Re-recognize the peak

Chapter 94 Fiasco

Chapter 94 fiasco

Laka still rode his bicycle home.

He told his employer that, apart from police cars and military vehicles, the best end result would be for people of yellow race to drive into slums and be robbed. They would be considered lucky if they were kidnapped or sold to people with strange hobbies. Those who cannot be sold are the worst. Tragically, after all the organs were removed, burning the body and exterminating the traces was the only ending.

Lao Qin believed that Laka would not lie to him.

So he confiscated most of the black guy's salary, and only left him the money to buy food that day and the protection fee that had to be handed over to the gang/gang. His behavior was heinous.

"There is an old saying in Huaxia. The translated meaning is that you have to work hard on your own first, and then someone will help you. The gods will bless you when there are more people helping you. Raka, work hard!"

Probably the black guy has never met such a black hearted boss - he only talks about prospects, not salary, what else can he be if he is not a black hearted boss?But he was quite encouraged, and rode away happily, without even asking for an IOU.

"Tsk, you silly boy, I'm almost moved by my own kindness."


When Amanda got off work, the great philanthropist didn't dare to move.

"Qin, let's talk!"

"Baby! I was wrong! I dare not do it again! I swear I won't be distracted in the future! I'll kneel on the washboard when I get home! Or I'll kneel on the keyboard, durian, remote control, motherboard, whatever, please forgive me Widow!"

The girl was stunned, English plus Chinese, what and what?

"Why kneel those things? No, that's not important, I have to talk to you."

"Talk about what?"

"of course……"

She was stunned again, what are you talking about?The boyfriend has admitted all the mistakes and vowed not to do it again, what else can she talk about?Which one is more effective, the washboard, the keyboard, the durian, the remote control, or the motherboard?

Lao Qin didn't have the consciousness of shouldering the great ideal at all, he accepted the punishment with a big face, sweetheart, baby, and little kisses kept yelling, which made Amanda's goosebumps goosebumps, so he had to let it go.

"Honey, I hope you can understand that you are not alone, I love you, you know?"

The girl who had been making jokes all the time really couldn't think of what to talk about, so she kept her heart and expressed her truest thoughts solemnly and affectionately.

"Me too, uh..."

Although "love" is a very heavy word in the heart of a scumbag, he often says "like" but basically does not mention "love", but it is obviously not good to spoil the scenery at the moment.

It is said that he has great abilities and makes big mistakes. In his previous life, he didn't think so much and naturally he didn't have so much pressure. Fortunately, the knees and spine of Huaxia people are already straight, otherwise he might not dare to think so much.

After all, it is difficult for a person who is used to kneeling to stand up, but when he straightens his spine, all he thinks about is holding his head up, and any ghosts and snakes who try to make him kneel again will suffer the most severe blow!

The young couple reunited, and they felt like glue.

When I got home, Kume Chiyo was already there, and the scumbag put on a few words of encouragement. I went to wash rice and cook, leaving my girlfriend to whisper to her. From the little girl's exclamation from time to time, it can be inferred that Amanda must have The description of his image after being beaten is extremely miserable - someone went directly to the seaside bathing place from the basement, and the little girl has never seen his miserable appearance.

"I don't want to lose face!" He gritted his teeth secretly, and planned to take revenge at night.

It's a pity that there was more than one person offended by him. The younger sister was not as easy to coax as Amanda, and Lao Qin had no choice but to bow his head and admit his mistake obediently, and was scolded by her.


"If there is a next time, I will disperse my soul, which is better than worrying about you all day!" Half an hour later, Ziyu said a harsh word and disappeared.I don't know how many years of knowledge has been instilled in the system. When she is anxious, she will always say some half-words.

This guy didn't have to "revenge", he rubbed his head, and planned to use the remaining time of the simulated confrontation to beat the bad-breath man hard, to vent his anger, who else would he beat?Anyway, there is not much time left, so just run out and pull it down.

Unexpectedly, the system actually gave two options this time, and Laka was on the list.

"Didn't you say that you can accumulate time for simulated confrontation only if you have an audience?"

Lao Qin rolled his eyes and decided to use this first - if it is a system loophole or something, it will not hurt you to use it, otherwise if it is discovered by the system in advance, you will have nothing to eat.

Ever since, he experienced the worst failure in his life.

The system has a correction function. Not only is Laka's physical strength restored to its peak, but he will not follow his orders to slow down. For a while, the sound of someone being hit and the painful groan of someone are constantly coming from the basement in the dream.

The black guy who let go of his hands and feet finally showed the results of more than three years of training. His feet are as nimble as fleas, and his body is as slippery as a loach. Stop attacking immediately after falling to the ground.

But there is a fart!It consumes the simulation confrontation time like lying on the ground!

For Lao Qin, the simulated confrontation time is ten thousand times more expensive than US dollars. If the system can enable ingot recharges like domestic mobile games, he would be willing to pay 1 US dollars per minute!

