Fate is immortal

Chapter 29 Wan Yu

"Wan Yu Lou" branches are all over the world, but no one knows where the main store is. It's really like a big bird scattered thousands of feathers all over China, but the deity is nowhere to be found.The refreshments of Wanyulou are famous all over the world, and delicacies and fruits are also rare, but these are not the places where it attracts customers.The unique feature of Wanyu Tower is that it often covers an area of ​​thousands of acres, but there are only a few pavilions, which are empty enough to run a horse.And in each building, there is only one owner.

This is by no means a nouveau riche style, nor is it that Qian Duo's head was burned out.Wan Yu Lou claims that such an arrangement is only for two words - quiet.And everyone in the world knows that these two words should be replaced by "secret".

Each Wanyu building has several main buildings, which are where the "master" lives.Whoever the master wants to see, naturally a set of carriages will enter the building.Come and go, regardless of host and guest, others can't even see a hair.

And each main building is equipped with a "big man". This man is not responsible for serving tea and water, but holds a knife and stick, and walks around downstairs all day long to guard the entry and exit.In, no fly or mosquito can enter without the master's permission; out, without the master's order, no news or wind is allowed to leak out.

There are four turrets around the main building, each of which is patrolled by staff.Hard bows and crossbows are readily available. Once someone dares to approach half a step, he will immediately become the target of public criticism.

With such tight defenses, even though Wan Yu Lou is located in a busy city, it is as isolated from the world as a paradise.To put it more simply, as long as you enter the Wanyu Building, no matter what you do inside, no one will know.

Such a good place, the world naturally flocks to it.Even if the refreshments inside are more expensive than gold, they are still full every day.Everything in Wanyu Building is expensive, but the most expensive thing is the news inside - the more people want to keep it secret, the more people want to know.

Originally, with Wanyulou's strong strength and tight defense, even the Xiahui might not have a way to pry into its secrets.But Gu Yuetian has his exclusive network.

"Dong dong dong", three cold knocks on the door sounded on time, interrupting Gu Yuetian's thoughts.He put the spirit stone in his arms, took off the two big leather boots from the case, sat up straight, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

The boy who pushed the door and entered was the only person in Qingyun City who could inquire about Wanyulou.

This young man was as skinny as a stick, and his appearance was not striking, except for a pair of bright eyes shining brightly, making it unforgettable at first sight.He came from the west half a year ago, led a foolish elder brother, and lived in the south alley of Lushuigouzi, among the many beggars and refugees, there was nothing unusual about him except for being gloomy and taciturn.But this young man suddenly came to him one day and said that he had a way to find out what was going on in Wanyu Tower.Gu Yuetian laughed out loud and dismissed him as a fool.

We must know that although there is only one main building in Wanyu Building in Qingyun City, the big guy is called "Tie Shou Zhang", and he is the number one famous person in the city. I don't know how many poor people rely on him to stop their children crying at night.A pair of fine steel hands full of sharp barbs, not to mention a punch, even a light slap by an ordinary person, will be bruised.

Unexpectedly, the boy was even more ruthless when his iron hand was stretched.The young man pretended to be an ignorant beggar who had just arrived, and rashly went to sleep in the corner of the Wanyulou compound.Tie Shou Zhang was not polite at all, went over and gave him two big mouths, and kicked him across the street.In the eyes of the people around him, the little beggar was like an idiot who started his bullshit, and from then on he went to sleep by the wall every day, rain or shine.Tie Shou Zhang beat him to pieces every time, and he fell to the ground.But this idiot beggar was so energetic that he risked his life and wasted on the iron hand Zhang, using his own flesh and blood to compete with the iron hand every day.Even if one leg was broken, he still crawled to report the next day.

No matter how ruthless the iron hand is, he can't kill people in the street, and he can't beat a child all day long under the watchful eyes of the people around him.Anyway, there are tens of feet between the courtyard wall and the turret, so what can he do as an idiot beggar?

But this beggar is not an idiot at all, on the contrary, he is very talented-not because he is hard-pressed, but because he has a keen six senses and is extremely clever.Although separated by a long distance, but can always catch a lot of wind.

