Fate is immortal

Chapter 62 Organs

"Get out! Get out! I don't want to hear you talk, get out!..."

With a bang, a piece of porcelain shattered on the ground, and the sudden crisp sound made A Yuan sit on the ground in fright, almost knocked out of his wits.

After a while, the surrounding area was empty, and everything was as usual, and no secret door opened.Just a voice rang in my ears again: "Miss, there must be a limit to self-willedness. The huge Wangyun Villa is about to be destroyed by you! The master has been choked up by your anger, and it is inconvenient for you to move. Don’t you want to admit your mistake? Could it be that you are only satisfied if everyone dies?”

A Yuan had heard this cold tone before, and it was clearly the housekeeper Chen.As for the girl who was sobbing at the side, A Yuan was even more familiar with the weak and wronged voice. It was Chu Hanyu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"I, I..." Chu Hanyu's voice was hoarse, as if she had been crying for days and nights, and she could barely form a sentence. "It's my fault, I'll just bear it. Why did you involve A Yuan?... He saved me! He didn't kill me! Why did Dad make things difficult for him? Why didn't I let him go no matter how hard I begged? ..."

"Miss, you are so naive! What kind of good things can they be that have tried so hard to come to your side? All of them are evil people! He secretly set up a scheme to harm you, and there are all evidences, but you I was deceived by him and refused to believe that's all. I think the owner's punishment is too light! Besides, he didn't kill him, he was just locked up and waited to be dealt with. Now that the enemy is at hand, do you only have one in your eyes? A wild boy of unknown origin, don’t you care about other people’s lives at all? What if you let him go? Where is he going to escape? Once the thieves from the bottom of the mountain attack, everyone will die without a place to die!”

After a long while, Chu Hanyu sobbed and did not answer, Chen Butler's voice became more and more annoyed: "Miss, if you are still the owner's daughter, you should hurry up and confess your mistake to the owner. Only when the owner gets better, can all of us survive .If that kid is really not a villain, he will know when the time comes. That's all for the old man, think about it carefully."

After finishing speaking, the sound of Steward Chen's footsteps disappeared, only Chu Hanyu's low sobs could be heard from time to time.And A Yuan, who was in doubt, finally figured out the situation.These conversations all came from the disk in the drawer.Although the voice was a little muffled and distorted, it was still heard clearly, as if it was stuck on the wall and listening to the person next door.

"Could it be that this is the legendary 'Thousand Miles' organ?"

The word "organ" that I still can't forget reminded A Yuan that he had read in an ancient book. In ancient times, there was a mechanism where metal pipes were inserted underground, and the sound of military horses running hundreds of miles away could be heard. real.

Hearing Chu Hanyu's voice again, Ah Yuan's heart was agitated.She not only blocked the fatal blow for herself, but also pleaded for herself, crying all day long.As the saying goes, a friend in adversity sees the truth, this kind of loyalty is really deep.These days, Ah Yuan, who has been suffering so much, seems to have finally received a ray of sunshine, and his heart is extraordinarily warm, and he is determined to rescue her out, and will never escape alone.

A Yuan softly called Chu Hanyu's name to Yuanpan, and shouted a few more times in a louder voice, but Chu Hanyu didn't respond, she just whimpered and sobbed, it seems that this mechanism is not two-way.

After thinking about it, A Yuan gritted his teeth, stepped forward and turned the pointer, and changed a scale. Chu Hanyu's whimpering stopped abruptly, replaced by a commotion and a shout: "Three whistles, three whistles, hurry up!" Can't hold it anymore! Yang Long, quickly bring the brothers from Sishao to reinforce, bring more arrows, and be sure to defend before dark! Those thieves have no strength anymore, hold on!!"

The sound of drums and horns, the clanging of dysprosiums, the scene of beating stones and rolling trees, and arrows flying all over the sky seemed to be in front of you. Exclamations and screams were annihilated in the dull sound of fighting. This must be a tragic battle.

The sound must have come from the outpost on the ridge.There are so many bandits at the foot of the mountain, it is all because they are afraid of Yang Huai's amazing martial arts that they dare not attack the mountain.Now that Yang Huai is paralyzed, he must have not shown up for a long time, and the battle at the foot of the mountain must be getting tighter day by day.The piercing sound of killing made A Yuan startled, afraid that the sound would come out of the secret room and miss his whereabouts, so he quickly dialed again.

There was a sudden silence in the ear, and it took a long time to hear a slight sigh, indicating that someone was still there.After a while, a middle-aged man's voice sounded: "Father, haven't you made up your mind yet? You can't hold on to the bottom of the mountain, you know it all too well. When the thieves from the bottom of the mountain charge up, everything will be over." late!"

The other party was silent, and the middle-aged man's tone became more urgent: "Wait any longer, and everything will be destroyed. How can there be a way out? Dad, now is a golden opportunity, the owner of the villa is already paralyzed, why are you hesitating?"

"What do you know? If you have practiced martial arts to the level of the owner, as long as you hold your breath, anything can happen. Now is not the time."

The voice belonged to Steward Chen, which really surprised A Yuan!

"However, if you just keep waiting, once the gate is lost, you will die, so why not give it a go!" The middle-aged man was about to cry.

"What are you panicking about? I have my own calculations, hold your breath!... You go to the dungeon to send some food to the Chen brothers, give a hint, but don't show too much, understand?..."

"Yes, my child understands!" The middle-aged man turned his worries into joy, and hurriedly agreed to go.Butler Chen, who was alone for a long time, sighed and left immediately.

Hearing this scene, A Yuan became more and more aware of the current situation of Wangyun Villa.Yang Huai, the main backbone, has already been paralyzed, and his combat power is already insufficient. Coupled with the distraction of the heart, the emergence of internal ghosts, and external and internal troubles, the building is really about to collapse, and it is in jeopardy.He had just escaped from an iron cage, only to find that there was a fire pit outside.In this situation, there is really no way out for people.

Then he moved the pointer and listened to the movement of the rest.Except for the silence, there were only a few cooks and servants who were panicking and talking gossip.As for the question that A Yuan is most concerned about—where is Yang Huai, he has no clue at all.

After dialing it around and back again, Ah Yuan still wanted to hear Chu Hanyu's voice, and it was best to be able to determine where she was.But the sobbing sound was no longer heard, replaced by a small sound, as if someone was struggling with their mouth covered.

At the same time, a deep man's voice came—"Miss Chu, don't be afraid. I don't mean any harm, I just want to ask you, where is my brother A Yuan locked up?"

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