Shaman from Afar

Vol 4 Chapter 231: Round Table Council (1)

When the first sunlight of dawn pierced the horizon, the lone Charlotte Turin had already arrived outside the door of the palace hall.

Like every time I woke up in the past few years, the girl at Fanghua took a deep breath with her hands in front of her, and she raised her high neck and chest, squeezing her lips tightly.

Turning around, her pupils with her eyebrows raised up like a thousand red blooms; from Charlotte Turin to the Earl of Red Blood Castle, the Lord of Turin.

Today is today.

The Round Table Council-from the beginning of the time of the Knights, the ancient system that has been inherited for hundreds of years in the land of Byrne; laying the unity of Byrne and creating a powerful country.

In the time of the Black Duke, Byrne was once prosperous, and even at its peak; Boe was an ally of Byrne. The dwarves and the empire signed a treaty under the coordination of Byrne. 'S monster is almost extinct;

From the ninth to the tenth generation, the empire entrusted almost all the eastern and southern affairs to Byrne; in the Sky Vault and the Red Blood Fort, the Black Duke Roland even had the title of "Vice Emperor".

When Charlotte I, Queen of the Dragons, ascended the throne, even the Sacran people were convinced that the Queen would marry the "Black Duke", and the two surnames of Turin and De Salion would be combined in this form. One.

That year was also Turin ’s last swan song;

Today, it will be the beginning of Turin's revival.

The countess raised her head silently, and the twin pupils of Canruo Star looked back, and the closed palace door was still brand new, with no trace left by the past years.

For a moment, she seemed to be able to see phantom shadows. Those who used to sit on the presidency of Turin were looking through the gate from behind and talking about themselves.

What are they talking about, what exactly are they like in their eyes ...

"It's so early."

Suddenly, Charlotte was shocked by the sudden words; when she panicked and looked back, she only saw the figure of the person coming.

"Is it just getting up, or ..." The dark-haired wizard who walked with his hands on his back deliberately dragged a long note:

"Did you sleep at all?"

The countess glanced at Loren and then turned back, preferring to look at the distant scenery rather than looking at him.

"Charles told me that last night, the last knight lord, the Angut family of the Rock Fortress had arrived." With a slight smile, Loren stood beside her indifferently: "So ..."

"I don't need your reminder, I know." With a cold snort, Charlotte looked up slightly: "It's today."

Looking at Charlotte without any tension, the dark-haired wizard was silent, and the hands behind him hid the envelope sent by Little Yod in his sleeve.

"Are there any news from the Empire Mission?" The countess asked casually.

Loren shrugged: "As usual, the mission will arrive at the Red Blood Castle the day before yesterday, and the will of the Sky Dome will be read out at that time-roughly to appease and compensate, and Yuli Wiltz has already passed through in advance. "

"According to the agreement we reached, he will try to delay the mission for a few days to buy us time ... but it is at most seven days."

"Seven days ... there are four days left before today is deducted." Charlotte's eyes flickered: "This means that we only have four days."

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly.

If the round table council cannot elect a new duke within four days, then Baine will accept the mediation of the Sky Dome and the Empire.

A total of Duke will become an "appointed" Duke of the Empire!

One can imagine the significance.

"Are you ready, today is the first day." The dark-haired wizard suddenly asked: "It will also be your first battle ... Your performance will determine their opinion of you."

Charlotte frowned slightly, glancing at Loren a little surprised.

"For them, you are the Torino family, that is Red Blood Castle; how much you can let them have awe of you, how much they can have awe of Red Blood Castle and Turin." Loren suddenly sighed:

"Charlotte ... what you want to represent is not just yourself."

"You ... what happened today?"

The countess looked back in amazement, staring at the face of the dark-haired wizard with confusion: "Why suddenly became so sentimental?"

"Uh, is there?"

"Yes, and it's weird, like an old old man." Charlotte looked at him contemptuously, with a tone of disapproval in his tone: "Long word, mother-in-law ... Are you irritated by whom?

Loren was suddenly speechless.

Charlotte glanced at him again, with a very indifferent tone: "If it's because of Ayton Grenwell's thing ... I won't accept his proposal even though I'm relieved."

"Charles told me that you have already met him, right?"

The voice fell, and the black-haired wizard suddenly looked sideways, looking at the countess beside him incredulously.

"Why, weird?" Charlotte sneered. "I know what this guy is paying attention to ... Indeed, in order to revive the Turin family, I will do whatever I want, but I won't let Turin turn into a Granville. Vassals! "

"Besides, if I really do this, would n’t a guy have a way to explain to his master?"

Without looking at him, Charlotte's mouth twitched with pride, and said ridiculously: "I'm right, sir counselor of His Royal Highness Brandon?"

But when she looked sideways, there was no embarrassment or smile on the face of the dark-haired wizard, and the dark pupil looked at her with solemn dignity.

"You ... how, how ..."

"It's not Ayton Glenwell." Loren interrupted her in a deep voice. "It's not him."

After a pause, the dark-haired wizard sighed: "Our original plan was to have everything at your core. If the plan goes well, you will become the Duke of Byrne. This was what we said at the beginning."

"But because of ... someone, I suddenly realized that I might have made a very serious mistake; or inertial thinking, I always felt that everyone should be the same as me, but ... not so."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, what exactly do you really want?" Loren stared at Charlotte's eyes: "In other words ... being Duke Byrne, is this really what you want?"

"If it's really just to save the glory of the Turin family and take back the title of Duke of Byrne ... To be honest, there is a way to be more than that, or even this opportunity!"

"In a sense, it may be just the opposite." Loren's expression was calm, but his tone was very serious: "You are also eager to get something, the harder it is to get; and what you get may be completely different from what you think!"

"Even if we are all going well, the final result is actually unchanged, or even worse-the sky dome will continue to pressure you, and the restlessness within Byrne is still not calmed;"

"Right now these tormented days will repeat day after day, until one day you completely collapse ... is this really what you want?"

Charlotte froze; five seconds later, she woke up from her consternation:

"But if so, our plan, your plan ..."

"Forget it, just because it doesn't exist." Facing Charlotte's incredible eyes, the dark-haired wizard was surprisingly calm at the moment: "Then tell me, what exactly do you really want?"

What I really want ...

"Let the Turin family that was lost in the hands of Roland Turin ~ ~ revive ..." Charlotte muttered in a low voice, his tone became more and more firm, and his sharp eyes contained a kind of burning The power is like substance:

"This is what I want!"

"Then do it, let these people know how good we are, and how good you are!" This time, Loren held Charlotte's shoulder and raised the corner of his mouth:

"This is not a meeting, this is a war, it's a fight, it's a duel! You have to do your best, do whatever you can, and even betray someone you trust at a critical moment-of course, the price will be heavy; but if necessary and appropriate, Then do n’t hesitate! "

Charlotte looked up slightly, staring at the dark-haired wizard's gaze incomparably.

With his hands on his back, the smiling dark-haired wizard pinched the envelope in his sleeve.

The sun rises above the horizon.

Bathed in golden sunlight, the closed door slowly opened.

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