So after falling to the ground, if he can still get up, he will get up as soon as possible to continue.Until the chin received a heavy uppercut from the opponent, and was directly kicked out of the simulated confrontation scene by the system.

Lao Qin never knew that he could faint in his dreams.

After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes in a daze, only to find that the scenes around him were constantly misplaced, and his hands and feet couldn't be controlled at all. When he thought that the order from his brain had been transmitted to his arms and he stretched out his hands to get up, he found that his arms It seemed that he had never received the message, and was still swinging unconsciously, so he fell to the ground again.

"Ziyu, if you don't come out, you will become a widow!"

The young lady came in response, and completed the information synchronization after a little distraction. She put his dog's head on her lap dumbfoundedly, and asked while massaging with her hands:

"Why don't you apply for system recovery? It will be fine in one go."

This bastard groaned for a long time, knowing that he couldn't hide his little thoughts from her, so he simply confessed: "This is not... hehe, isn't it because he is afraid of being discovered by it, and there is no play if the loophole is plugged."

"I also want to take this opportunity to feel what it's like to be knocked down, to think that I will develop resistance after getting used to passing out, and to trick me out by the way, right?"

The little sister smiled and completed his small thoughts. The little hand that was still massaging just now moved to the soft flesh on his waist, slowly, hard, and kept turning, turning, and continuing to turn...

"Ah! Ahh! Ahhh!~~~"

She used to pinch and pinch, and this guy would always run away when it hurts, but now he can't control his hands and feet, even if he rolls around several times as a lazy donkey, he still can't escape Ziyu's slender fingers, so he can only hear the high-pitched, eloquent cry melodious.

Lao Qin's head almost burned today, and he swam desperately in the direction of the rip current, but he didn't hear her anxious call. She was so worried at that time, and how angry she was after she escaped from danger. Now, she took the opportunity to vent her anger. He can only suffer.

After all, Ziyu felt distressed, let go of his hand when he calmed down, and pressed his uneven head again and again—before he fainted, it wasn't just his jaw that was injured.

His current appearance is much worse than in the afternoon, and he has almost lost all his teeth. Thanks to the lack of dental sound in the words just now, otherwise it would be difficult to speak clearly.

She knew what this guy was thinking, and said with a smile: "You are clever but you are mistaken by cleverness. The system requires witnesses at the scene, but aren't you and Laka the closest witnesses to the scene?"

I rely on!Why didn't I think of it?Lost, big loss!

Lao Qin wants to cry but has no tears. Even 1 U.S. dollars can't buy a one-minute simulated confrontation. If he falls to the ground, he can apply for recovery instead of lying on the ground to slow down. How much time will he save?

"Do you think I'm not very lucky recently? Not to mention that the backflow incense is cheap, and the time of the simulated confrontation is so precious that I have wasted it! Or, find a temple tomorrow to worship?"

Ziyu rolled his eyes at him, and didn't mention the system recovery, and said angrily:

"Where do you have so many superstitious thoughts as a martial artist? Do you remember what I said? You are your own god, and it is better to ask for yourself than to worship God! Besides, I am a soul body, a big female ghost, for you Bad luck?!"

Old Qin was intimidated, knowing that he had said the wrong thing, his eyes were rolling, not to mention, he really discovered a new topic: "Laka and I are two witnesses, and it is said that at most, we can simulate a confrontation 2 Minutes, but I just lay on the ground for more than 2 minutes? How is this time calculated?"

"Stupid! You fought him more than once! The system counts the number of conflicts. Every time you two fight until one of you falls to the ground or your face is covered in blood, stopping at this time will naturally count as the end of a conflict."

"Oh! This is good, this is good." He repeatedly praised, and calculated in this way, four hours of sparring time, 5 minutes of play and 5 minutes of rest, can save 24 minutes in a day!

"Think beautifully!"

Ziyu asked him angrily: "Have you not done strength training for a few days?! Laka knows to use your equipment to exercise strength. How about you, running, swimming and archery are all over?"

This guy found that he really messed with her a lot recently.Listen, running, swimming, and archery are similar to aristocratic sports. How can they look like martial arts?No wonder it took so long to be pinched.

"Hey, my fault, my fault, I'll practice tomorrow, madam, please calm down." He clings to Ziyu with a deadpan face, trying to coax the beautiful woman into laughing.

Just when she was about to make persistent efforts and achieve some "good things", the sister paper imitated Amanda's appearance, Ding Xiang turned slightly between her lips and teeth, left a charming look in her eyes, turned around and disappeared...

"Punish you for not touching me this week, sleep~"

"Fairy! Wait until my grandson cleans up quickly, and see how I can clean up you!" Old Qin's teeth itch, he hates this kind of person who wants to refuse but then pats his ass and disappears, it's so immoral.

