the sewer, it may be the most secure and undetected place." Edward shook his head calmly, without being irritated by the female elf:

"And in the face of the guard knight, you also need a helper to kill both of them at the same time, don't you?"

The war dancer frowned, staring at him with complicated eyes.

"I'm not asking you to believe me, I'm proposing a cooperation that is beneficial to both of us, the Elven War Dancer."

Edward stared at her and slowly extended his right hand:

"Like you, we must also ensure that this bishop is dead here, so ... let us fight together again for the last time!" Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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