Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 216: Mission visit (below)

Before dawn, Ebden was shrouded in mist, until the sea breeze dissipated, this lonely city on the coast appeared before people's eyes.

Contrary to what the free aristocracy expected, His Majesty Eckhart's mission did not come with great fanfare, and only a brief notice in advance, even the Imperial Corps responsible for martial law throughout the city, did not make any preparations in advance.

Without the letterhead and notices sent to the Parliament in advance, they did not even know that the mission ’s carriage had arrived outside the city, waiting to be greeted.

This excessive "low-key" really made the nobility a little sudden, even at a loss-in order to maintain absolute authority in the vassals and subordinates, the Royal De Salion never missed any opportunity to show the strength of the empire. The Imperial Legion of the city and the dragons still flying in the sky are the best evidence.

Many long-established nobles of Eboden have read the record that Eboden officially built the city and became a vassal of the empire: three flags of the legion, six dragons arrived at the same time!

And their ancestors, lying on the ground one by one in the roar of the dragons, tremblingly kissed the ring of His Majesty the Emperor, swearing to be loyal to the Sacrament Empire and the Dessarian family forever.

Every time the emperor ’s mission visited Ebden, the grandeur was comparable to the Midsummer Festival celebrations-without hesitation, the extravagant extravagance, the four consecutive days of carnival, and the grand ceremony held in the cathedral ...

The whole process is aimed at one purpose: let the subjects and nobles of this city never forget their "position", they are the subjects of the empire, and the emperor is their master.

The empire will not be stingy with respect to its loyal courtiers and servants.

Because of this, such an "abnormal" low-key has made many free aristocrats in Ebden panicky, worrying whether this will be a kind of "harbinger", anxiously waiting in the lobby of the Liberty Council, staring nervously The door blocked by two legionnaires ...

"... In the name of His Majesty the Emperor, His Majesty Eckhart II, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to you and Ebden. Such a terrible disaster is really regrettable."

Croce Suis, who was sitting opposite Corona, was sad and nodded slightly: "I hope this ancient and vibrant city can be restored as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a heavy blow to the imperial trade and the wizarding class. "

The emissary of the empire was thin and cheeky but tall, and looked only in his early forties. The exquisite dark robes were decorated with dark blue satin, and the collar was a cat's eye sterling silver pin. The dark green pupil seemed to be moving. .

In empire's most common saying, this is a "pure blood" Sakran who was born in the prince of Sakran and grew up in the imperial capital of Golovin.

"The sincere emotions of you and your majesty have deeply moved the entire Eboden-please also tell your majesty that Eboden will pay a lot of tax and royal tributes this year."

Korona nodded and replied: "The gold ship is ready to be opened, and you can go to the imperial capital of Goloven with the missions. As for the tribute ... The ocean-going fleet is on its way back, please wait a few days."

"However, I think His Majesty specially sent messengers to Ebden, shouldn't it just for these things?"

"I also brought congratulations from Your Majesty. Congratulations on becoming the governor of Eboden, Lord Corona."

The sorrow on Kro Seys' face was fleeting and turned into a spring-like smile: "Your Majesty has always respected the traditions of the principalities of the various princes, and I assure you of the consul elected by the Free Parliament that you can definitely get it Empire's recognition! "

A determined tone, and the undoubted sincerity-if it is not the first time to meet, I am afraid it will be regarded as an old friend of Corona.

I am afraid that if someone else is not impressed by his "sincerity", he can't help but guess whether the messenger has ulterior motives.

But Corona is different. The old man just chuckled and could n’t even see how much his expression changed: “So I do n’t know how much we have to pay to get‘ His Majesty ’’s approval?”

"For example ... accepting the permanent stationing of an Imperial Manchurian Regiment and bearing their military expenses?"

"There is absolutely no need for this, not to mention that the Imperial Legion has more important missions-when Ebden returns to order and stability, the Legion will naturally withdraw, you can rest assured."

Croce Suis smiled implicitly and put his hands on the table: "Of course, we must also face the reality. This turmoil really brought a lot of impact to Ebden and also changed a lot-for example , Making the Nine Stars Wizarding Tower the de facto controller of Ebden. "

"The wizard Taban is one of the components of Ebden, which is recognized by the Free Parliament." The old man retorted calmly: "It is not something weird that a parliamentarian wizard becomes the governor."

"Yes, but that is only theoretical, but in fact we all know that you have been the first sorcerer since the city of Ebden."

The emissaries looked at Corona meaningfully: "This is a remarkable achievement, and it will surely make the Empire Wizard College and the Wandering Wizards of the whole Empire feel unparalleled shock and encouragement."

"It will also attract strong opposition from the Holy Cross Church and all devouts." Corona certainly knew what he wanted to say.

"You must know how much pressure His Majesty Eckhardt II has undertaken for Ebden." Crowe Sais said unhurriedly: "As a defender of the Holy Cross, His Majesty must respect the opinions of the church and maintain The faith of the empire will not collapse. "

"So, what does it cost?"

"This matter can be discussed later. At that time, the Holy Cross Church will send a special messenger to meet you." The emissary waved his hand a little, and said that the matter had nothing to do with him:

"As for this visit, it is only a routine matter; and according to His Majesty's instructions, Eboden is currently in a state of inconvenience. Please do not cause the trouble of the adults for some reason."

"In this case, can you answer a little doubt for my old man, His Excellency Crowe?

Suddenly speaking, Corona made the imperial messenger who had stood up again sit down again and nodded with a smile: "Of course, what's the problem?"

"We have talked a lot about Ebden." Corona looked up slightly and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him: "Why ... didn't even mention the prince's lord?"

Kro Seys still smiled, but the smile was gradually freezing.

"Ah ... Is this annoying you, Lord Corona?"

"Please also tell me the reason." The old man is the default.

Without Brandon ’s assurance and bringing the Imperial Legion to Ebden, the Wizard Tower can also seize power from the Bellini family, but it is definitely not as smooth as it is right now, at least not easily acquiesced by the Empire and the Church.

And it was also because a prince joined them that they allowed the wizard tower to reach consensus and unite, and elected him Lorenz Corona to become the governor of Eboden-otherwise the city may still be in chaos, do n’t When it comes to restoring stability, even a ruling officer who can be convinced by most people cannot be elected.

There are twelve veterans in the wizard tower, and there are many supporters behind the Bellini family ~ ~ plus those neutral free aristocrats and small businessmen, it will be a situation of fighting in several parties.

But now, the empire is desperately leaving Brandon out of this matter, which is really doubtful and worrying ...

"The only thing I can tell you is that His Highness Brandon de Salion has nothing to do with the whole thing. His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness Princess just passed by unintentionally and did not involve it."

The emissaries of the Empire have solemn expressions and sincere words: "Please also, and the adults of the Free Council, keep in mind! This!"

At the same time, Brandon and Fitronai stayed in the Silver Hall, and Loren Turin, who was guarding the door, looked coldly at the "By Order of Lord Crowe Suis" coming, responsible With the two followers who explained matters to His Royal Highness, the left hand had already tightened the sword handle around his waist.

"Really ... I haven't seen you for a long time, Your Excellency Loren Turin." The "follower" in front of him greeted him like an old friend.

"Yes, it's been a long time." The dark-haired wizard murmured:

"Rute Infinite!"

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