The young lady left, and this guy no longer had the mood to pretend to be miserable. He gave an order, and he recovered in a blink of an eye.

With Laka, there is no need for the man with bad breath to exist. Anyway, there is not much time left for the simulated confrontation with him, so he simply beat him up.

This time, he found that his efficiency was much higher.

After a high-quality sparring with the black guy, and then facing the bad-breath man's three-handed axe, he really didn't feel interested. After all, he had beaten the opponent countless times, no matter whether the opponent pulled or kicked. It can be broken easily, and there is no embarrassment of being slapped on the face by someone riding on the belly.

After removing the part of exhaling fragrance, even if the system changes the bad breath man's movements according to his requirements, the man with bad breath is still just an ordinary person after all. Within three seconds, he can always hit the man with eyes or throat, heart or liver. ability.

Lao Qin is narrow-minded, and he still remembers that the other party insulted Amanda, so he even secretly broke his vow to use Wing Chun, and found the opportunity to give the man with bad breath a ruthless kick.


He found that what was said in Chicken Soup for the Soul was wrong. Sharing happiness with others will indeed reap double the happiness, but there is a premise - money is not included; sharing pain with others will only bring double pain, which is pure nonsense. He transferred the pain of being beaten up by Laka to the man with bad breath, and he was no longer in pain in an instant!

The bad breath ruined half a life, and the Mexican who had been beaten countless times finally disappeared. Lao Qin smacked hard at the place where he disappeared, and then scratched his head, always feeling that he forgot something.

"Ah! Yes, I forgot to ask Ziyu why I fainted." The guy said to himself.

But he didn't have the guts to wake up the little sister again for such a trivial matter. You must know that girls who have been disturbed in their beauty sleep are often sympathetic, not only have super fierce expressions, but also super painful twisting!

"Okay~ System, you understand, I'll sleep first."


According to the systematic explanation, there are many places where the head can cause people to faint.

For example, the triangular area formed by the line from the corners of the mouth on both sides to the bridge of the nose, the left and right temples, the chin, and the temporomandibular joint (commonly known as the hook). These parts are prone to fainting when hit.

Even if it is not within the above range, as long as it is the head, it is easy to be KO with a punch.

The brain is made up of blood vessels and nerves, like a soft paste surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid; the main function of cerebrospinal fluid is to isolate the brain tissue from the skull, so when the head is subjected to momentary vibrations Due to the difference in density, brain tissue is bumped against the skull and pulled back by muscles and tendons.

At this time, some brain cells will die due to the collision, which may lead to amnesia. At the same time, other stimulated neurotransmitters will become active, so that the amount of information transmitted in an instant is too much for the brain to bear. Computer overload is like paralysis, and the external manifestation is unconsciousness or even fainting.

Among them, the temporomandibular joint, that is, the hook that connects the jaw to the skull, is connected to the trigeminal nerve, which is connected to the cerebellum, and the cerebellum is the organ responsible for the balance of the human body. Therefore, Lao Qin not only fainted when he was hit, but also after waking up for a while. He couldn't grasp the balance of his body for a while, and was extremely miserable when he was pinched by the young lady.

This is still light. If his opponent is replaced by Tyson, the heavyweight boxing champion is not comparable to the skinny Laka. Violent collisions and damage to the nervous system are inevitable. Whether it will be paralyzed depends on luck, and it is normal to be beaten to death with a single punch.

"There is a long way to go!"

No matter how lofty your ideals are, you have to be down-to-earth. How can you achieve higher ideals without being invincible?

How can you be invincible if you don't learn any footwork and can't even win a fight?

How can you learn footwork if you don't finish boxing?

It seems that the problem is back to the original point...

"System, what's the next move combination?"

"Left and right side palms - left and right horizontal palms - left and right spread hands - left and right circle hands - close fists"

"Well, too few, how about another one?"

"Press palms left and right - spread hands left and right - pillow hands left and right - spread hands left and right - circle hands left and right - slant palms left and right - spread hands left and right - circle hands left and right - close fists"

"Press your palms, spread your hands, rest your hands...there's an extra circle of hands and slanted palms? Another one!"

"Press the palms left and right - spread the hands left and right - plow the hands left and right - spread the hands left and right - circle the hands left and right - bottom palm - spread the hands left and right - circle the hands left and right - close the fist"

"Tsk, three sets of combinations, the newly added moves are only horizontal palm, circle hand slanted palm, and circle hand bottom palm? No wonder Li Bazhi repeatedly emphasized that there are three volts. I think we should also add circle hands. The number of occurrences There are so many, maybe there is a big mystery hidden. Continue!"

"Left and right shoulders - left and right spread hands - left and right palms raised - left and right spread hands - left and right circled hands - closed fists"

"Well, there are more arm hands and raised palms, four sets of combinations, eight new moves, it's almost there."

"bring it on!"

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