Nine worlds

Episode 46

Ji Yao looked at the two people going down the mountain with disdain on their faces, and wanted to strike up a conversation with me, and this girl pretended to be thirteen; she was a bit handsome; she continued to follow the tour guide to visit the famous mountain scenery, and by the way, told the tour guide that the two had already left. The mountain left thing. .

The tour guides didn't care that they could do their jobs well, and they didn't care if they wanted to leave. . .

In this way, Tianyin and Wang Ling have been wandering around the famous Chuan Dashan for more than a month. They really don't understand how Wang Ling got there. He didn't look like he was traveling, but he left after a glance, but he didn't ask who was called. He is the young master. .

Only when Wang Ling came to Kunlun, the place where dragon veins originated, did he truly understand the horror of the ancients. Kunlun is like a giant tree supporting the earth. If the ancients tried to do something here, the whole mountain and river would probably collapse. .

Wang Ling released the palm soul while walking. This is the last place of the ancients' inheritance. If he can't find a way, he will find another way.

Slowly, Wang Ling and Tianyin walked into the misty sea of ​​clouds. After several days of searching, they found nothing. It seems that the ancients never came here, and they couldn't find any clues. Could it be something from a long time ago? It's buried deep in the ground. .If this is the case, it will be a waste of time to come here. Just like this, the two of them walked aimlessly in the mountains until Wang Ling was disappointed and gave up looking to go back. Wandering around the mountains this time, let's not be in a hurry to go out, at least we have to find a place to rest, you see. . .As he spoke, he pointed to a temple located in a dense forest.

Wang Ling looked at the place Tianyin pointed at and nodded, then take a rest and go out tomorrow. .

Seeing Wang Ling nodding his head, Tianyin hurriedly knocked on the closed temple door and told the reason to the little novice who opened the door before entering the temple with Wang Ling.

The abbot in the temple was also very reasonable, and quickly arranged a place for Wang Ling and the other two. Sure enough, the monks in the deep mountains were different from those outside, and the spirit of the monks here was much better than outside. .

After eating the fast meal arranged by the monks in the temple, Tianyin went to bed early. During this time, he was really tired from running around. After all, he hadn't had a good rest for more than a month. .

But Wang Ling really couldn't sleep, and now he couldn't find a solution. He wanted to find the inheritance method left by the ancients to see if he could help him balance life or death, but the result was a great disappointment. It seemed that he could only think about other things. There is a way, looking at the bright full moon outside the window, Wang Ling lost his sleepiness, so he got up and went out, turned to the roof and lay down to watch the moon; feeling the tranquility that he hasn't had for a long time.

I don't know if I heard it wrong or what, Wang Ling seemed to hear someone telling him to look around but he didn't see anyone, so maybe this Buddhist place is still haunted. .But when I heard that I was found on the roof of the house where I was lying, the master in the room below was calling me to go to his house; since everyone called me, then go and turn over and jump off the roof. After patting the dust off his body, he knocked on the door, and when he heard a voice from inside, he pushed the door open and walked in. .

It turns out that the master is also a fellow traveler. I don't know why the master is looking for the boy?Please forgive me for the disturbance on the roof just now. .

Hehehe, the benefactor doesn't need to think too much. Just now I heard the sound of sighs from the roof. Please don't know if the benefactor has any problems?

Is it possible to say that maybe the old monk can help a little bit? . .

Wang Ling thought for a while and didn't feel that the other party had any malicious intentions, so he sighed again and said: "The master clearly sees that this matter is a matter of life and death for the boy, so he can't sleep all night." .

Oh so tricky?Wang Ling nodded. . .

The benefactor asked to sit down and picked up the teapot beside him and poured a cup of hot tea for Wang Ling who had just sat down. . .

Wang Ling sat down, picked up the tea, took a sip and asked, "What's the master's name?"

Amitabha!My old man is far away! !

I don't know why Master Kongyuan lived in seclusion in the mountains?

The benefactor laughed at you and I thought that the journey was just in different directions; after finishing speaking, he picked up the tea in front of him and sipped it without talking. .

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