After this incident, Gu Yuetian took this young man with admiration.This son is not only scheming, but also ruthless.He can be so ruthless to himself, needless to say, he won't even frown when he kills others.From then on, Gu Yuetian met him regularly, and the two clearly marked the price, buying and selling the rumors leaked from Wanyu Tower, and they have cooperated happily for more than half a year.It's just that this time he came to look for this young man, not because of the news from Wan Yu Tower, but because of a major event that made him think about it day and night.

Gu Yuetian pointed to the stool beside him and said, "Sit down."

The boy did not sit down as usual, but leaned against the wall, as if he was waiting for something.

Gu Yuetian put on a pair of gloves, carefully took out a small bag from his pocket and threw it on the case, saying: "Old rules, once this thing is in your hands, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to use it, you have to buy it." Avoid the Hero Club."

The boy picked up the bag, opened it and smelled it, then nodded.

Gu Yuetian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this bag contained a rare poison called "Blood Boil".Once a person takes it, the blood in his whole body will boil like boiling, and his death will be miserable.It's just that very few people use it as poison, not to mention it is too rare, the smell of this medicine is pungent, and it is as red as blood after mixing with water. If you want to poison people to death, you have to hold it down and pour it into your mouth.Wouldn't it be much cheaper and easier to use arsenic in that case?Therefore, this medicine is mostly diluted and used for torture and revenge, and it is a secret treasure for extorting confessions among the public.Although it's just a small bag, Gu Yuetian really spent a lot of effort and financial resources.

In the past half a year or so, Gu Yuetian has made a lot of profit just by relying on the wind of Wanyulou, so naturally he never treated this young man badly.It's just that teenagers seldom accept cash rewards, but often ask for some harmful drugs.At the beginning, it was some drugs and narcotics, and then gradually turned into overbearing strong drugs and even poisons, and in the last few months, it was determined to be a blood boil.The boy himself didn't say anything, and Gu Yuetian didn't ask about the whereabouts of these medicines, anyway, as long as he didn't have anything to do with him.

The young man put the bag in his arms, without raising his head, he said: "Wanyu Building is very deserted recently, there are no people there. The only news is that three days ago, a person lived in a hurry for half a day and met a guest. When the guest left, the car There are some more medicinal flavors on it, it seems to be a type of elixir..."

"The smell of medicine? Qingyun Country is not a good place to trade medicinal materials..." Gu Yuetian pondered for a while, but his mind was full of other things.He hesitated for a moment, finally took out something from his arms, and said, "Smell this."

The boy took it and saw that it was a handkerchief.The material is high-quality plain silk with patterns of flowers and birds embroidered on it, and it looks like it was used by a rich girl.Gu Yuetian, a burly man, took out such a thing, it was a bit nondescript, but the young man didn't ask any more questions, he just lowered his head and sniffed it, and said: "It has a faint smell of powder, and the quality is not bad. It should be someone who doesn't like strong Miss makeup. But I don’t know much about rouge and gouache.”

"Of course I didn't ask you to smell rouge powder. You are so familiar with medicinal materials, can you smell something?" Gu Yuetian said calmly.

"The smell of medicine?" The young man sniffed it carefully again, and said, "Well, although it is very weak, it smells like datura flowers. There is another, um... it should be black grass."

"Really!" The joy on Gu Yuetian's face flashed away, but asking such nonsense already showed that his mood was agitated at this time.He heaved a sigh of relief, leaned his head back on the rattan chair, looked at the ceiling, his expression was changing.

After a while, seeing the young man about to leave, Gu Yuetian said, "Blood boil, this is the last time."

The young man turned his head when he heard the words, his cold eyes seemed to ask.

Gu Yuetian shook his head and said: "That thing is very rare, how can I have everything? I have exhausted all kinds of sources these days, if this continues, it will make people suspicious. If you want it in the future, you have to get it yourself. "

The boy frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are you going?"

Gu Yuetian chuckled and said: "Everything has a price. You don't have the status of the Raoshizixia Club. As long as you have money, why is it difficult to get some poison? Right now, I have a big deal on hand, as long as you do me a favor, Real money is nothing to worry about. It depends on whether you dare to take some risks."

The young man turned his eyes away, turned around and left without comment.

In the shabby room, Gu Yuetian was left alone.After a long time, he suddenly sighed, and murmured with a little disappointment: "This kid hides his secrets, his scheming is unpredictable, and I'm afraid it's not easy to drive... Forget it, it's better to use that stupid kid." Said As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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