In the meeting room.

Lance received the person opposite, with a smile on his lips, but not in his eyes: "There is an old saying in your country that if things are slow, things will be round, and people will be at ease."

"What do you think, Mr. Lu?"

Lance asked the last sentence unhurriedly.

Lu Yanzhi sat on the sofa casually, his posture was not so formal, but he had a self-contained taste, just sitting so casually, people couldn't take their eyes off

His hand was originally going to pick up the tea cup on the table, when he heard this sentence, his fingers slightly bent, and he tapped the cup twice.

The sound of fine china is also very pleasant.

Lance glanced at the blue-and-white porcelain tea set that he had collected for many years and had come at a high price.

Lu Yanzhi didn't answer immediately, and Lance was not in a hurry.

I saw the man's slender fingers slid around the mouth of the cup, and then said lightly: "Fake."

Lance: "..."

He lowered his head and looked at the tea set, and said hesitantly, "Isn't it right? I asked an expert for a special appraisal, and the appraisal certificate is still there."

Lu Yanzhi: "Expert?"

Lance nodded and said a very long list of names in foreign languages.

Lu Yanzhi snorted softly.

He didn't say a word, but Lance heard the overtones from this sarcasm, foreigners appraised things from the East...

Well, it's a bit unreliable indeed.


He was talking to him about another thing, and the Emperor Young Master didn't seem to want to talk about it.

Lance opened his mouth to say something else.

Kerry came in suddenly.

Lance frowned: "What's wrong?"

Kerry: "Mr. Miss Ruan has left, Mr. Lu, Miss Ruan said to wait for you in the car."

The last sentence he said was reluctant.

If Ruan Tiantian hadn't insisted on him speaking, he would never have come to disturb him. The husband was obviously discussing things with him, and it was obvious that he didn't have a good discussion.

Lu Yanzhi hummed, stood up from his seat, looked at Lance, and said casually, "Thank you for your hospitality."

Then turned around without looking back.

Lance looked at the tea, which didn't move, and shook his head helplessly.

Kerry asked, "Sir, do you need to stop me?"

Lance: "No, I can't stop it."

Kerry: "Then let him go like this? The elders haven't solved it yet..."

Lance did not continue the topic: "What has changed in the ward?"

Kerry: "I didn't have time to go in and check."

Lance: "I'll go there myself."

Ruan Tiantian leaned on the back of the chair with a sullen face. When Lu Yanyi came back and saw her like this, he bent over and got into the car, "What's the matter? Someone bullied you?"

The last sentence he said was low.

When Ruan Tiantian saw him getting in the car, she leaned over and leaned on his shoulder, and said glumly, "No."

Lu Yanzhi raised his hand and touched her cheek: "Then why..."

Ruan Tiantian: "I just want to go home."

Lu Yanzhi: "Okay."

Ruan Tiantian: "Huh?"

"Let's go home."

We go home.

These four words seem to be very light, but they are very heavy, and they fell heavily on her heart.


She also has a family now.

Even if it is a small family, even if it is not so complete, there is nothing to regret. The people around you are so excellent and perfect, there is nothing to regret.

Ruan Tiantian smiled: "Okay, let's go home."

back to their home.

The family of the two of them may have one or two more people in the future. Although she has never experienced the love of her parents, she will learn to give the extra people the warmth of home.

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