Shaman from Afar

Vol 4 Chapter 223: The Palace Night Talk (Part 1)

"... So, allow me to summarize."

In the courtyard of the Red Blood Castle in the middle of the night, Charles sighed as he wiped the wine bottle in his hand, and stood with the hands on the center of the long table meticulously, and nodded slightly to the black wizard and earl on both sides. .

Loren was lazy and slumped in his chair, and his spirit had not fully recovered from the confrontation with Yuli Wiltz; Charlotte snorted, looking away, apparently expressing some unsolicited The wizard met privately with dissatisfaction with the empires.

"In order to understand the current situation of Byrne, Grand Duke Elleman, Uly Wiltz, sneaked into the Red Blood Castle in private, and hoped to get more neutral information from the mouth of Viscount Loren Turin ..."

As soon as he spoke, the steward of the Red Blood Castle turned his eyes to the dark-haired wizard: "In this way, he concealed his forcing the Turin family to showdown, and even stood on the side of the heavenly palace for the title of Duke, completely abandoning the interests of Byrne.

Looking at Loren indifferently, Charlotte snorted slightly again.

"And Lord Loren, who had to confront him, did not give the most direct answer." Charles continued, deliberately accenting "that word":

"On the contrary, Your Excellency handed olive branches to the Sky Dome and the Duke of Ellerman, hoping to achieve a certain degree of" cooperation "with the other party ..."

"Regarding what I said, is there anything else you need to add, Lord Loren Turin?" Charles' gaze stared straight at the face of the dark-haired wizard.

"Basically that's the case, and no amount of explanation makes sense."

Raising his eyebrows, Loren shrugged indifferently: "If you insist on picking a bone in an egg, I was not talking about 'cooperation' with Yuli Wiltz at the time, but 'compromise' ... well, if I remember correctly ... "


Chewing on the word, Charlotte, who looked ugly, stood up directly: "Do you want me to compromise with the sky dome for the benefit of the title of Duke, with the benefit of All Byrne?"

"No, I suggest that you become a Duke of Byrne, and then use the benefits of Byrne to compromise with the Sky Dome ... the difference between them is very big." Loren smiled lightly, looking at Charlotte for granted:

"My Count, you are not the Duke of Byrne now, even if you think you are not qualified to represent the interests of All Byrne."


Charlotte, who was full of blood, took a deep breath and stared at the dark-haired wizard who didn't care; Charles on the side also frowned slightly, and was very surprised by Loren who was doing such an "outstanding" behavior.

"Ten minutes ... Seeing that the Red Blood Castle owes you a favor, I will give you ten minutes to explain your reasons or hardships." The Countess, who was very dissatisfied and sat down angrily, took the seat back angrily On, staring at him coldly:

"Ten minutes ... now, immediately!"

The dark-haired wizard crossed his fingers, and the painful knuckles seemed to remind him of what happened in the afternoon when he and Yuli Wiltz confronted each other in the car.

"To solve a thing, the first thing we have to figure out is not where the problem is, but what our identity is?"

Taking a deep breath, Loren said slowly: "Or more metaphorically speaking, it is on which side we stand."

"Is it still necessary to ask?" Charlotte still had a bad look, and his voice was a little bit resentful: "I am the Earl of Red Blood Castle, of course I am representing ..."

"Are you clear, no! Charlotte, you don't know." Suddenly interrupted the countess, the black-haired wizard turned his head and carefully stared at her somewhat panicked eyes:

"The vassal of the empire, a member of Byrne ... tell me, which side do you belong to?"

"I ..." Charlotte, who was still angry, just wanted to answer, but suddenly froze: "Which party do you belong to?"

"Yes, because the situation is obvious now." The black-haired wizard spread his hands. "If you think you are part of Byrne, you must stand with all angry Byrne nobles and knights, Join them in rebelling against the tyranny and rule of the empire; "

"And if you consider yourself a vassal of the empire, then you must assume the obligation to act as a vassal and suppress all dissatisfaction with the Vault of Heaven and the royal family for the empire throughout the empire. The original vassals, friends, and innocent people are all killed! "

Charlotte froze, sitting in a chair with her head down so that her expression could not be seen, only her shoulders were shaking slightly.

"Sir Loren, are you really exaggerating?"

Seeing such an uncomfortable countess, Charles couldn't help but interjected: "Even if the nobles of the Sky Dome and Byrne are dissatisfied with each other, the situation will not deteriorate to this extent!"


Instead, the dark-haired wizard shook his head and looked directly at Charlotte, who was sitting opposite him: "Why don't you ask our Earl, did I say that?"

"Count ..." Charles looked at him incredulously.

With a slight tremor in his shoulders, Charlotte looked up, with a bitter expression: "Charles, he was right, he didn't exaggerate."

"how could this be?"

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly, thanking him.

"Just this morning's meeting, there have been no less than twenty Bain knights who voluntarily volunteered, and the knights of the three southern leaders openly declared that they were only willing to be loyal to the knight who could lead Bain to independence;"

Gritting his teeth, the embarrassed Charlotte said almost word for word: "The Will family in the west even directly asked me if they still think they are descendants of the Turin family, the descendants of the cavalier king!"

"The knights in the north are more polite because they have more contact with the empire; but even in front of them, I still dare not show any weakness."

"In fact, today, if it was not because of your brother Ayton Charles, the lord of Fort Storm would mediate in front of the Southern Knights, they might have begun to prepare for an uprising."

"For three generations of oppression, Byrne's patience with the empire has reached its limit!"

Loren's eyes flashed as Charlotte sighed, a thoughtful expression.

"As the Lord of the Red Blood Castle, the descendants of the Turin family ... I have no choice but to stand in the position of Byrne." Charlotte looked at Charles desolately, forcing himself not to show his weakness. expression:

"If you don't do this, the Red Blood Castle and the Turin family will become the traitors of Byrne, the running dogs of the empire in the eyes of all Byrne knights, and everyone will want to get rid of us soon!"

"But if you do this, you will become the leader of this rebellion, and the Sky Vault will never let you go!" The dark-haired wizard said in a deep voice:

"People in the lower city, nobles in the city, members of the Turin family and even you ... all will die without a burial place, and their heads will be stuck on the gunpoints!"

"We are Byrne, and Byrne has no fear of threats!" Even at this point, Charlotte was still very unconvinced.

"At least one week and at most one month, the 100,000 Legion will knock, and Bain is too late." The black-haired wizard shook his head. "Maybe a castle and a fortress can be kept, and the field is clear to the last person ... but then there is no Meaning. "

"Fight the whole empire with one's own strength ~ ~ will become Byrn's last elegy!"

Loren raised his head and stared at the Countess, who was still awkward; Charlotte, who was staring at him, was a little embarrassed, and he sneered away from his gaze.

"Otherwise ?!" Charles asked again: "If you don't do this, do you want the Earl to become a running dog in the Sky Dome, and to become the enemy of the entire Bayern for the title of Duke?"

"Of course not." Loren got up from the chair and sat staring at the Red Blood Butler and Charlotte in front of him: "The so-called 'Duke' title is just a bait thrown out by the Sky Dome. They play with them and will set a very bad precedent. "

"Let the Vault of Heaven control who is the Duke of the Principality of Byrne ... Such a precedent must never be opened, otherwise the future will be endless!"

"Neither Bayern nor Empire can be chosen, so which party should we belong to?"

"It's simple ..." Loren stared at him:

"We don't belong to any of them!"

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