Shaman from Afar

Vol 4 Chapter 178: Like then (below)

The dead altar, the bones of Fanesis paralyzed in the pool of blood, motionless.

But this is only temporary, even if he was cut off his head, torn into a pile of minced meat, and resurrected again is only a matter of time for him-for Loren and the Knight of Oath, this is just to buy time .

After watching the corpse under his feet alertly, after confirming that he would not get up immediately, the black-haired wizard wheezing heavily looked at his "savior":

"What's going on outside, I mean ... are those heretics of the blood sect still here?"

"The mob in the cathedral has been wiped out by the guards of the knights and counts of the church. They are now evacuating from the cathedral in an orderly manner."

Shen Sheng's vowed knight raised his head and stared intently at Brunhild, who was tightly bound on the holy cross statue. The headed "Goddess" still seemed to have no signs of awakening:

"As for the city ... The countess is sweeping away all the members who colluded with the heretics one by one, and they should all be brought to justice soon."

"The rest ... just do everything you can to end Fanesis here!"

Facing such a vowed knight, Loren could only sigh heavily.

"Do you disagree?"

"Not disagree, but we can't do it at all!" The black-haired wizard said helplessly:

"Frankly speaking, I know you want to defeat him, but we have to be realistic-at least find a way to reseal or destroy Brunnhilde, not to mention that the plan of Farnesis is not just ... "

Before the words fell, Loren saw the silent oath knight staring at him, his expression cold and terrible.

Obviously, he was not very "agreeable" with his proposal, and he continued to say so, I am afraid that the "Cangxing" who had just saved his life would have to penetrate his chest.

"You say it's a little more realistic, take your eyes first." The oath knight's voice sounded very calm, but it was calm to indifferent: "I said, it sounds not consistent with someone's oath."

Damn ... so I hate fanatics.

Loren tried his best to keep calm and could only try to make him understand what he meant: "I didn't mean to take care of my own interests. I mean we shouldn't be in a hurry--when he was in the Dragon City Stable, we can't beat him yet, let alone now ?! "

"Furthermore, is n’t the released Brunnhild a more urgent threat in front of our eyes ... Or, if we fail to defeat Fanesis, will we watch him release another evil spirit ?!"

The oath knight was still staring at him, silent, his sharp, arrow-like pupil exuding a decisive luster.

Seeing him motionless, the dark-haired wizard finally breathed a sigh of relief; as can be seen from the expression of the oath knight, he had chosen to compromise ... Compared with the life and death of Fanesis, the threat of an evil **** to the empire was obviously also not negligible. .

The most important point is just as Loren said ... they do not actually defeat the power of Fanesis at the moment, and even a little containment is slightly reluctant.

Of course, if Fanesis is allowed to continue, no matter whether it is the churches around the empire, the evil gods lurking in the dark, all these problems and contradictions will still be exposed sooner or later, it is just a matter of time ...

Thinking of this, the dark-haired wizard could not help but sigh secretly.

The next second, a silent altar suddenly whispered coldly:

"Do you want to stop me? Then just give it a try ..."

Suddenly for a moment, the two men suddenly turned their gazes at almost the same time, and the black robe of Fanesis was somehow standing under the statue of the Holy Cross; there was a crazy grin in their incredible eyes.

And at the feet of the two people, there is still a pile of flesh who can't see who it is at all.

How is this possible? !

While the black-haired wizard and the vowed knight were still shocked, the originally unmoved statue suddenly changed.

The wings behind Brunnhilde's bowed head shivered slightly ... the next second, the original indestructible, tightly binding her chain, cracked.


With the sudden loud noise, the entire Holy Cross statue collapsed, and the slender figure of Brunnhilde also fell down from the dome of the altar together with the collapsed giant stone.

Fanesses, who looked mad, raised his head, and the grin of the corners of his mouth was a little deeper; with his hands raised, the surrounding black mist seemed to be life-giving, and he frantically rushed into the air to Brunch who fell in the air. Elder.

"No, stop him!"

A vow of consternation suddenly flashed in the knight's eyes, and without hesitation, he pulled out the "Chanxing" and threw it at Fanesis with his hands raised.

"It's too late, you--!" Fanesis laughed wildly.

At the next moment, the piercing burst sounded like tide!

The experienced dark-haired wizard immediately responded, grabbed the oath knight who was making a flurry, and stood behind him, and the left hand wearing the "caster" pressed hard under his feet.

High-level curse, rock will!

The instantaneous roar of the stone walls came as scheduled, and the burst of air trembles the entire altar, and even the cathedral behind them seems to be groaning nonstop.

Blocking the sudden waves, and before they were too different, the two saw an even more incredible scene. The countless black mist turned into sharp spears as if in substance, penetrating Brunnhild's body from all sides!

Limbs, lower abdomen, chest, neck, forehead ... Across the thick fog, it seems that you can see the blood mist in the air, which is almost scarred.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!

The goddess with open wings showed a very painful expression, and suddenly raised her hair with a wailing wailing sound, and the penetrated body trembling in mid-air, as if it was painful to tear her completely.

But if you look closely, you can see that the expression between the eyebrows is not just the pain of being tortured, but it is struggling, as if trying to resist the erosion of the black mist as much as possible, although it seems to be in vain, dying struggling, will The torn black mist was pouring into the trembling body frantically.

The trembling whistle of Brunnhild and the frenzied grin of Farnesses merged together, as if they were echoing endlessly in the dark altar, and the sound of terror seemed to come from the deepest part of the abyss. call.

The stunned oath knight stood on the spot and did not even try to attack again; the sight in front of him was completely beyond his understanding, and was no longer the world he knew and knew.

And Loren, who was also silent, gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes with incomparably complex emotions watching what was happening in front of him.

He had also seen everything that happened before him; Wimpal, chapel, vampire, Asriel ...

That's right, although there is a slight difference, everything is the same as then, but the role has changed.

At the next moment, the black mist completely "melted" into Brunnhild's body, and the original colorful armor and white wings completely turned into a dark black like ink.

With open wings, Brunnhilde floating in mid-air slowly fell, and his white toes gently stepped on the blood-stained floor; the beautiful face was raised under the black hair, as if frost, Keep the grinning Fanesis behind.

The dark-haired wizard was silently staring at the "valkyrie" who was staring at them, and his face was ugly.

Even if they are facing Fanesis alone, they have no chance of winning, let alone one more evil **** ... the situation has almost deteriorated to the situation he least wants to see ~ ~ The expressionless Brunnhild raised his right hand, and the black mist gradually condensed into a long spear in her hand. The cold tip of the gun shivered slightly, exuding the murderous desire for blood.

Right now she is no longer the goddess of Byrne, but a puppet named "Brenhild", controlled by the power of "Black Cross" Serel-but even if it is just a puppet, her strength is still Above yourself and the Oath Knight!

The insane Fanesis eyes were gleaming, and they were still shocked at the two standing on the spot, the arc of the corner of his mouth was extremely contemptuous:

"Okay, two ...

You two, now you can try to stop me! "...

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