Green coriander family

Chapter 620 Sudden Enhancement

On the top floor of Zhenling Pagoda, the two Chen Zimo slapped each other's palms, and then they flew back tens of feet before stopping.

In just a few tens of breaths, the two fought each other no less than a hundred times, each had their own outcome, but overall they were still evenly matched.

No matter how much mana Chen Zimo had consumed, and how many injuries he had suffered, the person in front of him was pretty much the same, and no one took advantage of it.

At this time, the mana of the two did not consume much, but there were many scars on their bodies. Although they were only minor injuries, they were enough for Chen Zimo to pay attention to.

After stopping his figure, Chen Zimo took out several pills and swallowed them in one gulp. While confronting the opposite person, he refined the pills to restore mana and injuries.

Judging from the current situation, this is bound to be a tough battle, a protracted battle that will not end in a short time.

Chen Zimo on the opposite side didn't take any elixir, nor did he attack Chen Zimo, but stayed in the same place very quietly waiting for Chen Zimo to refine the elixir.

After a few breaths, Chen Zimo felt that something was wrong, so he stopped refining the elixir, concentrated his energy, and turned into a purple lightning and rushed towards the opponent.

Seeing this, Chen Zimo on the opposite side also turned into a bolt of purple electricity and rushed towards Chen Zimo.

Two bolts of purple lightning collided, and in an instant, purple thunder shot out all over the place, and lightning flashed within a few feet, forming a small thunderfield.

The two evenly matched red-armed giant apes fought hand-to-hand from the north to the south, with shocking injuries all over their bodies, but the two red-armed giant apes fought more fiercely, showing no intention of stopping to recuperate.

The two red-armed giant apes fought fiercely all the way, accidentally stepped into the small mine field, and were attacked by Zi Lei the next moment.

After being hit by a purple thunder, the two red-armed giant apes immediately left the small mine field, and then continued to fight desperately.

In the center of the mine field, after another fierce battle with another Chen Zimo, Chen Zimo was surprised to find that the other party was like himself, his mana had recovered, and his injuries had also recovered a lot.

At this moment, Chen Zimo finally understood that the reason why the opponent didn't attack just now was to recover his mana and injuries.

It's just that the other party is not a real monk, so he doesn't need to take pills. I'm afraid he just needs to stand still, and the Zhenling Pagoda will take the initiative to help him recover his mana and injuries.

Of course, this is just Chen Zimo's own guess, and there is no real evidence, nor has it been verified.

With a guess, the next step is to verify that the guess is correct.

Therefore, Chen Zimo attacked the opponent with all his strength, and did not give the opponent a chance to get out of the fight, nor gave the opponent any chance to breathe, let alone stand still.

After more than ten breaths of such fierce fighting, Chen Zimo found that the opponent's mana state and injury state were still the same as his own.

You know, Chen Zimo took several pills. Although he didn't use mana to refine them, the pills were still slowly working in Chen Zimo's body.

In the battle of more than ten breaths, the two fought dozens of times, and the consumption of mana was only a star and a half, and there were even several injuries.

In this way, Chen Zimo knew that his previous guess was wrong, and the opponent didn't have to stand still to recover mana and heal his injuries.

At this moment, several possibilities flashed through Chen Zimo's mind, and he picked out the most likely ones and verified them.

After more than ten breaths, Chen Zimo collided with the opponent's palm, and then retreated more than ten feet to distance himself from the opponent.

During these dozen or so breaths of fighting, Chen Zimo racked his brains, guessed and probed many times, and finally figured out how and why the opponent recovered.

Although Zhenling Pagoda was helping him recover his mana and heal his injuries, the recovery strength and recovery were closely related to Chen Zimo, and it was not up to the other party to decide.

No matter how much mana Chen Zimo recovered and how many injuries healed by taking the elixir, the Zhenling Pagoda will attach equal recovery and healing to the opponent according to its perception.

In short, Chen Zimo wanted to take the elixir to recover his mana and injuries, so as to widen the gap with the opponent. This is impossible, and the elixir will only be wasted in vain.

The moment he knew this, Chen Zimo regretted that the white spirit stone was wasted like this.

In the space of Qi Ling, the little boy of Qi Ling showed a faint smile after seeing Chen Zimo understand the principle, and then said with a smile.

"Little guy, it's time. Next, how are you going to deal with it?"

Chen Zimo, who was fighting fiercely, didn't hear the little boy Qi Ling's words, but he felt the meaning of the little boy Qi Ling's words.

As usual, with palms facing each other, it stands to reason that Chen Zimo and the other party should each retreat tens of feet, but this time, only Chen Zimo retreated, and he barely stopped after retreating more than a hundred feet.

But the other party was standing there very steadily at this time, and the next moment he rushed towards Chen Zimo and launched a fierce attack on Chen Zimo.

The two who were originally evenly matched and hard to tell the winner were now being beaten unilaterally by Chen Zimo, unable to launch an effective counterattack.

After being hit a few times, Chen Zimo immediately realized that the situation had changed, so he stopped attacking and put all his strength on defense.

Under the strong defense of the two defensive spirits of Immovable Mountain and Thunder Armor, Chen Zimo resisted the opponent's round of fierce attack, and quickly opened a distance of several hundred feet from the opponent.

During the retreat, Chen Zimo recalled the moment before and after the opponent's strength increased, but he did not find any clues or precursors, just a sudden increase without warning.

The strength of the opponent's enhancement was not great, only about [-]%, but it was enough to suppress Chen Zimo.

There is a saying that is good, it is often the last straw that crushes someone, but the opponent is fully strengthened by [-]%.

In addition, while the strength increased, the mana of the opponent also increased by [-]%.

It's a pity that the injury did not increase by [-]% from the original basis, which made Chen Zimo sigh in his heart.

After the two opened the distance, the other party did not immediately launch a fierce attack, but stood still, as if planning something.

Chen Zimo just glanced at it lightly, and knew what the other party was preparing, so he quickly put on the purple thunder armor and continued to retreat.

If you are trapped in the Bafang Thunder Prison, even if you lose, there is no chance of a comeback.

Just as Chen Zimo left the original area, eight purple thunder spears emerged from the ground at the same time, and then linked together to form a thunder prison.

If it wasn't his own method, and he was extremely sensitive to changes in Lei Lingli's power, Chen Zimo might be caught this time.

After evading the Thunder Prison, Chen Zimo took the opportunity to look at the situation of the red-armed giant ape and the others, but he was beaten by his opponent without exception.

The ghost spirit and the zombie spirit couldn't defeat each other alone, after barely getting rid of the opponent, the two merged immediately.

The siblings thought that the situation could be changed after fusion, but they never thought that the other two would also merge, and they still suppressed the siblings to fight.

Seeing this scene, Chen Zimo gave up his original plan and stopped moving towards Lei Jiao.

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